[01:24] hello, can someone help me? sometimes my cursor just disappears and im unsure why === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life === lg is now known as Guest2276 [07:14] hi people [07:17] do u have a touchscreen? (re @IrcsomeBot: hello, can someone help me? sometimes my cursor just disappears and im unsure why) [10:05] xxx.com [10:05] xxx.com [10:19] Access denied to /home/macos/.local/share/Trash/files/Wifi-Hacking when i try to delete the file i am getting this error how i can delete the file [13:15] Hi all === victor is now known as Guest6172 [16:54] POVA [16:54] P0VA [16:55] 8 [16:55] 8BVZ [16:57] Can anyone help me on how to update from kubuntu 21.10 impish indri to kubuntu 23.10 mantic mintour [17:11] Hi I'm trying to figure out what happened to my ubuntu install. It was working but then stopped giving a login after showing the jellyfish graphics screen(appears to just hang).  But not entirely... ctrl+shift+F1 drops to a console login screen.  I asked some friends and they suggested trying kububtu boot disk, which I did.  However, it boots [17:11] straight to EFI shell, and I'm not sure if that's normal or not? [17:11] (Reinstalling lightdm did not help.) [17:12] (Until this point it was plain ubuntu, not kubuntu) [17:12] Until this point it was plain ubuntu, not kubuntu, but from a usb boot disk it should be a clean start. [17:12] might this be a hardware problem? === GodFather is now known as GodFodder === GodFather is now known as GodFodder === GodFather is now known as GodFodder === GodFodder is now known as GodFather === GodFather is now known as GodFodder === GodFodder is now known as rcc [20:57] I think Kubuntu on laptop lid closed isnt going to sleep. How to check it if its true? To what to report bug? === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc