=== JanC is now known as Guest2285 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [00:53] i'm going to try to finally update my lubuntu 20.04 now that I have a new graphics card. Wish me luck! First I might want to clean out some old ppas from sources.list === JanC is now known as Guest3504 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [01:19] Hey, anyone working on any cool projects [01:20] yes, #libera is full of projects [01:20] !register [01:20] For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://libera.chat/guides/registration - For any further help, ask in #libera [01:22] what does "!register" do? [01:22] Its been a long time since I used IRC [01:23] i am having an interesting problem -- i can't uninstall things in Muon or Discover, but apt still works... seeing what I can find on the internet === neo_ is now known as neo === ros_robot_builde is now known as nec === nec is now known as necrobot [01:47] i hit 'y' here we go! [01:47] lets goooo [01:47] Nice! [01:48] sarnold, i had to clear 271 MB to have enough space for the upgrade XD [01:48] do you remember that time we removed all of snapd and a bunch of other stuff because my partition at the time was only 10 GB [01:48] sem: oh nooooo that's cutting it way too close, my guess is something's going to bust.. [01:48] oh yeah that does sound vaguely familiar [01:49] This time I have more space: there were some large .isos I could remove [01:54] it is already 96% progress! [01:54] libc-bin must have a lot of triggers to process [01:58] it keeps telling me to close xscreensaver before updating... i hope part of the updater will close it [01:58] I think you have to do that yourself [01:59] ok done === chris14_ is now known as chris14 === Guest7675 is now known as Kryten === Kryten is now known as Kryten_ === Kryten_ is now known as Kryten_R === ghost is now known as Guest8568 === ckm is now known as corrodedcoffin === remy_ is now known as Remy === zaki_fl is now known as zaki [10:07] how are u [10:07] helllooo === keypushe- is now known as keypusher === remy_ is now known as Remy [13:15] Hi all [13:39] sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu: Name or service not known [13:40] i changed host name [13:40] now im getting this error message [13:41] also change /etc/hosts [13:42] -bash: cd: /etc/hosts: Not a directory [13:43] warsoul: sudo nano /etc/hosts [13:43] done [13:43] thanks === victor is now known as Guest6172 [14:42] Firefox snap on Ubuntu 22.04 does not open Downloads folder when I click "show-all-downloads" [14:43] Is this a known issue? Am I missing any packages? [15:03] ashafq: lemme try on a fresh ubuntu install, but iirc before i move back to non-snap (keepassxc reasons) i was able to open the download folder === mario_ is now known as mik77 [15:12] ashafq: is yours a fresh install? because I just tested mine, it works [15:20] ashafq: Show all downloads opens the firefox download library not the downloads folder. click the folder icon to the right of the download and should open downloads folder. [15:22] Hi, where can I find more chat rooms or Lubuntu related forums ? [15:22] I was asking about this in #linux but wondered if someone here would know. I'm trying to install `libffi-dev`, but getting "no installation candidate" [15:23] lubuntu channel [15:23] I've tried apt update and apt upgrade, so it seems like there's something wrong with my package cache? [15:23] On focal LTS [15:24] Matthias1: I'm assuming that it's no longer available [15:25] it is still available in noble. also in focal [15:25] https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/libffi-dev [15:25] Matthias1: please copy and paste this into your terminal: ( uname -a ; cat /etc/os-release ; apt-cache policy libffi-dev ; cat /etc/apt/sources.list ) | nc termbin.com 9999 [15:27] https://termbin.com/ph2g [15:27] you don't have a single non-security repo enabled [15:27] why did you disable all of your repositories? [15:28] oh wait, you have universe [15:28] deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal universe ? [15:28] the package is in main [15:29] And I don't have main. That's great [15:29] backup that file and try https://gist.githubusercontent.com/ishad0w/788555191c7037e249a439542c53e170/raw/3822ba49241e6fd851ca1c1cbcc4d7e87382f484/sources.list [15:29] you can remove the last 2 lines [15:29] ooo, faster than me [15:30] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6sNFzHVFW9/ [15:30] I usuall suggest that [15:30] usually* [15:30] it was just a quick google search 🙂 [15:30] What if I comment out my current sources and just keep adding to the bottom lol [15:31] you already have old stuff in there that is commented [15:31] Matthias1: how about just doing away with your complete mess and just run from a working sources.list? [15:31] and it looks like you already lost control over ut [15:31] maybe use a fresh one [15:31] Yeah [15:32] I agree, just start with a fresh one first and if you feel like it, start tweaking again from there [15:32] Apparently I botched it when upgrading from bionic [15:32] Matthias1: curl -s https://gist.githubusercontent.com/ishad0w/788555191c7037e249a439542c53e170/raw/3822ba49241e6fd851ca1c1cbcc4d7e87382f484/sources.list | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade [15:33] maybe replace that last ; with a && [15:45] Got it working without any more issues. Thank you all [15:54] You're welcome, but in all reality you shouldn't yeet an arbitrary GitHub link into your sources list [15:56] it is not arbitrary [16:00] I mean, *I* know where the content is coming from, but something that important should always come from the Ubuntu Web site. ESPECIALLY since Focal (20.04 LTS) is still a supported release for the main flavor [16:01] the url was sent to him before to check. the content is not that complex. it clearly shows only official servers [16:03] You can also find a copy in /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list [16:03] Even on a Live image [16:03] no idea when that gets updated [16:03] You copy it to /etc/apt/sources.list and then change the distribution whichever is correct [16:03] on my noble device it still shows lunar [16:03] *to whichever is correct [16:04] and changing sources the right way was exactly why he was here [16:04] and struggled with it [16:05] But you DON'T have to find that from an unofficial source. It's best practice to use the official source to begin with. [16:05] giving support here without code to paste from a paste bin is almost impossible [16:05] but please try it [16:07] also in this case any packages not signed correctly would be denied by ap [16:07] apt. so i dont see the big security risk [16:08] Would they? What if a GPG key outside the official repos was trusted and signed by the user without examination [16:08] it was not [16:09] And that was lucky [16:09] not by any of the volonteers [16:13] I am done discussing this issue. My point is, if something that can be found within your installation (I do this all the time with, e.g., /etc/skel/.bashrc for resetting my .bashrc file) it's ALWAYS preferable over some arbitrary text file. Good day to you. [16:53] Updating to 23.10, On boot blue screen ERROR Verification failed: (0x1A) Security violation [16:54] Continue Boot has lock on screen Security Boot Fail [16:56] which to allow as trusted? bootx64.efi, mmx64.efi or grubx64.efi to reinstall from usb [16:58] chico_: Disable Secure Boot in BIOS [16:59] Then install all updates and see if it will boot with Secure Boot then [17:02] jeremy31: UEFI Firmware Settings says Secure Boot Mode: Custom.....Erase Secure Boot Setting:....Select an UEFI file as trusted for executing:.....Restore Secure Boot:...Factory Default [17:03] also grub commandline says need to load kernel first [17:05] For Secure Boot I thought there was a shimx64.efi [17:09] jeremy31: Under Ubuntu option ther is (grubx64.efi, shimx64.efi and mmx64.efi) under boot there is ()Bootx64.efi, fbx64.efi and mmx64.efi). Choosing shimx64.efi under ubuntu it says The boot description exists [17:10] under boot would be for the USB I think, try mmx64.efi [17:12] It still does the same. Takes me to MOK Management [17:14] Then pops up the security boot fail screen [17:16] When choosing memory test it says error: file '/BOOT/ubuntu_mcptlo@/memtest86+x64.efi' not found. [17:16] chico_: Does this have Windows installed? [17:17] The memtest only works on Legacy/BIOS boot [17:17] No. was Ubuntu 22.04 upgrading to Ubuntu 23.10 [17:18] when choosing to boot Ubuntu 23.10 it says /BOOT/vmlinuz-6.5.0-21-generic not found [17:19] you need to load the kernel first [17:21] Any other kernel installed? [17:22] Try using Grub Menu advanced options for ubuntu [17:24] jeremy31: Many thanks!! Was able to get secure boot disabled and now reinstalling ubuntu 21.10 from usb. [17:24] chico_: can you boot the install and update it? [17:25] Or just use the ISO on USB, chroot into the install and install updates [17:25] hopefully you mean 23.10 and not 21.10 [17:26] 21.10 was the original, I upgraded to 22.04 fine. When attempting to upgrade to 23.10 had issue with secure boot [17:28] Uefi dbx firmware update issue? [17:29] chico_: That is my bet [17:31] jeremy31: going to do a quick reinstall...updates and not update the uefi dbx and verify [17:35] chico_: The UEFI update must already be in the computer or there wouldn't have been a boot issue with the ISO [17:36] yes, I updated the vs 83 to 371 === pah is now known as pa [19:18] jeremy31: 23.10 running smoothly..:) [19:18] chico_: good === PasiZ4 is now known as PasiZ [22:09] Hi frens. I have 23.10 with 6.5.0-21-generic. I'm noticing that shortly after a kernel upgrade, I get a couple of hard crashes-totally unresponsive requiring hard reboot. I haven't noticed a pattern yet except It just happened while I was running VirtualBox. Keyboard stopped working and two apps stopped responding. Then everything stopped. [22:10] I'm wondering if anyone has heard of anything 23.10 crashing issues. I know it's vague right now. Any tips on finding info about the last crash would be helpful. [23:20] what am i doing wrong here `mlevental ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/modprobe, /usr/bin/rmmod, /usr/sbin/insmod` ? i've tried a bunch of different forms of this and no matter what i still cannot get user `mlevental` to be able to run `modprobe -r` without sudo? [23:20] sorry should've been more clear - i put that line in `etc/sudoers`, logged out, logged in, etc [23:22] is it because modprobe is a symlink... [23:25] what do you mean without sudo [23:25] User mlevental may run the following commands on mlevental-F7BSC: [23:25]     (ALL : ALL) ALL [23:25]     (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/modprobe, /usr/bin/rmmod, /usr/sbin/insmod [23:25]     (ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/modprobe, /usr/sbin/rmmod, /usr/sbin/insmod, /bin/kmod [23:25] the sudoers controls what users can do with sudo [23:25] it doesnt magically let you do thing as root [23:25] err [23:25] i'm le dumb [23:25] ok [23:25] i misread the docs/man [23:26] sorry - what is the point of NOPASSWD then? [23:26] to allow you to use sudo without typing in a password [23:28] OMG [23:28] bro [23:28] thank you [23:28] the point of (ALL) NOPASSWD ??? [23:29] i do not give support for such nonsense [23:29] is this correct or am i opening myself up to l33t hackers somehow: `mlevental ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/modprobe, /usr/sbin/rmmod, /usr/sbin/insmod, /bin/kmod` === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [23:29] (let's ignore whether l33t hackers can pwn me as me through kmod) - i'm just asking if `ALL=(ALL) is somehow more permissive than i want it to be? [23:30] Guest13: try to run modprobe, does it work? try to run soemthgin else, does it not work? [23:30] this is ubuntu support, not pentesting or hackers support. [23:30] i'm asking about sudoers [23:30] syntax [23:30] what do you mean "more permissive" [23:30] that i'm unfamiliar with [23:30] nm [23:30] thanks rbox [23:47] https://www.bing.com/search?q=detect+Bifrost+Malware