
=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher
xu-irc56wHi, totally newbie about Xubuntu, I've just installed one on a virtual machine. I'm looking for a general configuration menu as the one i can find with Ubuntu or debian. I have a menu with multiple items, but not a general one.17:08
diogenessxu-irc56w: what is a 'genera one'?17:12
xu-irc56wa one which gather all parameters, not a pulldown menu. But I guess I've founded what I was looking for. Now my second problem is with the language used for the password when I log in. I have a french keyboard, and of course the language choosen is french, but I have to enter my password in english, once done, everything is in french. I don't know17:15
xu-irc87wI have bought this USB wi-fi adapter, through lsusb my system detects the device as "Bus 003 Device 020: ID 0bda:c832 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. 802.11ax WLAN Adapter", but it does not work. How can I get this to work?17:20
xu-irc87wOn windows the USB adapter is pretty much plug and play, name of the driver on Windows is RLT 8832CU17:21
diogenessxu-irc87w: one question at a time would be better :)17:25
xu-irc87wI don't understand what you mean by that, that was one question. The second message was extra info I forgot to mention that complements the first one17:27
xu-irc56wA general question : I have an old laptop, (17 years old), I've installed Debian on it, but it's very very slow. Do you think Xubuntu would be a better choice on such machine?17:31
ikwyl6anyone know where syndaemon might be called from on startup? I want to change the default settings but cannot find where it's called from (A timer maybe)?18:13
randombeanshey all!21:05
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc

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