[01:48] sgmoore: Just did some more debugging and discovered that .cache being owned by root is *not* Calamares' fault. Something else in Kubuntu is creating or chowning it, because when I start up the ISO, I can open a terminal while on the installer prompt screen without ever clicking "Install Kubuntu", then do `stat .cache` and it shows as being owned by root. [01:49] Any recent upload in KDE that might be doing this? There's a file in there, icon-cache.kcache which is also owned by root. [01:49] and clicking "Try Kubuntu" instantly results in a crashy Plasma despite having never launched Calamares. [03:10] Scratch that, upon further testing it's the installer prompt's fault. [06:28] arraybolt3: it is. I tried earlier today booting the ISO with the installer prompt removed at the rescue target [06:28] .cache was then owned by kubuntu [08:11] RikMills: Yep, did a similar trick here (modded the ISO with Cubic and made the prompt no longer run as root). Problem solved. Already uploaded a fix (with the .git directory no longer getting lumped in, yay!). [08:13] Thanks for your patience while we're getting all the bumps smoothed out :) [08:14] kool [08:15] booting to rescue.target by editing the grub boot line seems easier, but whatever :) [08:16] pretty sure your way is easier but it also requires one to know and remember that it's possible :P [08:17] true. if we have anything like wiki instructions on iso testing, it could be handy to document [08:18] definitely [08:18] but basically you add systemd.uniit=rescue.target after or before quiet splash [08:19] nice, I can probably remember to do that. [08:19] do your modifications in rescue mode [08:20] then CTRL D to carry on booting [08:20] a former release team member told me that IIRC [08:21] awesome [08:22] if you need network access in rescue node [08:22] systemctrl start network-online.target [08:24] yeah, I think this needs documenting. I have used this many times now for various problems [08:25] just saved a snapshot of IRC logs so I can remember this later [08:25] s/saved/threw into an unsaved text document that may vanish if the power goes out, so maybe I should save it/ [08:26] with the network online, you can even add a ppa and upgrade packages before you finish booting :) [08:27] neat [08:27] ok, it's almost 2:30 AM here, I should go to bed :P [08:27] thanks for sharing all these neat tricks with me :D [08:28] np, and sleep well [08:28] thanks [13:14] Hi all [13:16] hiyas [13:17] hey sgmoore [13:28] hi everyone [13:29] hey santa_ How was the move? Hope it went well [13:29] I will be getting slowly back into kubuntu in the next days I hope [13:29] hi santa_ [13:29] sgmoore: still not finished, but I have the table structure and a couple of servers [13:29] the big one is still in the box [13:30] very nice, moving is no fun, I hope to never have to do it again. [13:30] also I'm looking for a new job, I have been doing some interviews [13:31] sgmoore: yeah, this one was also specially complicated for a number of things [13:31] I did that for the last year. Also no fun [13:31] yeah, very time consuming like my move I guess