
=== deepSleep is now known as Guest4150
=== deepSleep is now known as Guest1914
=== deepSleep is now known as Guest5204
=== deepSleep is now known as Guest2808
sarnolddeepSleep: I think the other channels will expire eventually. I don't think this one will. bug me or someone else to remove it when you get your connection sorted out01:52
tomreynsarnold: looks like another ip address or a different pattern is needed02:20
lotuspsychjegood morning02:20
tomreynhello lotuspsychje , thanks sarnold 02:20
=== deepSleep is now known as Guest3109
lotuspsychjeheya tomreyn 02:21
lotuspsychje6.8 incoming to noble updates02:21
lotuspsychje6.8.0-11-generic active02:25
lotuspsychjetada.wav :p02:37
semBashing-om: thanks for the release! I read it regularly via xscreensaver:D03:26
Bashing-omsem: Thanks for the feedback - be aware the team is always open to critique and suggestions.03:29
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== EriC^^_ is now known as EriC^^

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