[00:30] pepeamid: You bring good tiding of great joy to the channel ? [00:40] Bashing-om, maybe we should use tags, 'news' for newsletter, 'docs' for our other stuff (glossary etc).. rocks & other areas of discourse use those tags, but the area (of discourse) will allow fine-tuning of searches [00:41] * guiverc is only around briefly; off to vet with pup somewhat soon (yearly injections etc) [00:42] guiverc: Sorry I am lost for context as to where "maybe we should use tags" applies :( [00:45] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/c/uwn/124 & other searches allow limiting results to specific items.. ie. uwn issues & glossary, link.suggestions appear in that list; if we had 'docs' as tag we could restrict only the 'links, glossary, about etc' to show [00:46] eg. i just changed two articles to use 'docs'... they can be easily found now [00:49] guiverc: Anything that enhances search is a good thing - I must get onto the learning cycle to make application. [00:49] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/tags/c/uwn/124/docs now shows only 'docs'... [00:50] (unless I missed any anyway.. will have to add 'news' later to others) [00:51] guiverc: Neat - we like clean too :P [01:00] (we could even re-massage the ML stuff I post to fridge on release/eol/eoss & paste the discourse with release tag maybe..; aren't that many of those; 24.04 will be next) [01:02] https://dpaste.com/2RUKART67 shows what I created from the ML post where 99% of text (all but last line) comes from [01:03] * guiverc assumes that's the final; my local copy anyway; i may have edited after posting on fridge.. [01:03] looking [01:04] * guiverc adds link to original is on the last line.. [01:07] * guiverc suspects massagine for discouse is easier.. no chasing down a missed

i forgot etc. [01:10] guiverc: You are going to make me brush up on my markdown skills, now aren't you ? [01:12] i can do it anyway; the use of tags makes details easier to find, fridge would still be used (propagates elsewhere) .. but I suspect discourse would get more readers than fridge posts do, and only for a few mins extra (for myself being my thinking).. [01:13] brb doggie do. [01:35] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Colin Watson: Free software activity in January/February 2024 @ https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~cjwatson/blog/activity-2024-02.html [01:35] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: The Fridge: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 829 @ https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2024/03/04/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-829/ [01:37] guiverc: Whatever we can do to point readers to Discourse is a good thing // Related is with the WIKI articles depreciation due to moves to Discourse we can recommend many of them for removal from the servers. [02:13] removing/deleting wiki pages is easy [02:33] Bashing-om, just fyi, but all our items have tags (news or docs)... https://discourse.ubuntu.com/tags/c/uwn/124/none [02:35] guiverc: I been watching ^ in betwix my own goings on :P [02:36] currently no 'release' tag is used; there is one with an eol (closed support-request that can be ignored)... if we post release/eol notices on discouse (as well as fridge) [02:39] I suggest we don't add 'news' tag until publish... I just removed 'news' from issue 830 so it now appears in the 124/none search (after all it's the WIP) [02:43] guiverc: Looking - see what I have to do when publishing. [02:44] there is a tag field at top (towards right).. type news and it'll search for news (telling you how many posts have that tag) & you click it... [02:45] you can also adjust via PEN at top title/edit bit; again it's to the right (field below title) [02:46] * guiverc looking at skeleton/template currently... looking for easy/clear way to 'document' the tags [02:47] we probably could add 'tag' UWN for all.. currently only skeleton uses that tag [02:50] added "Please also add the 'news' tag at publish time (whilst work-in-progress it can be found due to no-tag)" to skeleton in comments; feel free to adjust if better way to put it [02:50] I'll add 'uwn' tag to all docs [02:51] (all our docs I mean) [02:54] guiverc: I fail to understand how/where to see "tags" :( I have 830 open and do not see what I expected to see :( [02:56] if I click edit.. I see "Ubuntu Weekly .. 830" at top in title.. below that the "Ubuntu Weekly" or area of discourse at left & "optional tags" to the right of that... that's where you type news (& wait for it to search for matching tags)... [02:57] its outside of the area where all the work is done; meta-fields at top.. you can change via PEN at title screen too [02:58] do you want me to add 'uwn' tag there; you can then view/edit again & find it; then remove it (as test/play?) [03:06] guiverc: No can do with -what I assume is authorization- the "optional tags" field remains greyed out; I can not type in that box :( [03:06] if i edit 830, you'll lose nothing? [03:07] guiverc: I have nothing else pendin in 830. [03:07] pending* [03:08] I've modified 830 to have 'uwn' tag... if you can see/find it; try removing it. [03:08] looking [03:11] guiverc: Yup - had to "discard" and reopen. Now I do see the "uwn" tag :D [03:11] remove it... & save.. [03:12] (or change it to docs maybe.. your choice..) we can remove again once testing complete [03:12] removed and saved. [03:13] yep.. it disappeared on my window here too :) [03:19] do we want 'uwn' tag on all?? I'm not sure we gain much with it (docs I think were worthwhile) [03:23] guiverc: Got me - I feel that the "news" tag has the broader reach for searchs. [03:24] both news & docs tags are used by non Ubuntu-news posts... the uwn tag would be our-own.. but the area of discourse tells people the team that created the post anyway (thus why I don't see need) [03:25] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/search?q=tags%3Anews shows our UWN articles.. netplan news, rocks news etc.. (ours are at top I suspect mostly as recently changed due to 'news' tag edit) [03:26] Presently I too do not see a need - in the future if that changes we can always then add a tag. [03:26] ack.. & thanks [03:33] guiverc: No thnaks to me - you have put in a lot of *effort* . [03:33] not really... just noticed others using tags; we hadn't & I can see where they could be useful in searches etc.. [03:36] guiverc: As in all things - this too is a learning process :P [03:37] (if only I wasn't forgetting so much that I did learn...) [03:40] guiverc: Only so much mortal ram we posses - got to purge/compress the old to make room for today ? [03:41] * guiverc wishes I had more control on what i forget.. [03:43] Well - I too suffered a brain injury as a youngster - lost ALL my child hood memories. Just not there :( [04:35] sorry to hear that Bashing-om (sorry I went elsewhere).. [04:57] guiverc: Is OK - Those non-existent memories do not impact what is today :D [04:58] :) [05:43] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::fridge:: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 829 @ https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2024/03/04/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-829/