
RickyRat5005or is there anything else I can do to log errors?00:03
oerheksRickyRat5005, was that your bugreport?00:04
oerheksif not, and without the same hardware (nvidia) there is no use of adding log errors. i see issues with brave browser, not in our repos00:05
RickyRat5005Well if I didn't have to buy a new computer it would be preferred.00:08
RickyRat5005And not always using brave when it crashes. Is JUST having it installed a problem?00:08
RickyRat5005It won't be months until I can buy a new PC.00:09
arraybolt3RickyRat5005: It might be worth seeing if the crashes go away when you're not using Breeze. I've seen some mighty strange issues with Chrome that can basically lock up everythiing except for switching to a TTY.00:10
* arraybolt3 has been working with KDE-related stuff too much apparently00:10
RickyRat5005Crashes are happening when not using Brave.00:10
RickyRat5005Do I need to uninstall it completely?00:11
RickyRat5005I was using chrome mostly but have switched to firefox. They seem to happen with the same frequency no matter if I am using chrome or firefox.00:11
RickyRat5005Sorry, back from a lockup! :-)00:15
RickyRat5005@arraybolt3 I uninstalled brave. Any other suggestions?00:24
JanCdoes it only happen when using a browser?00:24
RickyRat5005Well that's hard to say. I am using a browser almost 100% of the time I am using it.00:25
RickyRat5005It doesn't happen when it's not in use...00:25
RickyRat5005So for example if I leave it overnight, I don't come back to a locked up PC00:25
JanCdid you try to disable hardware acceleration in the browser?00:26
RickyRat5005In chrome I did. I haven't tried that in FF. I will try that.00:27
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semCan Haz KDE 6 on 22.04? sorry about cheesburger speak00:46
RickyRat5005Sadly uninstalling brave and turning off hardware acceleration doesn't help.00:46
rboxsem: you could look for some random ppa00:48
semgood point00:49
semidk if it has 6 yet00:51
mybalzitchsem: I've used that, worked well.00:51
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RickyRat5005Should I keep submitting prevjournal.txt files or am I just spinning my wheels?01:34
RickyRat5005I don't know what else I can do in order to solve this issue.01:35
sarnoldman that's rough, you get *four minutes* of uptime before it hangs??01:39
RickyRat5005It varies.01:40
RickyRat5005Sometimes all day.01:40
RickyRat5005Sometimes minutes.01:40
sarnoldso, i've got a few ideas, and I don't like them much, but they're what I've got :( -- (a) remove "quiet splash" from the kernel command line (b) switch to a text console and log in there and just leave it at the console overnight. see if it crashes overnight. I'm hoping it'll dump something useful to the text console with details, and you can photograph that01:41
RickyRat5005Well, it NEVER crashes overnight.01:42
sarnoldtemperature? vibration? power quality?01:43
RickyRat5005So I am not opposed to troubleshooting things like that. It's only when I am using it that it crashes. Always.01:43
sarnoldor maybe it's just something to do with graphics, and overnight it's not graphicing?01:43
RickyRat5005AC office. No AC at night...01:43
RickyRat5005Power is protected by battery backup01:43
RickyRat5005Nothing vibrating on my desk.01:44
sarnoldthat also makes it harder to just leave it turned on, logged in, etc01:44
RickyRat5005I leave it turned on 24/701:44
RickyRat5005It never crashes on Windows... (So the obvious thing is... Why not just run Windows...) Well, I would go back to Windows kicking and screaming (but I may have to). I am really hopeful this can be resolved however.01:46
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sarnoldI used to run my laptop on a usb-c from my monitor -- it sure felt convenient to have one cord for both video and power -- but the monitor couldn't supply more than 65W down that cable, and the laptop could sometimes draw around that, or more, when doing computationally intensive things, and then it'd lose some PCI bus or something, and nothing would work quite right afterwards01:49
sarnoldI fixed it by switching to a horrible dock that's got a better power supply story :(01:49
RickyRat5005So should I just wait for the bugteam to get back to me or is it probably unsolvable?01:54
tomreynRickyRat5005: there's a newer bios update which does "add power loss patch", whatever that means. https://download.lenovo.com/pccbbs/thinkcentre_bios/m3jjy3dusa.txt01:55
tomreyn+ security fixes01:56
sarnoldoh nice01:56
sarnoldyeah the bios errors in your logs are pretty brutal, a bios update seems like a good idea01:56
RickyRat5005I have updated many times. I'll try this one.01:58
tomreynRickyRat5005: to know whether the     ALT + PrtSc + s   takes effect (i.e. you're using the right key combo) before the system locks up, switch to a tty and press Alt + PrtSc + h. it should then print some help text on screen.02:08
tomreynRickyRat5005: to know whether the     ALT + PrtSc + s   takes effect (i.e. system not fully locked up) AFTER the system apparently locks up, Alt + PrtSc + s a few times, then Alt + PrtSc + u, then Alt + PrtSc + b. the last one would trigger a reboot.02:10
tomreyn... that's if the system had not yet fully locked up. this also increases your chances of persisting error logs on the system journal.02:11
tomreynoh they left02:12
sarnoldping timeout, probably another lockup :(02:13
tomreynyes :/02:13
RickyRat5005Ok, I am back with the new bios... Let's see what happens!02:22
sarnold< tomreyn> RickyRat5005: to know whether the     ALT + PrtSc + s   takes effect (i.e. you're using the right key combo) before the system locks up, switch to a tty and press Alt + PrtSc + h. it should then print some help text on screen.02:23
RickyRat5005I'll Try. But it locks up completely. In the past it won't do anything.02:24
tomreyn^ this was for testing you have the right key combo BEFORE it locks up.02:27
tomreynRickyRat5005: this is to ensure you got it right AFTER it locks up: to know whether the     ALT + PrtSc + s   takes effect (i.e. system not fully locked up) AFTER the system apparently locks up, Alt + PrtSc + s a few times, then Alt + PrtSc + u, then Alt + PrtSc + b. the last one would trigger a reboot.02:27
tomreyn... that's if the system had not yet fully locked up. this also increases your chances of persisting error logs on the system journal.02:27
sarnoldI fully expect the kernel prints something like "kernel panic! not syncing: attempted to kill init!" or something to that nature..02:28
RickyRat5005ok, so do a CTRL+ALT+F2, then a ALT + PrtSc +h  right?02:29
sarnoldand you might never get logs of it to disk -- but if you can grab a photo of the crash on the console, that's not too bad. if you can't grab one, then maybe configure a serial console.. that's way less fun.02:29
tomreynRickyRat5005: if CTRL+ALT+F2 gets you the black screen with login prompt, yes, otehrtwise try +F302:29
tomreynyet less fun https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Debugging https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelDebuggingTricks02:30
RickyRat5005Ok, +F3 gets me to a login screen.02:30
RickyRat5005But... Then alt + printsc + h just brings me back to the desktop.02:31
RickyRat5005Same with +F402:31
tomreynthaaats strange02:31
sarnoldvery strange02:32
tomreyncheck if you have some Fn keys active which shift the keys' meaning02:32
RickyRat5005ok, yeah I did finally get F4 to work...02:35
RickyRat5005How do I come back from TTY to a desktop?02:35
tomreynRickyRat5005: ctrl-alt-f2 or -f102:38
tomreynsorry, should have told you that previously02:38
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 3-6, use the keystroke Ctrl + Alt + F3-F6 respectively. Ctrl-Alt-F2 or Ctrl-Alt-F1 will get you back to your graphical login (Ctrl-Alt-F7 on 16.04). To change TTY resolution, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution02:38
RickyRat5005No worries!02:38
tomreynthe exact F keys can vary based on the graphical desktop, graphics server, graphics driver (modesetting variant) you're using02:40
RickyRat5005Thanks. Ok, I will run it tomorrow with the new bios. Thanks for your help. (Time for me to spend time with my wife so she doesn't get mad at me!)02:43
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sarnoldgood luck :) (on both counts!)02:43
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alumnohay alguien03:44
alumnopasen nopor03:51
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dumbledoorWhat does `apt install *` do? Will it download every single package listed in the official repositories? What will be the total size of it? Who does this benefit?07:11
CosmicDJdumbledoor: no it will not, my guess: your shell will expand * to all the files/dirs in the current directory07:22
dumbledoorIf * is escaped, then what?07:22
dumbledoorI did so, and my screen was immediately filled with Note, selecting 'some-package-name' for glob '*' lines07:23
maggaoh :/  my bluetooth just hanged. in the UI it just shows this: https://magnus.dahleide.com/screenshots/Screenshot_from_2024-03-05_13-43-00.png12:43
maggaanyone know how i can turn it on again. i know it will work if i reboot, but i dont want to reboot right now12:43
maggaclicking on and off in the UI doesnt change anything12:43
maggahttps://devicetests.com/ubuntu-bluetooth-command-line - ive tried all the steps here, but none worked12:45
maggahttps://magnus.dahleide.com/screenshots/ubuntu.webm - heres a video of the unresponsive UI in ubuntu12:48
BluesKajHi all13:14
ioriamagga, try to remove and reinsert the module13:18
ioriamagga,  sudo rmmod btusb   and sudo modprobe btusb13:18
MartinTux007hi how are u?13:39
nooneasalamu alaykum13:49
Guest3894hi all13:52
Guest3894i often can't rename folders and file13:52
Guest3894but if i cut and paste on desktop i can to do this and if i reduce the characters of the name of files or folders, after i can cut and paste them in the original folder on the external hd13:53
Guest3894is there a limit of lenght for characters in a path of folders or files in an external hd?13:54
bn_workhi, should fsck normally show output if it's "doing something"?  or is this output indicative that the machine is hung? https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/JXurEBkb/dmesg.log  PS:  kernel = 5.10.13-x86_6413:54
ogra_Guest3894, depends on the filesystem used on the external drives ... fat/vfat surely has some lenght limits ... dos even more (8+3)13:55
Guest3894Offspring great band:-)  i like them13:56
ogra_that shouldnt have lenght limits but probably permission ones13:56
jongstais it a requirement to have port 80 open outbound for a machine to use apt?13:57
jongstai have 443 open and thought it might be sufficient but doesn't appear to be, at least not out of the box13:57
MartinTux007hi thobias14:02
MartinTux007thobias was tut sich?14:06
Guest49Hi all - looking for some advice14:12
Guest49I'm trying to install Ubuntu Studio on a Lenovo laptop and getting stuck.  I've manually created a new partition in the free space on the disk and I was hoping to install the OS there but I can't b/c the 'create' button is greyed out !14:12
Guest49To make matters more complicated I can't use the existing partition as the laptop is running windose 10 and for some reason the disk is showing as full when there are no files on it at all to speak of.  Google tells me this is a common issue with this OS14:12
Guest49I've tried everything I can think of but can't seem to get past this point14:12
Guest49Any ideas?14:12
maggaioria: i treid that, but i didnt work :o i ended up power off and coming back. gonna try it again next time it happens.15:39
jongstahow does one use a module like this to create multiple buckets? https://registry.terraform.io/modules/terraform-aws-modules/s3-bucket/aws/latest15:45
jongstai see the line that talks about using for_each to create multiple similar buckets, that might be how i do this15:46
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lubuntuany1 active?16:08
plastikmandont ask to ask, just ask16:15
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:21
=== JanC is now known as Guest3312
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kozzmozzAnyone feeling happy to support me on an issue I'm experience since my latest ubuntu upgrade to 22.04. Actually the machine was running on 14.04 and I have upograded it from version to version in an ssh session. When I arrived at v20.04 I had no issue's whatsoever with the virtual hosts configured in apache, but after the last upgrade to 22.04 none of my configured vhosts is working anymore.19:50
kozzmozzI'm wondering if this is a known issue as I can't seem to find a quick fix for this so far ...19:51
kozzmozzOr support on troubleshooting would also be welcome. Thanks already.19:51
bpromptkozzmozz: I'm suprised you could upgrade from 14.04 up to 22.04 in the first place =)19:55
bpromptkozzmozz: off the top of my head, I'd guess some Apache version changes19:55
kozzmozzIt was an adventurous from 14.04 to 16.04, all the rest went quite smooth ;-)19:57
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kozzmozzOk I will google on that and see where it brings me, thanks already bprompt !19:58
sarnoldkozzmozz: apache definitely changed authentication and authorization significantly along that timeframe20:16
sarnoldkozzmozz: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/upgrading.html20:18
kozzmozzHi Sarnold, many thanks for your support, when I read your page I get the feeling it has to do with the access control, if I understand this well I will have to replace all these manually in my apache configuration files, this is very helpfull, I will focus on this and see if it solves my problem ...20:24
sarnoldkozzmozz: it's hard to know without more information if that's actually your problem, but it certainly caused issues for a lot of people over the last few years20:24
kozzmozzThe error is not producing any error logs, the only understanding I have so far is that when I browse the host I get connection refused errors.20:26
leftyfbkozzmozz: is apache running?20:27
kozzmozzit's running, i can browse it on the ip20:31
sarnoldkozzmozz: aha! connection refused is very useful ;) it means that somewhere between the web browser and the web server either (a) the server isn't listening on the correct IP address and port (sudo ss -tnlp) or (b) there's some firewall rules in place on either machine, any firewalls, NAT firewalls, routers, or cloud infrastructure between them20:51
dtomatochances are it's (a).... (b) usually results in dropped packets and timeouts instead of clean connection refuseds21:07
kozzmozzoh great, I missed your answer sarnold first, and that while the persons from #dns supporting me pointed me out to rephrase my question here, I feel dumb.21:24
kozzmozzWhen running the ss command this is resulting for the apache service :21:24
kozzmozzLISTEN      0           128                                              *:80                           *:*          users:(("apache2",pid=34021,fd=4),("apache2",pid=33001,fd=4),("apache2",pid=32972,fd=4),("apache2",pid=32971,fd=4))21:24
kozzmozzTo my knowledge this looks ok ?21:24
sarnoldkozzmozz: do you have a browser extension in place that tries to redirect your requests to HTTPS rather than HTTP?21:36
kozzmozzYes ! Monkey that I am, thanks sarnold, you're a hero !21:42
sarnoldkozzmozz: yay :D21:43
sarnoldbananas all around!21:43
kozzmozzAnd donkey food ;-)22:08
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whiskey76Ubuntu Cinnamon 23.10. Most icons (all but Hexchat) don't show in the system tray on the right side. I removed the System Tray applet and put it back in, but those icons still don't show up. Any ideas? Thanks.23:12
jeremy31whiskey76: using Wayland?23:13
whiskey76X11, sorry23:14
whiskey76at least that's what 'echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE' says23:14
jeremy31That should be correct.  Not sure why most app icons would be missing in Cinnamon23:15
whiskey76It's funny. I run Cinnamon 23.10 on 2 machines. The icons are fine on my intel rig, but not on the amd rig. idk hehe23:16
bpromptwhiskey76: are you sure is not a systray setting?23:18
whiskey76I am not sure. What do I check?23:19
whiskey76When I bring up System Tray in the Applets dialogue, there is no option to configure it, just remove or add.23:20
bpromptwhiskey76: well, I don't run cinnamon, I run LXQT, and in its panel, I can rearrange things or add or remove things from the systray23:20
whiskey76ah ok23:20
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oerhekssounds like a mint issue23:36
jeremy31oerheks: I think Ubuntu Cinnamon is an official flavor now23:37
Despatcheoh, i heard cinnamon was "outmoded". glad to hear that's not true. i like cinnamon a lot23:38
Despatchethen again, wayland worshippers say that x is "outmoded", so...23:38
arraybolt3oerheks, jeremy31: that is correct, Ubuntu Cinnamon is an official flavor of Ubuntu.23:38
arraybolt3(Cinnamon 22.04 and older are remixes, Cinnamon 23.04 and later are official, Cinnamon 23.10 is currently the only official flavor release that is not EOL.)23:39
oerheksreset the panel; gsettings reset-recursively org.cinnamon23:40
oerheks* as i see only bugreports for mint23:40
whiskey76Thanks oerheks. I just hit Ctrl+Alt+Esc and all the icons showed up. :)23:51

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