[00:18] arraybolt3: damn. ISO build fails due to some other efi lib issue https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/noble/kubuntu [00:30] looks like the grub2 that migrated to release 6 hrs ago means the ISO wants conflicing libefivar* libs installed [00:31] Eickmeyer: tsimonq2 could one of you kick a ISO rebuild of your flavour to see if that conflict is now common accross ISOs? [00:31] RikMills: I literally did that about 5-10 minutes ago for both Edubuntu and Ubuntu Studio. [00:31] Eickmeyer: awsome! [00:33] Edubuntu failed, looks transient: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/717895904/buildlog_ubuntu_noble_amd64_edubuntu_BUILDING.txt.gz [00:33] RikMills: Trying Lubuntu now. [00:34] Respinning. We'll see what breaks, if anything. [00:36] Huh, looks like the "can't rebuild after a failed manual rebuild' bug is gone. [00:36] 🎉 [00:36] awesome news! [00:36] Ope, Studio failed. [00:37] looks unrelated to Kubuntu's issue [00:37] 3 different errors so far! [00:38] `/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: failed to get canonical path of `overlay'.` [00:38] `/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: failed to get canonical path of `overlay'.` [00:38] !repeat [00:38] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/ [00:38] still looks related to the new grub2 though [00:38] lol, I expected to get a "command not found" error from that [00:39] Yep, that's 100% grub2. [00:39] * RikMills goes to watch lubuntu livefs [00:40] canonical path of /cow? that would be utterly terrible [00:40] canonical path of *overlay*. [00:40] maybe we can get 4 different fails [00:40] arraybolt3: old joke :P [00:40] heh, I have seen this error many times. [00:41] I guess Canonical misplaces their cattle quite a bit. [00:41] Lots of people have beef with Canonical because of it [00:41] if only they could moooove on [00:41] ok I'm from WI I have cow puns for days :P [00:41] *groan [00:42] anyone happen to throw this in a BR yet? [00:42] he's milking it for all it's worth [00:42] tsimonq2: not yet, waiting on Lubuntu to explode [00:42] ah, explosion granted [00:42] lubuntu failed the same as kubuntu [00:42] ok roger that [00:42] yep, same libefivar1t64 [00:42] ok, I feel less alone now ;) [00:43] pretty sure it is the new grub that picked up conflicting t64 lib deps [00:49] oh well, at least the ISOs being broken is not our fault now ;) [00:49] uh, yay! bummer. [02:12] Edubuntu: libefivar1t64 : Breaks: libefivar1 (< 38-3.1) [07:25] unfortunately .. its not fixing the system tray (re @sgmoore: I am hoping this update fixes the system tray woes. Unfortunately, I can't reproduce it 😢) [08:14] ? The new plasma? It's far from done, I had to stop building as the builders are grumpy from the t_64 transition. (re @myfenris: unfortunately .. its not fixing the system tray) [08:15] At any rate I think it might be something else unrelated to plasma. [08:31] saw the plasma-pa also got dependencies (re @sgmoore: ? The new plasma? It's far from done, I had to stop building as the builders are grumpy from the t_64 transition.) [08:41] 😞 (re @sgmoore: ? The new plasma? It's far from done, I had to stop building as the builders are grumpy from the t_64 transition.) [10:27] Just noticed that the QA link in the channel description redirects to a domain that is for sale... (kubuntu.co.uk) [11:00] ah yes, most of those links are very wrong. I don't have permssions to fix. RikMills? rick-timmis? valorie? === RikMills changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu Development | Mantic Minotaur is released | Support in #kubuntu Development: https://kubuntu.org/1 | Tasks: https://kubuntu.org/2 | Packaging: https://kubuntu.org/3 | Pack. Docs: https://kubuntu.org/5 | Calendar: https://kubuntu.org/6 | Kubuntu Manual: https://github.com/kubuntu-team/kubuntu-manual. This channel is logged. [11:02] removed for now [11:03] thanks! [11:04] janr: we are in an overhaul of #allthethings atm but areworking very hard on getting back to where we used to be. Lots of exciting things happening at once. [11:05] in other news, armhf is still broken, so plasma delayed antoher day. [11:18] sgmoore: That sounds very positive :) I noticed there are some activities on https://invent.kde.org/teams/distribution-kubuntu/ , is this going to replace the sites on Phabricator? [13:35] Hi all [14:09] hiyas [15:14] ISO might be fixed. retrying [15:15] I think I may have reproduce systray bug.. @myfenris @Eickmeyer y'all on Wayland by chance? [15:18] Wayland or X, it shows in both (re @sgmoore: I think I may have reproduce systray bug.. @myfenris @Eickmeyer y'all on Wayland by chance?) [15:19] Blah, ok, only in Wayland are they missing for me [17:28] ok, we have a new ISO [17:28] arraybolt3: should have your installer prompt fixes ^^^ [18:07] woot! [19:36] oh gosh, I think I set up those link redirects in the /topic, but I doubt that kde still provides those [19:37] apachelogger might know? because I think he created the system, and he's not in chan [22:04] myfenris: you don't happen to be fenris on the IRC side do you? [22:05] If so, there's an Ubuntu Membership Board meeting that could use your help [22:06] nevermind, got confused