[00:36] Does Kubuntu run under Windows 11 Hyper-V? [00:37] user|72: should, sure, is just a VM right? [00:37] Yes.  Getting errors trying to load.  Will keep digging.  Thanks. [00:41] Secure Boot must be off. [00:42] bprompt: some laptops also have a raid controller that needs to be disabled. [00:47] sorry, user|72: some systems have a raid controller that may need to be disabled. === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [02:52] when is plasma 6 coming to kubuntu [04:42] Kubuntu plasma 6 will arrive in 24.10. === vincejv_ is now known as vincejv [11:30] in kubuntu 22.04, how do rearrange the priorities of audio devices like I could in 18.04? [11:32] I want to have the two headsets (work and home) I use at the top, then the integrated speaker/microphone, if neither headset is connected === victor is now known as Guest9699 [13:35] Hi all [13:52] How to set DNS in Kubuntu? [13:57] Hey y'all, I installed kubuntu-desktop, and one of the dkpg-reconfigures that it showed me was about a package called 'embfc' or something, which said that exploits had been found making it insecure. I clicked through thinking it probably wasn't important, but now I'm trying to remember what the package was called so I can google it. Any ideas? === rkratky__ is now known as rkratky === tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson === diogeness_ is now known as diogeness