
arraybolt3cjwatson or whomever else works on debconf - Did you or anyone else happen to recently add conffile conflict handling to debconf? I remember seeing an old Debian bug report that asked for it to be added, but it seemed to have stalled. Asking because I just noticed a debconf prompt asking me to resolve a conffile conflict and thought it was neat that this was possible for at least the grub-pc02:23
arraybolt3package, but also wondered if there was any way to turn this off since it's happening in Lubuntu 24.04 and Lubuntu's updater has built-in conffile conflict handling that is quite a bit more efficient and prettier at least in our environment.02:23
arraybolt3*a debconf-kde prompt to be specific02:23
sarnoldthere's something like three different tools here: ucf, dpkg conffiles, maintainer script magic, and I think a fourth method of doing as little as possible02:39
cjwatsonarraybolt3: nothing in this area has changed in debconf for quite some time.  I guess you must have encountered ucf10:05
kpcyrdhello! I'm new to this, I've uploaded a bugfix for a package to debian unstable and it made it into noble-proposed/universe. what would be the next steps to request/propose moving the update from noble-proposed -> noble? thanks in advance!10:45
juliankkpcyrd: you wait until it happens10:50
juliankkpcyrd: or you solve whatever the issues are10:50
kpcyrdjuliank: where can I lookup the issues?10:50
juliankkpcyrd: so go to the britney output at https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html and see what it's blocked on10:50
juliankkpcyrd: note that with the t64 transition lots of stuff is blocked on that10:51
juliankkpcyrd: hint: it's best to search for 'packagename (' such that you find the section for your package10:51
kpcyrdok, so it seems if I want to make sure the bugfix is going to make it I'd try to avoid the dependency to nettle10:52
juliankkpcyrd: for more questions I probably am going to need the package name10:52
kpcyrdah yes sorry: repro-env10:52
juliankif that's the only issue, I do think it's fine the nettle will migrate eventually and all will be well10:53
kpcyrdok awesome, thank you!10:53
juliankyou're welcome10:54
adrienin the update_excuses.html page, you can also append that to the url: #your-package, like #openssl or #xz-utils11:00
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mkukrii cant build bpfcc against llvm-18 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/llvm-toolchain-18/+bug/205646616:52
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2056466 in llvm-toolchain-18 (Ubuntu) "bpfcc fails to build against llvm-18-dev" [Undecided, New]16:52
mkukriis there suppossed to be a libLLVM.so.18.1?16:54
ginggsLocutusOfBorg: ^17:21
LocutusOfBorgmkukri, ginggs this is already fixed in Debian git18:53
LocutusOfBorgand sid18:53
LocutusOfBorgbut until we finish the build, I don't think doko will sync :)18:53
dokoalready building llvm-18 in a ppa18:55
tsimonq2mwhudson, juliank, vorlon: Hello, I bring gifts: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/germinate/+bug/205648319:50
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2056483 in germinate (Ubuntu) "Provides and NBS" [Undecided, New]19:50
tsimonq2I'm happy to write the code, would just like advice on the approach, if that makes sense.19:51
vorlontsimonq2: I don't think you're going to have success trying to fix this in germinate.  It is not universally correct to prefer a virtual package over a real one. The bug here is that seed traversal hit a dependency on libefivar1 first, marked it for inclusion; then hit a dependency on libefivar1t64, and couldn't resolve the conflict19:53
tsimonq2vorlon: I'm not advocating for a universal solution to prefer virtual packages, I'm advocating for Germinate to become smarter based on how apt's dependency resolution works.20:00
tsimonq2The piece that still puzzles me is, should livecd-rootfs's apt configuration be a hair more permissive? Or is this something that *can* be done in germinate?20:01
tsimonq2Alternatively... germinate *could* just exclude NBS packages entirely20:03
tsimonq2https://code.launchpad.net/~tsimonq2/germinate/+git/germinate/+merge/462006 :)21:19
vorlontsimonq2: ok, I see your implementation specifically seeks to identify nbs packages, which is better than trying to interpret things via Provides:.  I will defer to juliank on this; there are still certainly trade-offs here where refusing to install an NBS package can break a build21:51
tsimonq2thanks :)22:18
* tsimonq2 is curious to hear those tradeoffs22:18
mwhudsontsimonq2: there is a wider point here which is that we do conceptually bunk in livecd-rootfs23:43
mwhudsontsimonq2: germinate is an apt simulator, to some extend. so we take a list of packages from the seed and simulate which packages would be installed if you install all of them23:43
mwhudsonthen we take that list that germinate made, and ask apt to install all of *them* in the chroot23:44
mwhudsoni don't know why we do this! we could just feed in the top level packages from the seed23:44
mwhudsonwhich would at least give apt the chance to avoid issues like this23:45
mwhudsonugh typos galore but you get the idea23:45

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