
=== rkratky__ is now known as rkratky
juliank#startmeeting Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team16:01
meetingologyMeeting started at 16:01:39 UTC.  The chair is juliank.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology16:01
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick16:01
juliank#topic Lightning rounds16:01
juliank#link https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/foundations-teams-updates-thursday-2024-03-0716:01
juliank#topic Release incoming bugs16:14
juliank#link http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-nn-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs16:14
juliankbug 205637516:14
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 2056375 in mokutil (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Studio ISO fails to build: '/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: failed to get canonical path of `overlay'.'" [Critical, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/205637516:14
juliankvorlon: you tagged this but it's basically waiting for mokutil to migrate which has a dep-wait on armhf, where we don't even use mokutil and forced grub through16:15
juliankor rather force deleted grub16:15
juliankshould we just force delete mokutil in armhf?16:15
vorlonjuliank: I don't follow how it's a mokutil issue, how would that force the removal of packages?16:16
vorlonI can certainly force delete mokutil on armhf, I don't mind16:16
vorlonI just don't follow how you figured that out16:16
juliankvorlon: grub is removed because it is built against libefivar1t64, and we install mokutil from release pocket which still uses libefivar116:17
juliankmigrating new mokutil with libefivar1t64 depends fixes issue16:17
vorlonexcept the libefivar1 dep should be satisfied by libefivar1t64 Provides: libefivar116:17
vorlonif promoting mokutil works around it, that's fine, let's just do that16:18
vorlonand we can move on to the next bug here :)16:18
juliankAPT being stupid I suppose16:18
juliankbug 205572016:18
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 2055720 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Edubuntu upgrade removed universe repo mantic -> noble" [High, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/205572016:18
enr0nThe main reason I tagged this is that when u-r-u doesn't find valid sources, it offers to setup default sources. Currently that means configuring main and restricted. That's just wrong, right?16:19
enr0nAt the very least it's inconsistent with the default sources described in https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/spec-apt-deb822-sources-by-default/2933316:19
schopinDo we enable universe by default?16:20
schopinOn a new install, I mean.16:20
waveformwe used to16:20
waveformthere was an issue where they were disabled ... I think that came up in mantic with ubuntu-image produced builds but it was fixed before release I believe16:21
enr0nogayot and dbungert would probably know what we do on default installs16:21
* Eickmeyer chimes16:21
EickmeyerFlavors require universe on new installs16:22
waveformyes, LP: #203701816:22
* Eickmeyer chimes out16:22
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 2037018 in ubuntu "universe and multiverse missing from apt sources" [Undecided, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/203701816:22
vorlonenr0n: "default" sources should include universe, for all install types16:23
enr0nvorlon: cool thanks16:23
upilsubuntu-image is setting main,restricted by default but some (ex. ubuntu-server-pi-arm64) configurations do override it to add universe and multiverse16:23
vorlonI think multiverse should also be enabled though the history there is a bit muddled16:23
* juliank relatedly is also working with josch to get a hook added to mmdebstrap that auomtatically enables universe on Ubuntu systems16:23
vorlonupils: well there's a bug about it being wrong to use the same set of components for the image build and the post-install sources16:23
waveformindeed -- it shouldn't be enabled during the image build itself, but patched in at the end16:24
juliankI see bootstraps of any sorts are main/restricted only, and then enable universe/multiverse? before building final image16:24
juliankso we don't install packages from them into the image :)16:25
vorlonjuliank: bootstraps of *Ubuntu* are main/restricted only16:25
upilsvorlon: which is now fixed (see LP: 2038111)16:25
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 2038111 in ubuntu-image "must be able to distinguish between components for image build and target sources.list in image definition" [Medium, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/203811116:25
vorlonflavors include universe16:25
vorlonupils: ok :)16:25
enr0nOkay, well for the case of ubuntu-release-upgrader, which is *not* building images, I am going to just add universe to the default components.16:25
enr0nI'll untag etc.16:26
vorlonenr0n: (and multiverse)16:26
enr0nvorlon: ack16:26
juliankAnd next is another enr0n thingie: bug 205580616:26
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 2055806 in openssh (Ubuntu) "sshd.service ssh.socket systemd-tmpfiles-setup:Before= - Missing privilege separation directory: /run/sshd" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/205580616:26
vorlonanalysis on the bug, seemed like it was a slam dunk to fix?16:27
enr0nvorlon: does that mean you agree with my comment (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/+bug/2055806/comments/8)16:28
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 2055806 in openssh (Ubuntu) "sshd.service ssh.socket systemd-tmpfiles-setup:Before= - Missing privilege separation directory: /run/sshd" [Undecided, New]16:28
vorlonenr0n: well it made sense to me :)16:28
enr0nvorlon: ack, I will upload a fix today then16:28
vorlonso I agree but have thought deeply about it independently!16:28
juliankIf that fails some way we can always add the After= :D16:29
juliankOK that's it for incoming bugs, the other releases did not have anything for us16:29
juliank#topic Team proposed-migration report16:29
juliank#link https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs16:30
* juliank hands the talking stick to vorlon16:30
dbungertdoes it crash the browser today?16:30
vorlon480 packages needing attention16:30
vorlonhasn't crashed my browser *yet*16:30
vorlonlet's go ahead and assign some of these out16:31
vorlonand everybody can share in the time_t fun16:31
vorlonlibselinux: adrien please16:31
vorlonvim: bdrung16:31
vorloninitramfs-tools vs klibc: cpete16:32
adrienbtw, as I mentioned on mattermost, if it crashes your browser, download the page, and atler the page with: sed 's/<a href="https:\/\/.*-perl.*">\(.*\)<\/a>/\1/'16:32
vorlonprocps: dbungert:16:32
vorlonpython-ldap: waveform16:32
adrienvorlon: I'm scared :D16:32
vorlonlibgtk3-perl: dviererbe:16:32
vorlondviererbe: fwiw that seems to be a general pango1.0 ppc64el issue, based on the list of regressions - so you'll probably need to fix pango1.0 itself16:33
dbungertadrien: my go-to is to just look at it in `links` on such days16:33
vorlonlibbsd: Skia16:33
waveformor good ol' w3m16:33
vorlonlibapt-pkg-perl: ginggs16:33
ginggsaye aye16:33
vorlonpackagekit: xypron16:33
adriendbungert: I know some do but I find it less readable; this sed call reduces the memory usage byt 75% currently, probably more when the page is worse16:33
vorlonpython-apt: juliank16:34
vorlondnspython: mkukri16:34
vorlonpython-cups: mateus-morais16:34
vorloncurl: I'm just going to take this one myself because I know what that bootstrap chain looks like :)16:34
Skiafor information, initramfs-tools vs klibc, there already is a fix here: https://salsa.debian.org/kernel-team/initramfs-tools/-/merge_requests/9116:34
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Merge 91 in kernel-team/initramfs-tools "d/t/test-common: fix finding klibc.so" [Opened]16:34
vorlonpublicsuffix: enr0n16:34
cpeteskia: perfect, thanks16:35
vorlonSkia: great, then someone can cherry-pick :)16:35
Skiayes, I think bdrung wanted to have a look, and certainly got sidetracked16:35
vorlonapt vs db5.3: ogayot16:35
ogayotvorlon: ack16:35
vorlonapt vs xz-utils: upils16:35
vorlonccache: pushkarnk16:36
vorlonogayot: let's make that db5.3 in general please, there are several packages that need retested with --all-proposed or such (assuming they're fixed to depend on libdb5.3t64)16:36
vorlonelfutils: ravikant_:16:37
vorlonfwupd vs xz-utils: schopin16:37
schopinvorlon: ack16:37
vorlonlibtirpc: liushuyu16:37
vorlonlibuv1: mwhudson16:37
liushuyuvorlon: okay16:37
vorlonpycurl: vpa1977:16:37
ravikant_vorlon: I am ooo next week, can sombody else take it?16:37
bdrungcpete, please give me initramfs-tools vs klibc. you get vim instead. i have a pending initramfs-tools upload where i can include the fix from Skia (and yes, i missed to pick that fix)16:37
vorlonand the rest of xz-utils to zhsj16:37
vorlonbdrung: done for now16:38
cpetebdrung: ack16:38
schopinnice, I got a non-armhf regression!16:38
adrienvorlon: so, umockdev armhf build fails (it failed a couple minutes ago) due to t64; are there general guidance there?16:38
juliankvorlon, ravikant_ I can take elfutils too I suppsoe16:38
vorlonadrien: do we need to get umockdev rebuilt? if so, make that happen.  or if we need to retest with --all-proposed, do that16:38
ravikant_juliank: thanks16:38
adrienvorlon: ack, thanks16:39
vorlonadrien: ah you said the build fails.  So yes, you need to make it not fail :-)16:39
vorlonif you're lucky that's maybe a simple retry with new apt, or a copy to the bootstrap archive and back16:39
vorlonif you're unlucky you should sign up to learn how to trace bootstrapping horrors with me16:39
* schopin will try to attend that workshop16:40
adrienthanks, I'll see, it's either t64 or something else yet to be fully identified16:40
bdrungSkia, I included your fix in the 0.142ubuntu20 upload which is still in -proposed16:40
Skiabdrung: great!16:40
vorlonadrien: you're unlucky, umockdev depends on glib16:41
vorlonadrien: or maybe you're lucky, because that means you probably don't have anything to do there and maybe should leave it to mwhudson or doko or myself16:42
adrienhaha, I'll also try to get up to speed with what's going on with glib16:42
vorlonadrien: there's a terrible bootstrap loop between glib2.0 and gobject-introspection16:43
adrien(well, at least for t64 because I never want to get deep into glib :) )16:43
vorlonI got as far as building glib2.0 without gir16:43
vorlonand then I had to leave it there to work on other stuff and didn't look any deeper at bootstrapping gobject-introspection16:44
vorlonso jbicha reverted it because it was blocking things on !armhf in -proposed16:44
vorlonjuliank: back to you16:44
adrienthanks for the summary, yeah, it's complicated16:44
adrienand long16:44
juliank#topic aob16:45
pushkarnktomorrow is a public holiday in India16:47
bdrungand in Berlin16:48
julianknot here :(16:48
juliankbut on the bright side it's going to be sunny16:48
juliank(pun intended)16:48
ravikant_It is International Women's Day16:49
bdrungwe got this public holiday because Berlin has fewer public holidays than other regions in Germany16:49
julianksome celebrate women, other celebrate shiva16:50
juliankfinal call!16:53
meetingologyMeeting ended at 16:53:29 UTC.  Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2024/ubuntu-meeting.2024-03-07-16.01.moin.txt16:53
ravagehi leftyfb . thanks for joining. so now i know my bridge works 🙂19:12
arraybolt3looking forward to the coming meeting :)19:24
ravageoh already here19:33
ic3br34ker27Hi Everyone=D19:55
oerhekshi ic3br34ker2719:55
Bashing-omic3br34ker27: :D Hey-ya - Hang on a bit and we get started.19:55
lucyllewyhello all19:56
naudyHello 👋19:56
arraybolt3I'm not quite here yet :P19:56
oerheksand hi lucyllewy19:56
arraybolt3I have four minutes, I need those!19:56
ravagei can see you arraybolt3 !19:56
oerheks3 minutes..19:57
ilviperoHi all19:57
linaporrasHi all!19:57
ic3br34ker77Hi everyone:D  , Greetings19:58
arraybolt3two minutes... getting there19:58
arraybolt3great, I broke IRC19:58
lucyllewyhi arraybolt319:59
arraybolt3alright, got it back :P (hit a wrong button in WeeChat)19:59
arraybolt3and I am finally here.19:59
lucyllewyhi linaporras19:59
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)19:59
arraybolt3-5, -6, -7...20:00
lucyllewywho do we have in from the board this evening?20:00
* Bashing-om present20:02
lucyllewyme too20:02
ic3br34ker77My name is Carlos Maestre, nice to meet you everyone. I´m from Barranquilla, Colombia.:D20:02
lucyllewywe will need to wait to see if any more members can arrive. We have three potential voters right now (1 via proxy) but we need four to meet quorum20:04
arraybolt3mesebrec: o/20:04
oerheksarraybolt3, Bashing-om, lucyllewy and me..20:04
oerhekswe do have 420:04
arraybolt3I'm not on the UMB?20:05
lucyllewyoerheks: arraybolt isn't Larry20:05
mesebrecHi everyone! o/20:05
arraybolt3I'm here to advocate for ravage's application, not vote :P20:05
oerheksoh sorry20:05
Bashing-omoerheks: Larry aka Wildman :D20:06
lucyllewymapreri: are you about?20:06
Bashing-omKilos ^ same20:07
lucyllewywe need either fenris, mapreri, or Kilos to be here as well20:08
lucyllewymight need to petition the cc to allow cc members to vote in case they can fill a quorum quota in future meetings20:09
arraybolt3only additional member I see who's in the room is mapreri20:09
arraybolt3oh wait20:09
arraybolt3I see I missed stuff20:09
arraybolt3somehow my IRC client stopped scrolling down.20:10
mesebrecMaybe ping some people via Telegram, for example?20:12
mesebrecI see Mattia hasn't been online here for a while, but he's online on Telegram20:12
oerheksIs Mark himself online?20:14
lucyllewymapreri already indicated they might not make it20:15
lucyllewywe might have to defer the meeting :'( we have the 22:00 slot today as well if any applicants can shift, but I'm not sure if anybody extra will be able to make that who hasn't managed this meeting20:19
lucyllewythe alternative is the board members vote via our mailing list20:19
ravagei am here if needed. dont know about the others20:20
ic3br34ker77I would like to submit the link to my UBM application.20:21
arraybolt3ic3br34ker77: ravage isn't on the UMB, he's seeking Ubuntu Membership this meeting.20:22
oerheksic3br34ker77, thanks, nice pictures!20:22
ic3br34ker77oh, cool just like me:D20:22
linaporrasGood idea the mailing list20:23
lucyllewywe're well into the scheduled hour, and I don't want to keep you if there's not much likelihood of getting the required Quorum by the end of the time slot to be able to start the meeting, so if you'd all like I can either move you to the later meeting today (1.5 hours from now at 22:00 GMT) or take the vote to email20:24
ic3br34ker77Thanks oerheks20:24
lucyllewywaiting is another option if you would prefer that20:25
ic3br34ker77by my side, I don´t have any problem.20:25
mesebrecI'm not sure I understand the quorum rules20:26
mesebrecMembership board has 6 voting members20:26
mesebrecif 3 are present, isn't that enough?20:26
lucyllewymesebrec: I think it is 50%+1 unless 50% is already an odd number20:26
lucyllewyso floor(50%+1)20:27
mesebrecSo that's 320:27
lucyllewyoops. I explained that bad. I meant integer, not odd20:28
mesebrecThe number here is wrong because the CC is part of the team (for technical reasons) https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-membership-board/+members#active20:28
lucyllewyas we have 6 members it's floor((6/2)+1) = floor(3+1) = 4. if we had 7 it'ld be floor((7/2)+1) = floor(3.5+1) = 420:30
cangreja533Hello, warm greetings from Colombia20:37
mesebrecOk, the Matrix Council is having a meeting now, but we can jump back here if quorum is reached20:37
lucyllewywe'll try to get things sorted via email asap if that's the decision20:38
lucyllewywe also still have the second meeting slot today if we can't get quorum by the end of this slot20:38
lucyllewyso sorry about this20:38
mesebrecNo problem, it happens!20:39
mesebrecIf it's a persistent problem, feel free to ask the CC for help and we can see if we can do interim elections or provide some replacements.20:39
ic3br34ker77no worries lads, It's understandable, it happens.20:40
Bashing-omcangreja533: Welcome - are you too going to be a participant in FLiSoL Barranquilla ?20:40
lucyllewythank you, mesebrec. I'll chat with the board to see what we want to do20:43
cangreja533I would love to, but I am organizing FLISOL in Manizales20:43
lucyllewywe'll then mail the CC with those ideas and request advice or help20:43
ic3br34ker778)  FliSoL Manizales, with the smell of coffee =D20:44
oerheksmeanwhile, a fresh kernel update on 22.0420:46
Bashing-omcangreja533: For visibility be good to post to Discourse that Manizales will be a part: eg - https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/flisol-barranquilla-2024/42702 :D20:46
lucyllewythat's about the time slot finished. we'll bump everyone to the next slot in 1 hour unless you request to take your application through to email20:57
ravagewe can wait21:08
ic3br34ker77Yeah sure.21:12
ic3br34ker77Welcome gschiano !22:00
gschianoHello :)22:00
lucyllewyokie dokie. time for round two. hopefully we can get quorum this time.22:00
ic3br34ker77Round 2XD22:01
lucyllewywe need two of: Bashing-om, mapreri, Kilos, fenris22:01
lucyllewyI have a proxy for wildman so with two others and myself we can meet quorum.22:01
ravagesounds promising 🙂22:02
* Bashing-om present22:02
lucyllewy1 met22:02
lucyllewyneed 1 more22:02
gschianoStars aligning22:02
* arraybolt3 kicks stars22:02
lucyllewyhi ilvipero22:02
gschianoHey ilvipero22:02
lucyllewymapreri: has ducked out for certain22:03
lucyllewythat leaves either Kilos or fenris22:03
gschiano*invokes fenris* (because his name sounds like an invocation)22:04
ic3br34ker77 Fenris woow, the mythological wolf of ragnarok.22:05
arraybolt3is "fenris" known as "myfenris" on Telegram?22:05
arraybolt3If so, I just pinged him22:05
arraybolt3(via #kubuntu-devel)22:05
lucyllewyI'm confused as to names. silly memory is broken. We need Wild_Man22:06
arraybolt3fenris already voted?22:06
lucyllewysorry about that. I can't equate people's telegram display names to irc nicks unless they are the same :P22:06
ic3br34ker77I'm sorry how do you vote? I'm also trying to vote for UM but I don't understand... apologies in advance.22:09
ic3br34ker77correction, I'm sorry how do you vote? I'm also trying to find out if you vote for me to be UM but I don't understand... apologies in advance.**22:11
arraybolt3The Ubuntu Membership Board votes on whether people become Ubuntu Members or not. So far we have two people here and a third has already voted in advance, we need one more person...22:11
lucyllewyic3br34ker77: we need a "quorum" of board members to be able to run a meeting22:12
arraybolt3...and that one more person isn't showing up yet.22:12
lucyllewyit's only the board members that may vote on membership applications in this process22:12
Bashing-omic3br34ker77: 6 members of the board - upon examining your application each cast a yea or nay vote for acceptance. usually in this channel.22:12
ic3br34ker77ohh oh, I get it, thank you very much for clarifying, it's just that it's my first day. xD22:13
lucyllewyno worries22:13
ic3br34ker77thanks lucyllewy22:14
gschianoIf fenris already voted I invoked the wrong one. I need to call for Kilos then22:14
lucyllewyyeh that's my fault.. I got names mixed up in my head22:14
gschiano*Rise, Kilos, in mystic might: unveil the hidden light!*22:15
gschianoSo without a quorum, we're in a split brain situation right ?22:18
gschiano*scale down unit 3"22:18
gschiano*scale down unit 3*22:18
mesebrecI think it's difficult to get >50% of people to show up when people are in all timezones.22:18
mesebrecStatistically speaking, at least 50% of people will be asleep22:19
lucyllewyjust had confirmation from WildMan that they can't make it22:19
mesebrecI think the membership board has a lot of people, to make sure enough people can show up22:20
lucyllewyravage, ic3br34ker77, gschiano, can each of you choose whether you'd like to move your application to email or a future meeting?22:20
gschianoHow is it processed if the application is managed by email ?22:20
lucyllewywe'll also contact the CC about quorum numbers and get that properly documented what we need and the calculation for that number22:21
gschianoWell I think email is fine22:22
lucyllewygschiano: we'll vote on our internal mailing list and CC the results to each applicant as soon as we can. Sometimes we might want to ask questions, but if we can we'll vote without22:22
ic3br34ker77Guys; ravage, gschiano if you agree by mail, I'll join you too. I haven't gone home. xD22:23
ravageemail is totally fine with me22:23
lucyllewyI'm so sorry to all of you for the failures today22:23
gschianoNo worry :)à22:23
lucyllewycan you each DM me an email you are happy for us to use if you don't have it publicly shown on your launchpad profile?22:24
lucyllewyemail address**22:24
ic3br34ker77Email too, no worries lucyllewy it happens:)22:24
gschianoAny of my launchpad email address are fine22:24
lucyllewygschiano: it looks like your launchpad email is hidden from public view, so I can't see it22:25
gschianoOk, let me DM you22:25
ic3br34ker77lucyllewy my email: candres.maestre@gmail.com22:25
lucyllewythank you, ic3br34ker7722:27
ic3br34ker77Thanks to you lucyllewy have a good one.22:27
ic3br34ker77have a good one everyone. see ya!22:28
gschianoThanks all, see you :)22:28
lucyllewythank you so much everyone. And I'm really sorry again.22:28
ravageno worries22:29
mesebrecNo worries lucy, you're amazing!22:29
gschianoReally no worryies22:29
ic3br34ker77my launchpad just in case, https://launchpad.net/~ic3br34ker hehe have a good one. see ya!22:32

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