
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
blackboxswJust a thought: you can see the typical content fed to cloud-init via userdata on first boot by looking at `sudo cat /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-installer.cfg` after first boot. Generally it's as you said, initial locale/timezone and primary user creation.  If you are performing firstboot provisioning operations and don't want to collide with cloud-init there a `cloud-init status --wait` would block until cloud-init is done03:22
blackboxswor, if your provisioning operations are driven by systemd services you could order those units After=cloud-init.target`03:24
blackboxsweither would be easier than trying to remove cloud-init from the booted image and replicate the operations is performs.03:25
blackboxsw*it performs03:25
MTecknologyblackboxsw: Oh, awesome! Thank-you!!04:38
MTecknologyheh .. there's only instance-id, the locale being (re-)configured, and the user account that I don't want. It looks like it should be trivial to just not run this at first startup.04:50
PeGaSuSso, on a machine that was working perfectly and that I always keep updated, I'm getting: /usr/bin/ld: error: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkeyutils.so.1: file too short18:10
MTecknologyDid you check the file to validate it's unmodified?18:11
PeGaSuSI didn't modified it for sure.. reinstalling ibkeyutils1 throws a `dpkg: warning: symbolic link '/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkeyutils.so.1' size has changed from 20 to 18`18:14
PeGaSuSall I've been doing is `apt update` and `apt dist-upgrade` most of the time. is there any logs I can check about the libkeyutils1 package update or something like that?18:16
PeGaSuSthis was while compiling weechat, which was last time compiled successfully on Feb 2918:16
JanCthere is /var/log/dpkg.log*18:23
JanCand /var/log/apt/*18:23
PeGaSuSI don't seem to find anything with grep related to libkeyutils118:26
JanCthat would be really strange if you just tried to re-install it?18:26
PeGaSuSthis is all I got: https://0bin.xyz/raw/DDHFT4IMR6EQY4VA2Z3CL7IMB418:27
PeGaSuSthis already happened on another VPS, but it had no data and I resinstalled Ubuntu18:33
PeGaSuSon this server, I can't do that. I have almost 200GB worth of data18:33
PeGaSuSthe command `file /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkeyutils.so.1.9` returns: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkeyutils.so.1.9: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=ff27227afa5eeddccab180dd29bd7fcff94aea7c, stripped18:40
PeGaSuSseems to be okay?18:40
MTecknologywhich package is it from?18:47
PeGaSuSkeyutils, probably?18:48
MTecknologydpkg -S /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkeyutils.so.1.918:49
PeGaSuSthis is what I got: libkeyutils1:amd64: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkeyutils.so.1.918:50
MTecknologyhttps://packages.ubuntu.com/mantic/amd64/libkeyutils1/filelist ... I thought that included checksums; it does not18:51
MTecknologybut still ... you can download that file and be absolutely sure it's the exact same checksum18:51
PeGaSuShow do I check that?18:53
PeGaSuSbecause I have absolutely no idea on hoe to proceed18:54
MTecknologya) apt-get source libkeyutils1  b) http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/k/keyutils/keyutils_1.6.3-2.dsc  c) wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/k/keyutils/keyutils_1.6.3.orig.tar.gz && tar ..18:55
JanCthere are checksums in /var/lib/dpkg/info/libkeyutils1\:amd64.md5sums  18:55
MTecknology^ that's better18:55
PeGaSuSgosh. this confuses me too much18:56
JanC'debsums' is a tool you can use https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man1/debsums.1.html18:56
MTecknologyJust because you don't remember modifying a file, doesn't mean you didn't do that at some point. If you're seeing similar behavior elsewhere, that's a good indication that it's not some random hardware hiccup18:56
PeGaSuSit happened on another VPS but no one was able to help and I reinstalled the OS18:57
PeGaSuSI can't do that here18:57
JanCalso, did you try if re-installing that package helped?18:57
PeGaSuStried in both cases to no avail18:58
JanCwhen compiling you would also need 'libkeyutils-dev' I presume18:58
JanCif it's a dependency18:59
JanC(but that seems unrelated)19:00
PeGaSuSwait. I need to build manually?19:00
JanCyou said it happened while compiling weechat?19:00
JanCanyway, first use debsums to check if those files changed19:02
PeGaSuSsorry guys, but here's the thing: I have no idea how to use any of those tools, how to compile system packages, etc19:03
JanCyou don't have to build system packages19:04
JanCjust install debsums and run: debsums libkeyutils119:07
PeGaSuSit returned OK in all19:08
PeGaSuS(3 checks)19:08
JanCthen at least those files weren't changed19:09
JanCdo you still have the same problem you had at the start?19:09
PeGaSuSyes. can't compile weechat. I acn try to compile something else that failed on the other machine19:11
PeGaSuSweechat fails on "make": https://0bin.xyz/LS44PZWGRX7GC46WD5YTJIIJ3Q19:12
PeGaSuSweirdly, another program that failed on the other VPS doesn't fail now19:14
JanCwhat does the following command say: ls -l /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkeyutils.so.119:15
PeGaSuSlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 Mar  7 20:02 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkeyutils.so.1 -> libkeyutils.so.1.919:17
PeGaSuS20:02 was the last time I've reinstalled libkeyutils119:20
JanCwhat Ubuntu version is this?19:21
PeGaSuSUbuntu 22.04.4 LTS19:22
JanCI wonder why the length of that is 20 instead of 1819:22
PeGaSuSno idea, tbh19:23
oerheksrun a fsck ?19:23
PeGaSuScan I `fsck` with the server booted?19:23
oerheksi read back you triwed to reinstall, on the troubled machine?19:23
PeGaSuSyes, I did.. and it gave me a `dpkg: warning: symbolic link '/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkeyutils.so.1' size has changed from 20 to 18`19:24
sdeziel18 being the correct size, maybe that's OK19:25
JanCexcept it's still 20 on their system...19:25
PeGaSuSthe issue came out of the blue, tbh19:25
PeGaSuSlast time I've installed weechat, all was good. I can reboot the server but I doubt that it will change anything19:26
JanCI wonder if deleting that symlink before re-installing the package would fix it?19:31
PeGaSuSI'm open to any ideas19:31
PeGaSuSI'm assuming you're talking about /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkeyutils.so.1 ?19:32
PeGaSuSnope. rm'ed it, used `apt install --reinstall libkeyutils1` to no avail19:35
JanCit recreates it with 20 as size?19:36
PeGaSuSyup, exactly19:37
PeGaSuSthat's the size shown with `ls -l /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkeyutils.so.1`19:37
PeGaSuSI need to get dinner and I'll be back in a bit 19:39
JanCI suppose the size might differ based on file system; do you use something other than ext4 ?19:44
PeGaSuS(I'm on phone) this is what I get with `df -T`: https://termbin.com/9fu619:48
PeGaSuSshows /dev/md2 as ext419:48
PeGaSuS(which is the main disk)19:48
PeGaSuSso, any other ideas folks?20:24
rfm_PeGaSuS, well, I'd be interested in seeing "readlink libkeyutils.so.1 | od -xc" to see what those extra two bytes contain.  But I'd still have no idea how they got there..20:44
* MTecknology curl -F'file=@/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkeyutils.so.1' https://0x0.st20:47
PeGaSuSrfm_: https://termbin.com/ud8p20:52
PeGaSuSas for the curl command: https://filehost.0bin.xyz/O03iVcsBkMrG.120:54
PeGaSuScouldn't upload to 0x0.st, getting "Segmentation fault"20:54
PeGaSuSI'm completely ¯\_(ツ)_/¯21:34
PeGaSuSsorry guys, but my migraine is getting worse. I'll continue this tomorrow 21:49

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