
daftykinswoohoo the white screen is back!00:37
daftykinsdumbo here had swapped Paula and Gary at some point whilst tinkering00:37
daftykinsgreat news everyone!01:06
daftykinsi was right about the TV not handling the signal01:06
daftykinscomposite out - https://i.imgur.com/qUx75Rz.jpeg01:06
davefit lives01:12
davefi'd love to find an acron archimedes .. impossible this side of the ocean01:14
davef*acorn 01:14
davefthen throw in a i386 card and run Windows inside a RISC OS window :) 01:16
daftykinsso when i was a kid, a lot of floppies got eaten by other ones... i'm not sure how it persisted but the RTC battery must have helped it somehow stay on RAM01:16
daftykinsi won't know what disks work now01:16
zxmpirasp pi make a great platform for running riscos i've been led to believe03:32
zxmpiit'd be nice if someone started an old school keyboard case in shape of commodores, bbc's, ataris with space inside for a sbc. i know there was a bbc but it was pretty expensive03:33

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