
nshirelaptopis /etc/motd no longer used? I tried to `cat /etc/motd` and I got "No such file or directory"00:39
nshirelaptopoh looks like it's under /var/run/. guess cat won't follow symlinks00:40
rboxif it points to a file that doesnt exist00:40
rboxthen you're going to get it doesnt exist00:40
nshirelaptopwell it used to actually stored there and a lot of old literature points to that00:41
rboxyeah, amazing... "old literature" might be outdated00:41
sarnoldrbox: it would be far more useful to point out modern literature instead00:48
sarnoldnshirelaptop: grep motd /etc/pam.d/* --  some services still run the pam_motd module and that will still reference that file if it exists00:48
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Nautilusit's been a while since I've used wget so I'm wondering if this would be a good contemporary user agent to use:04:21
Nautilus--user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/113.0"04:21
rboxwhat does good mean04:23
oerhekscurrent is 123.0 ?04:24
Nautilussorry, that's the old one from my notes, yes am looking for a good current user agent04:26
Nautilusgood, I can't say specify for sure. Just something reliable?04:26
oerheksget your current one?04:27
Nautilusjust give it a go with --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/123.0" then?  (note 123.0)04:27
NautilusAh thanks, it's : Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:123.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/123.004:30
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Martin90Hey, trying to update "Snap Store" via Ubuntu Software Center where an interesting contradiction occurs: "Unable to update "Snap Store": (null): cannot refresh "snap-store": snap "snap-store" has running apps (ubuntu-software)" :D09:10
Martin90anybody knows a workaround for this?09:11
RhineDevilHi, I tried to do apt update on a xenial ubuntu image in docker and got this: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/a51154a9/, ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg and ubuntu-master-keyring.gpg are in /usr/share/keyrings as they should11:27
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wildv1perimport socket12:24
wildv1perimport threading12:24
wildv1perdef handle_client(client_socket):12:24
wildv1per# Modify this function to handle client connections12:24
wildv1per    pass12:24
wildv1perdef main():12:25
wildv1per    server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)12:25
wildv1per    server.bind(("", 8888))12:25
wildv1per    server.listen(5)12:25
wildv1per    print("[*] Listening on")12:25
younderDid you 'hear' anything? python programmer?12:30
stennolistening to is.. pragmatic12:31
younderLook a like that old code challenge where you where you write a echo protocol server that can handle at least 5 clients. Well a first poke at it..12:38
stennomy first python program i ever wrote was a socket server and client12:41
stennostill was in school then so it was around 2003 or so12:41
stennocoming from C++, it was really amazing12:42
stennoin python you could just do things without having to spend 200 SLOC to declare a connection or w/e12:42
m0n0pHello, I have this exact same problem https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/emacsen-common/+bug/1990804  But I didn't find any solution, is anyone here able to help me ? thanks12:49
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1990804 in emacsen-common (Ubuntu) "package cmake-data 3.22.1-1ubuntu1.22.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: installed cmake-data package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1" [Undecided, Expired]12:49
oerheksm0n0p, update please, jammy-updates give  3.22.1-1ubuntu1.22.04.212:52
oerheksnot sure there is a fix in it, or in cmake itself..12:53
m0n0poerheks: everything is up to date12:54
m0n0pif you mean: apt update && apt upgrade12:54
m0n0pI cannot install cmake12:54
oerheksapt dist-upgrade, yes12:54
ioriam0n0p, apt-cache policy cmake-data12:54
m0n0p  Installé : 3.22.1-1ubuntu1.22.04.212:55
m0n0p  Candidat : 3.22.1-1ubuntu1.22.04.212:55
m0n0p Table de version :12:55
m0n0p *** 3.22.1-1ubuntu1.22.04.2 50012:55
m0n0p        500 http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-updates/main amd64 Packages12:55
ioriam0n0p, wait a minute , then paste 'sudo apt install --reinstall cmake-data | nc termbin.com 9999'12:56
m0n0phttps://termbin.com/eou9 with sudo apt install --reinstall cmake-data 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 sorry for earlier13:00
ioriam0n0p, dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii | grep -v ^rc | nc termbin.com 999913:02
=== Daniel is now known as toolz
m0n0pioria, https://termbin.com/viub13:04
ioriam0n0p, sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/info/cmake-data* /tmp13:05
m0n0pioria, okay and then ?13:06
ioriam0n0p, sudo apt install --reinstall cmake-data13:06
m0n0pE: Internal Error, No file name for cmake-data:amd6413:07
oerheksmaybe without * ??13:07
ioriam0n0p, sudo dpkg --configure -a | nc termbin.com 999913:08
m0n0pioria, https://termbin.com/kbme13:10
m0n0pI reran it, and no output13:10
ioriam0n0p, dpkg -l | grep cmake | nc termbin.com 999913:11
m0n0pioria, https://termbin.com/mipy13:12
ioriam0n0p, ok; sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade13:13
m0n0pioria, ok done13:14
ioriam0n0p, no errors ?13:14
m0n0pioria, dpkg: avertissement: le fichier contenant la liste des fichiers du paquet « cmake-data » étant manquant, il est considéré qu'aucun fichier du paquet n'est actuellement installé13:14
m0n0p. I can translate it if you want13:14
ioriano it's ok13:15
oerheksUnless you have cmake installed, you probably do not need this package.13:15
m0n0pdpkg: warning: files list file for package 'cmake-data' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed13:15
m0n0poh okay13:15
ioriam0n0p, it's correctly installed afaict13:15
m0n0pioria, Amazing thank you very much. Also why you did that :sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/info/cmake-data* /tmp ?13:16
ioriam0n0p, they are probably corrupted, and now have been replaced13:17
ioriam0n0p, ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/cmake-data*13:17
m0n0pioria, "/var/lib/dpkg/info/cmake-data*": No such file or directory (os error 2)13:18
ioriam0n0p, sudo apt --fix-broken install13:23
m0n0pioria, no errors 0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.13:23
ioriam0n0p, i think it's ok then13:23
m0n0pioria, ok thanks13:24
ioriam0n0p, no problem13:24
younderI'm afraid your OS has picked up French..13:24
ogra_younder, some call that "encryption" ... could be worse, could be chinese or so 😉13:28
m0n0pyounder, and cmake bailed lol13:34
BluesKajHi all13:35
semHi BluesKaj13:46
semhey everybody -- today before work, I will sudo apt install kubuntu-desktop ! :D and also whatever you do to install wayland13:46
semI have already taken the precaution of creating a new user who will only log into kubuntu and never log into lubuntu13:47
BluesKajhi sem13:51
semhey! First thing I am websearching during this install: what does kubuntu use enfc for, and is it ok that it is insecure13:52
semi know its spelled differently but I forget what it was13:52
semi wish i remembered what it was called lol.. clicked through too quick13:53
semnow i am making sure to install sudo apt install plasma-workspace-wayland14:00
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:03
leftleg_Omg Richie Hawtin is here15:04
silv3r_m00nhi there, on this acer swift laptop i have ubuntu installed / and home are on separate partitions, and home is encrypted. during upgrade process things got messed up and its not booting anymore. is is possible to reinstall the root with fresh ubuntu and use the same encrypted home drive, since i have the password ?15:09
plastikmanI dont see why not, but i cant say for sure.15:33
plastikmanwhy not boot to a live cd, copy the data off the drive then attemt the re-install.15:33
=== tortilla is now known as tortillasandwich
krushiais there an ubuntu equivalent to https://snapshot.debian.org/ ?17:41
oerheksold packages https://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/17:43
oerheksold versions of the iso https://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/17:44
oerhekslooking for mrwthumbnail ??17:44
krushiai think i just found it17:45
krushiapackage is apparently named "mrwtoppm-utils"17:45
krushianot to be confused with "mrwtoppm" lol17:46
oerheksgood spot!17:46
krushiathanks for the link though17:46
szstrHow to uh hmm do bluetooth through command line? connect then get an aymaj?18:04
szstror wait uh connect then send audio iconed thing18:05
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oerheksszstr, scan connect trust https://medium.com/@muffwaindan/connect-and-use-wireless-usb-and-bluetooth-mouse-and-or-keyboard-on-linux-b23b1a35057b18:23
oerheksthe trust part is hardly to find in any manual18:23
oerheksi use bluez, to connect, and then use the normal gui thingy18:24
=== rob is now known as Guest503
atreopeople, i am trying to write a script that auto sets up my ubuntu environment   (how can i from the terminal change the distro settings)  like turn off bluetooth, add keyboard shortcuts, add a profile picture etc...   where are these settings saved?18:52
leftyfbatreo: gsettings if you're running gnome18:53
atreoleftyfb: is it under ./config  ?18:54
leftyfbatreo: it's a tool, not a configuration file18:54
atreoleftyfb: you miss understood what i am trying to do,   i am trying to perform these settings changes from the terminal  (so i can save it into a script)18:56
leftyfbatreo: gsettings is a command line tool that will do exactly what you're looking for18:57
atreoleftyfb: oh18:57
atreohmmm ok,   let me try to read about it18:57
atreoleftyfb: i can't seem to understand the manual page,    how can i add keyboard shortcuts using gsettings?18:59
atreoit seems to be talking about key strokes19:00
leftyfbkeyboard shortcuts are a 2 part process19:02
leftyfbgsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.media-keys custom-keybindings "['/org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys/custom-keybindings/custom0/']"19:03
leftyfbthat's part 119:03
leftyfbthen defining the details of the custom sortuct19:04
leftyfb    - gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.media-keys.custom-keybinding:/org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys/custom-keybindings/custom0/ name "nautilus"19:04
leftyfb    - gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.media-keys.custom-keybinding:/org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys/custom-keybindings/custom0/ command "nautilus"19:04
leftyfb    - gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.media-keys.custom-keybinding:/org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys/custom-keybindings/custom0/ binding "<Super>e"19:04
atreoleftyfb: ohhh   ok i think i see how this works19:04
atreook let me try to understand what you just wrote     give me 5 minutes :-)19:04
leftyfbatreo: if you add another shortcut, you need to run the 1st command again but append the 2nd custom shortcut (custom1)19:05
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atreoleftyfb: ok how do i findout what keyboard shortcuts i already have?    so i can reverse engineer the commands you just wrote19:07
leftyfbgsettings get org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.media-keys custom-keybindings19:08
atreoleftyfb: i see19:09
atreoi see i have three shortcuts (as expected)  nice    custom0 custom1 custom219:11
atreohwo do i print their content?19:11
leftyfbgsettings get org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.media-keys.custom-keybinding:/org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys/custom-keybindings/custom0/ name19:12
leftyfbcommand and binding19:12
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atreoleftyfb: woow  there was no way i could have figured this out myself19:13
atreook let me take notes19:14
Guest38does anyone have experience with this LUKS Encryption guide for Ubuntu ? <LINK> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_2019 </LINK>19:19
Guest38after following this guide step by step I and rebooting I boot into ubuntu without GUI19:21
atreoleftyfb: when i run the commands the previous one gets deleted, i am confused19:22
atreoleftyfb: this is my script:  https://paste.debian.net/1309804/19:22
leftyfbatreo: I explained that to you. You need to append the new shortcuts19:24
atreoleftyfb: oh19:24
atreoleftyfb: what is the append flag?19:25
atreooh wait19:26
leftyfbgsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.media-keys custom-keybindings "['/org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys/custom-keybindings/custom0/'], etc, etc, etc"19:26
atreoyou mean   "['/org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys/custom-keybindings/custom0/'], , , "19:26
atreoohhhhhh ok i get it19:26
leftyfbyou define that first19:26
atreoleftyfb: it works    wow this is amazing !!!! :-)19:27
leftyfbatreo: btw, look into ansible. That's how I setup my ubuntu environment, install all packages, configure everything and restore from backup19:28
atreoleftyfb: interesting, it is a program that you install or is it within ubuntu itself?19:29
leftyfbatreo: sudo apt install ansible19:29
atreoleftyfb: ok19:29
atreoleftyfb: but i want to stick with gsettings    how do i know how to configure the rest of the settings?  like Region & Langauge    and adding a user picture etc...    where are you getting/reading this complex information from?19:30
leftyfbatreo: ansible will use gsettings19:30
leftyfbatreo: dconf and dconf-editor are good tools to navigate and edit(not recommended) all the settings19:32
atreoi see19:32
younderansible is a program written in python. It is a provisioner. It install software based on scripts. Unlike shellscripts it is designed to enure that everything is just installed one so that if you run the script again and fix a mistake the stuff that was ok gets skipped and the stuff you corrected runs again (indepotent)19:32
younderThere are many others like it puppet, chef, saltstack..19:34
atreoleftyfb: i like this basic control of it in gsettings     how did you know the commands?   for example   how can i figure out the schema for (Region & Langauge)?19:37
leftyfbatreo: sudo update-locale LANG=$new_language19:39
atreoleftyfb: oh no, i don't use my local lanuage and format, because it is screwed up   i used the UK one19:39
leftyfbatreo: you asked how you set your language. That's how19:40
leftyfbfor timezone: timedatectl set-timezone $timezone19:40
leftyfbwith sudo19:40
atreoi see19:40
atreoleftyfb: how do i find out what is my current  (update-locale)  settings?19:42
atreosince langauge is LAN   what is format?    FOR? FORM? FORMAT?19:43
atreoleftyfb: its ok i figured it out19:44
=== les_ is now known as roger_UK
atreoleftyfb: ok how about appearance settings scheme?  to change it from light to dark, where is that schema?19:50
ravagegsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme19:52
atreoravage: leftyfb   i am getting the hang of it       gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme "Yaru-dark"    right?19:53
ravageyes. or for a specific accent color Yaru-blue-dark19:55
atreoravage: nice19:55
atreoravage: ok    here is an important question     gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.notifications KEY    how do i know what are all the available keys are?19:55
atreoravage: its ok   i fiured it out    list-keys20:01
bpromptatreo: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/11164/how-do-i-browse-for-available-gsettings-options20:02
atreobprompt:    thanks :-)20:02
atreothis is exciting   i am slowly scripting my ubuntu enviroment  so i can be up and running automatically    NIIIICE20:03
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atreoravage: leftyfb in the nautilus there is a list-view   but i cannot find how to setup (Expandible forlders in list view)20:20
=== Archimedes is now known as Archimedes1986
chivesAnyone familiar with the terminals in linux?  I'm wondering if i can start one for screen that when it terminates so does the terminal?20:32
chivesso that if i detach screen remotely i dont have extra sessions20:34
tomreynyou can write and install an xdg desktop file which runs gnu screen and executes it in a terminal emulator20:36
SquareThis is probably an easy question. I have a second partition set up. But, it seems i need to access (as in clicking it) it in nautilus/filemanager every time i restart my computer for Steam being able to see/discover it.20:54
Squares/being/to be/20:55
oerheksput it in fstab?20:55
oerhekswith proper permissions for steam20:55
Squarehmm.. not that i can remember. Never used fstab20:55
oerheksSteam snap should have the removable drive permission by default.20:57
oerhekssee settings > applications > steam20:57
Squareokok. There was no mention of this mount in fstab, so maybe that's it20:57
oerheksmaybe one bit wrong, and wont automount20:57
bpromptSquare: you can list  your devices with -> lsblk <- once you know which device it's, you can use -> sudo blkid <-  to get its UUID to  be used in the /etc/fstab file for "automounting"20:57
SquareGotcha. I'll try to use this info to make it work next reboot20:58
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szstrBest music .deb to download?22:48
bpromptszstr: music player?23:00
szstrmusic content23:02
bpromptszstr:  youtube.com   or lastfm.com or pick any radio of choice23:03
szstrHmm what ayt about mana client or that Joba coded mmo download the client, just listen to the musziak23:05
leftyfbszstr: what is your ubuntu support question in clear English?23:11
szstrWhere can I get free cash?23:15
jeremy31szstr: Try a different chat?23:16
szstrWell yeah23:16
leftyfbthey've been trolling here for a couple months now23:19

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