=== esv_ is now known as esv [15:42] holman: I have opened this bug. It also has logs that show from the initial server name ending in '-one' up to name ending in '-six'. You can also see in the logs where the config part took up to 148 seconds! when I did have the ds-identify running. - https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/issues/5033 [15:42] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Issue 5033 in canonical/cloud-init "OpenBSD: Cloud-init not applying changes after the initial first boot" [Open] [20:46] Code_Bleu: thanks for the bug report! [21:31] cjp256: ping [21:31] cjp256: curious if I'm missing something related to the timeouts [21:32] I thought dhclient also timed at 10s [21:32] but the "300s/60s" comment I'm not sure about [22:59] holmanb: the default i think is 300s but some distros have set it to 60s