[13:14] So I have been bug triaging like mad and most of the old ones are coming back, don't use, please close. But one wants support on Bionic!?!?! Do I have to support this? [13:16] I would say not, as it's 18.04 and despite being LTS it's beyond even LTS support Window. The user would probably get better mileage by upgrading. [13:16] Yea 18.04 is EOL. [13:18] Well for normal support, they would then need to pay Canonical for more support outside of that. [13:18] We could do with a Kubuntu Support partner, that would help us here (re @ahoneybun: Well for normal support, they would then need to pay Canonical for more support outside of that.) [13:21] Well sure if there are funds but unless it's a company I don't think it's worth it. [13:22] Well I am willing to support for funds lol, but we don't have it. Yet. [13:23] Raising my hand on behalf of Altispeed :) (re @Rick_Timmis: We could do with a Kubuntu Support partner, that would help us here) [13:23] Actually that's an excellent idea. We just need to figure out a mechanism for that (re @IrcsomeBot: Well I am willing to support for funds lol, but we don't have it. Yet.) [13:23] We could have a common paid support option then offload to a company based on capacity? [13:24] Yes, something like that. Or perhaps a Bounty style thing (re @tsimonq2: We could have a common paid support option then offload to a company based on capacity?) [13:24] Needs a Ticket on Invent, so we can work it into a plan [13:24] Bounty style would help people like me. [13:37] I'll get a ticket up on Invent Board for this, leave it with me [16:54] I've posted a news update to kubuntu.org, https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-community-update-march-2024/ [16:58] And linked it into an update post on Discourse. https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/exciting-updates-and-opportunities-with-kubuntu-join-us/43169 [18:01] And linked it into an update post on Discourse. https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/exciting-updates-and-opportunities-with-kubuntu-join-us/43169 [18:01] Love it [19:18] re: paid support, we had an option for that in the far past [19:19] afaik we made not a cent, so unknown if anyone ever used it, and the company sort of disappeared [19:20] It'll need to managed better than in the past, and I'd like to see the benefits coming back to Kubuntu [19:21] I feel like Kubuntu Focus is the support part [19:22] ^ that [19:22] Yes, that certainly a sensible pathway [19:26] Agreed. [19:26] sgmoore @Rick_timmis @ahoneybun valorie: We have all the infrastructure in place for paid support including ticket systems, a very well researched SLA and contracts, and even paying customers. [19:26] kool [19:27] How about a Kubuntu Focus first approach and Altispeed as backup if it grows so quick it hits capacity? :) [19:27] Better to leverage all that investment and infrastructure to feedback to the project than to reinvent the wheel. For example, we now use Zendesk tickets. [19:29] tsimonq2: Sure. The bottom line is Kubuntu needs to get more commercial to bring in more funds. We've spent 4 years making Kubuntu commercial, so we have tons of experience and infrastructure in doing just that. [19:29] I think there's a real opportunity there, for everyone involved. [19:30] Not to get wealthy, but to pay those who contribute so we can focus on the best possible products and disto. [19:33] We are also actively engaged with potential investors, and will be doing more as we continue to ramp up for 24.04 + Meteor Lake. [19:54] I would appreciate having this discussion in the KC ml, and seeing actual proposals from Kfocus & Altispeed [19:55] like: what are you willing to do for potential customers? What do you need from us? What funds will flow back to the KC treasury? [19:55] Oof ML, it would be better if this was in Matrix. [19:56] though the Kubuntu Matrix rooms still haven't really been officialized [19:56] the previous agreement was much too amorphous and in fact, I never saw one [19:56] our KC ml is official [19:56] if they were though, it would be easy enough to make a Kubuntu Council room on Matrix [19:57] ML is dated and I can never use it as I have no way to reply with a kubuntu or ubuntu email address. [19:57] valorie: Mailing lists are going away soon, at least the ones we know about. (Reasoning can't be made public and I don't have all the details, but the sooner the MLs are moved off of, the better.) [19:57] *at least the way we know them, I mean [19:57] I would be there if matrix was supported in my client, but it is not [19:57] I imagine Discourse is killing ML. [19:58] and I really do not want One More Application to One More comms channel [19:58] Perhaps a Discourse post could be used for this somehow? (ahoneybun: Yeah, it kind of is :P) [19:58] our ML is on Launchpad [19:58] Right. Those are dying. [19:58] Both the LP and lists.ubuntu.com ones. [19:59] (as I understand it anyway - part of this I learned from Simon, another part from Mauro) [19:59] there is a reason that MLs have lasted so long - reliability and search of the past discussions [19:59] but anyway, they do still exist, so I guess we technically can use them for now. [20:00] the lists.ubuntu.com are user & devel and both of those *could* move to Discourse [20:00] as much as I dislike discourse [20:00] discourse search is rather weak [20:00] I haven't read back though all the messages, but I don't think we are in competition Altispeed. More people to provide support is good. Going through an official Kubuntu commercial arm is also good. [20:01] since lists are text, it is quick & easy [20:01] As for the offering, that's all in place. [20:02] fwiw I also am a mailing lists person :P I gave some pushback against the MLs going away initially. [20:03] Babylonia clay tablets can still be read [20:03] text is pretty awesome [20:08] Anyway, for the support stuff, I think since Kubuntu Focus is already doing this, it seems like it would probably be good to use them as part of things. I like the Altispeed as backup idea but think that it would be better for KFocus and Altispeed to work together rather than presenting separate offerings in some way. [20:10] in that case, they can work it out privately [20:11] but I would like to see a concrete proposal to the Council of what they want - I assume a link on the website and some publicity - and what they will provide [20:12] and what they will give back to the Council [20:12] I don't think we need a contract, but we should at least have an agreement with clear outlines [20:13] we are all friends here with the same goal [20:19] Valerie see https://kfocus.org/wf for many very detailed support articles.