=== JakeSays_ is now known as JakeSays === makerblaker1131 is now known as MakerBlaker [07:07] buttons is a list of lists === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [08:37] good morning. Can here somebody provide help for ufw but stop treating my to use pure iptables? How to unblock: [UFW BLOCK] IN=tun0 OUT=tun0 MAC= SRC= DST= LEN=668 TOS=0x08 PREC=0x60 TTL=62 ID=8822 DF PROTO=UDP SPT=5060 DPT=5060 LEN=648 ? [08:38] ufw allow from port 5060 to port 5060 proto udp is not enough [11:30] hi I would like to remove kubuntu entirely from the laptop [14:06] Hi all [14:15] hi BluesKaj [14:17] hi oerheks [14:19] Hey oerheks [15:27] later all.... === bluebird is now known as Guest7949 [21:29] Hi, I have a frankenbuntu - i installed lubuntu first and upgraded it through the years, and recently I installed kubuntu on top of it [21:30] I have a problem where the virtual keyboard pops up and hides everything. I tried the suggested fix of putting InputMethod= into sddm.conf, but it still happens [21:46] guiverc: ^ any advice? (He commonly runs Frankenbuntus of this sort.) [21:48] what release sem ?... yeah I've had it appear & resolved it.. it's recently appeared i think on this noble box but i've not worried about it [21:50] * guiverc heading out for walk now.. temp supposed to reach 39oC later, so wanna walk before its hot.. be back in awhile [21:50] I am on 22.04 guiverc; i'll be back later too [21:51] this is what I was referring to: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1293912/sddm-blocks-screen-with-on-screen-keyboard-in-ubuntu-20-04 [21:52] Wait a tick... it might not work because I nested InputMethod= inside of [Autologin] by mistake... [22:00] fixed it! [22:01] arraybolt3, I can't believe how fast plasma+wayland is on my oooold pc :D [22:13] :D [22:42] glad you got it fixed sem ; well done.