[17:30] Anyone know of a good power management utility? The preinstalled one keeps crashing, so it never works [17:42] You mean XFCE power manager? [17:43] Is this a laptop/is your goal to improve battery life? [17:46] Yes, it's a laptop - I am trying to improve the battery life. I tried XFCE4, downloaded through Muon, but it didn't work at all [18:13] !info tlp | this is all you need winterkosmos [18:13] this is all you need winterkosmos: tlp (1.5.0-2ubuntu1, mantic): Optimize laptop battery life. In component main, is optional. Built by tlp. Size 82 kB / 564 kB [18:14] I don't know what you did with muon or XFCE to "keep crashing" tho [18:18] Does tlp allow screen dimming when the laptop is idle? I looked it up, but couldn't find anything on the topic [18:37] That would be XFCE power manager, which last time I knew it already came pre installed in Lubuntu [18:47] xfce power manager doesn't come preinstalled on lubuntu - it uses lxqt power management instead [20:30] MMM I see, maybe it did come with lxde? [22:03] xangua: if you're talking about lxde and xfce power manager, you're likely using a very old and unsupported version of lubuntu [22:03] Haven't used Lubuntu in a while [22:04] at least 6 years