=== JanC is now known as Guest2458 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [12:00] ㅐ/ [12:00] o/ [12:12] * kanashiro waves [12:14] * youngbin waves [12:18] kanashiro: I think we'll need wait a bit more for others to start meeting. While waiting, do you have other agenda to discuss today? [12:21] I do not to be honest [12:22] 🆗 [12:37] * youngbin pokes mapreri [12:40] It seems that we will not have quorum today [12:40] yups [12:40] do we want to wait a bit or just skip meeting for today? [12:43] I think we need to skip [12:44] i think we've waited enough for other folks. Let's skip LoCo Council meeting today. I'll post next meeting schedule on discourse [12:44] youngbin thanks! [12:44] Next meeting - April 5 12:00 UTC [12:44] your welcome. thanks for being present. see you :) [12:50] hello coolbhavi [12:51] kanashiro: coolbhavi: do we met quorum now? [12:51] Yes I think [12:52] 3 out of 5 [12:52] ok so do we want to start meeting? [12:52] Hope I wasn't late youngbin [12:53] Yes if we 3 are present we can start I guess [12:53] ok [12:53] #startmeeting Ubuntu LoCo Council meeting 2024-03-08 [12:53] Meeting started at 12:53:38 UTC. The chair is youngbin. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology [12:53] Available commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick [12:54] hello [12:54] So, let's have a look at agenda first [12:54] Hello youngbin [12:54] Agenda: Follow up on action items from last meeting / Fix agenda / AOB / Next meeting schedule and chair [12:55] if we don't more topics to discuss, let start with follow up on action items from last meeting [12:55] #topic Follow up on action items from last meeting [12:55] Sorry was occupied with Ubucon asia stuff so wasn't active on Matrix channel [12:55] So need to followup which I will do tomorrow [12:56] Ah no worries im also busy with organizing bunch of events lol [12:56] Haha okay 👍 [12:56] So i think we don't have organized note for last meeting. if it's ok let me follow up based on this one... https://gemini.google.com/share/25540f1b2216 [12:56] 1. Follow up with Mauro about setting up the LoCo Council matrix room. [12:57] We now have Matrix space and room for LoCos [12:58] #info We now have Matrix space and room for LoCos [12:58] 2. Create a topic on Discourse to discuss proposals for regular LoCo activity reporting. - any idea what was this about? [12:59] It was related to get a note of loco activities I guess [12:59] ah to follow up on loco activity update? [13:00] Yes and a follow up thing to this was to create a survey [13:01] #info Create a topic on Discourse to follow up on LoCo activity updates. - Follow up thing was to crate a survey [13:02] And come up with questions for the survey but on a personal level got very busy with the venue and contracts for Ubucon asia.. [13:02] yes i remember discussion on matrix. i guess not much progress since then [13:02] 3. Each council member to come up with questions for the LoCo health survey. [13:02] this should be the survey we just mentioned... [13:02] (time to get things moving I guess now regarding Ubucon Asia :)) [13:03] 4. Reach out to LoCo leaders to participate in the AMA. [13:03] i think for me, i got no updates [13:04] Me too so lets work on the previous action items and come up with things on the next meeting perhaps 🙂 [13:04] #info Reach out to LoCo leaders to participate in the AMA. - No updates from meeting participants for now [13:05] So let's move on to next topic [13:05] Yes [13:05] #topic Fixed agenda [13:05] I would like to suggest have some fixed agenda. [13:06] For example: Action item follow up, AOB(Any other business), Next meeting schedule and chair [13:06] +1 [13:06] other then this 3 items are there other fixed agneda that we should have? [13:07] agneda -> agenda [13:07] None I can think of right now [13:07] ok then i think we can vote on 3 fixed agenda. btw... [13:08] kanashiro: are you present? [13:09] ok let me setup vote just a minute... [13:09] #vote Fixed agenda for LoCo Council meeting: Last meeting Action items follow up, AOB(Any other business), Next meeting schedule and chair [13:09] Please vote on: Fixed agenda for LoCo Council meeting: Last meeting Action items follow up, AOB(Any other business), Next meeting schedule and chair [13:09] Public votes can be registered by saying +1, -1 or +0 in channel (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1|-1|+0 #channelname') [13:10] #voters youngbin kanashiro coolbhavi [13:10] Current voters: coolbhavi, kanashiro, youngbin [13:10] +1 [13:10] +1 received from coolbhavi [13:10] +1 [13:10] +1 received from youngbin [13:11] * youngbin pokes kanashiro [13:11] hmm [13:11] wait for kanashiro or end vote? [13:12] Lets wait for quorum then [13:12] Yes [13:12] ok let's wait for few minutes [13:12] Orelse we will not have quorum [13:17] let's wait a bit more for 3 min then pass. maybe we can discuss again on next meeting? [13:18] Sure [13:19] Since there is no quorum now we can shift the agenda to our next meeting I guess [13:19] yups [13:19] #endvote [13:19] Voting ended on: Fixed agenda for LoCo Council meeting: Last meeting Action items follow up, AOB(Any other business), Next meeting schedule and chair [13:19] Votes for: 2, Votes against: 0, Abstentions: 0 [13:19] Motion carried [13:20] #topic AOB [13:20] Do we have any other business? [13:20] Ubucon Asia in full swing now .. time to step up the preparation I think :) [13:21] Apart from that none from my side [13:21] yups i've been also busy try to reach out some sponsors :) [13:22] #info Update from coolbhavi - Ubucon Asia in full swing now... [13:22] ok last topic [13:22] #topic Next meeting schedule and chair [13:22] Yes same here I am trying to reach out to local sponsors but once venue contract is done it will be full steam ahead [13:22] thanks for hard work :) [13:23] Our next meeting will be on Friday, April 5, 12:00 UTC [13:23] Good for me 😊 [13:23] I guess until we got matrix-irc bridge for this #ubuntu-meeting channel. It will be still on IRC [13:23] And chair? [13:23] You can chair [13:24] As this meeting had no quorum [13:24] yups then i'll chair for now. if anyone would volunteer then i'll hand over [13:24] indeed [13:24] :) [13:24] #action Next meeting will be on Friday, April 5, 12:00 UTC. youngbin will chair [13:24] ACTION: Next meeting will be on Friday, April 5, 12:00 UTC. youngbin will chair [13:25] Ok let's finish meeting today. [13:25] Have a nice evening youngbin see you in 2 days time again! [13:25] have a nice evening too :) see you sunday. [13:25] and for other folks. see you next month. [13:25] #endmeeting [13:25] Meeting ended at 13:25:41 UTC. Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2024/ubuntu-meeting.2024-03-08-12.53.moin.txt === JanC is now known as Guest3720 === JanC_ is now known as JanC