
guiverci'm going to paste two summaries to uwn830 (very soon)05:13
* guiverc will likely be busy from now till easter on my-saturdays; thus will do some my-friday05:13
Bashing-omassumed as such - maybe an easy issue this week. 05:14
* guiverc going to post another (before heading out with birbs)05:25
* guiverc out (forgot to say that last time sorry)05:27
* guiverc adding another summary06:08
guivercyeah .. no press, no blogo... light..06:13
* guiverc out06:13
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: How to Run Any App in Picture in Picture Mode in Ubuntu @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/03/how-to-run-any-app-in-picture-in-picture-mode-in-ubuntu15:53
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::security:: Episode 221 @ https://ubuntusecuritypodcast.org/episode-221/23:00

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