
fwehti think i ran into this problem on a fresh ubuntu server 24.04 install: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1217252/boot-process-hangs-at-systemd-networkd-wait-online is this expected or not?08:08
fweht(it did boot after all, but just took a long time)08:08
oojahI tried an upgrade from 23.10 to 24.04. Everything went fine in the install process. Afterwards though, thunderbird started as if from scratch. The snap launcher has some code to do migrations of user profiles from the deb version, but can't access the ~/.thunderbird directory due to lack of the personal-files interface. I worked around it by manually exporting the required $SNAP* environment 13:15
oojahvariables and running the launcher in a normal shell. This ...13:15
oojah... launched thunderbird again with no profile, but on restart as the actual snap it worked with a migrated profile. So the migration script works in principle, but not in practice.13:15
blucain the autopkgtest cloud, which version of autopkgtest is actually running?17:46
blucaI got a bug fix just merged in the autopkgtest master branch (to make it respect build profiles), that's why I'm wondering17:46

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