
circleHi online many sites say that KDE Wallet can be disabled in System Settings. I find the checkbox but when I uncheck and Apply, it responds "Permission Denied" what can I do?  I don't remember the password I set on the wallet and there are no precious passwords stored in it. I am annoyed by having to enter a password every time I connect to Wifi.02:34
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circleah edit ~/.config/kwalletrc and killall kwalletd502:44
sarnoldand is that enough to not be prompted after a reboot?02:46
circlehave not tried yet.  One would hope that edit ~/.config/kwalletrc  to Enabled=false would do it .03:06
circleHello there is openfoam-11 from openfoam.org and openfoam the ancient 1912 from (ESI) openfoam.com  Can they be installed simultaneously and work (presumably with delaying the bashrc magic until in the terminal just before running one or the other)03:09
sarnoldthat's one heck of a busted website03:11
sarnoldyou might have an easier time using two different versions of it if you use their docker containers03:12
atreopeople is there a way to open the close an app after 2 seconds using the terminal?     like open weechat wait 2 seconds then auto close it?05:11
atreopeople    gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme "Yaru-dark" turns light after reboot  why?05:32
atreoare all gsettings revert to default after reboot>?05:32
atreopeople i am really struggling with gsettings and setting all the correct settings and haveing them persist, is there a tool that can save all the gsettings (so i set my enviroment up with the GIU then save the gsettings so i can auto replicate it using a bash script) ?06:03
atreoplease help06:03
silv3r_m00nhi there, i have 2 partitions, 1 normal , 1 luks encrypted, if i install ubuntu with root on normal and /home on encrypted, then my /home will be automatically encrypted ?06:44
akikany ideas why update-grub doesn't find win10 installation on my laptop booting in uefi mode? i had to add the win10 grub config myself to /etc/grub.d/40_custom07:03
akikthis is my 40_custom now: https://termbin.com/9ilo07:07
akiki'm using ubuntu 22.0407:12
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atreopeople how can i run a command that opens an app (like weechat) have it sleep for 1 second then automatically quits it?08:23
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rfm_atreo, look up shell job control, should be able to write a script that basically does "command & ; sleep 1; kill %1", and there's some way to get the job number so you don;'t have to hardcode %1.08:39
atreorfm_: ok let me try08:42
rfm_atreo, ah, it08:43
rfm_is @! for the pid of the last job, so command &; sleep 1; kill $!08:44
atreorfm_: i keep getting    syntax error near unexpected token `;'08:45
rfm_semicolons for statement ends, but I'd really use newlines, and I'm not gonna write the whole script for you, in fact I'm going to bed.08:47
atreothat doesn't make sense , what do you mean new line and colon in the end?08:51
Hagbartis startup disk creator only accepting ubuntu isos? it wont accept any isos i put in the source10:35
jeremy31Hagbart: Try Ventoy, it can handle multiple ISOs10:46
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atreopeople i need your help   i have the following command    sed -i '/command==/c\command="[sh -c "setsid xdg-open \"$HOME\" &"]"' dconf-settings.ini       but i need to fix it so that it adds the following string in this format      command="[sh -c 'setsid xdg-open "$HOME" &']"       the issues is with the nested ' and "    can someone help me?11:14
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loswedsededis this the correct channel to ask how to set up a lan to copy data from a mac to ubuntu?12:26
loswedsededIm now running bluettoth, but it transfers 0.1 MiB per second12:26
CosmicDJloswedseded: scp should work, nfs/smb shares should work... why bluetooth?12:34
loswedsededbecause I don't know those options13:08
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BluesKajHi all14:06
kubuntuMana Plus client crashes on-boot while-booting while doing its mideo test.14:57
kubuntuKubuntu 23.1014:57
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oerheksszstr, seek support in #manaplus here on #libera? it is not in our repos14:58
szstrIt is not not not not not ayn the as our re3os15:00
szstrAlright you're right15:00
oerheksand the .deb is from 2019 .. good luck !15:00
szstrthank you oerheks15:01
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szstrmana mmo ayz/is abandoned ware?15:17
PeGaSuSmost probably15:18
szstrall righty15:19
Simonioushow do I add a nameserver to 20.04.2 to stay? My edits keep getting overwritten16:34
Simonious(from CLI)16:34
AlloysiousSimonious are you writing them to /etc/resolv.conf ?16:35
Simoniousyes.. should I be writing /ec/systemd/resolved.conf instead?16:36
Alloysiousare you running systemd-resolved?16:37
Simonioushow do I tell? (looking that up)16:37
Alloysioussystemctl status systemd-resolved16:38
Simoniousit appears so16:38
SimoniousActive: active (running)16:38
Alloysiousso there are a couple choices. the systemd way is to add a *.network file in /etc/systemd/network/ with your device and its nameserves16:42
Alloysiousthe other option is to add them to your /etc/network/devices file16:43
oerhekssystemctl status systemd-resolved gives active, even i use networkmanager16:46
oerheksso, what desktop are you using?16:46
AlloysiousIs there anyone here who might help me understand PCIe bandwidth degrading? lspci tells me LnkCap: Port #0, Speed 8GT/s, Width x8, ASPM L1, but LnkSta: Speed 8GT/s, Width x4 (downgraded)16:48
Simonious<- no desktop16:49
shadow255Alloysious: without knowing the device and slot more particularly, it appears that an x4 device is plugged into an x8 slot16:50
Alloysious:( but it is an x8 device (XXV710) in a  x16 slot16:51
Alloysiousand bios is set to pcie5 x1616:52
oerheksso ?16:54
oerheksx16 degrades to x8 ..16:54
AlloysiousI understand ACPI can change bandwidth for energy reasons ( LnkCap2: Supported Link Speeds: 2.5-8GT/s ) but can it also degrade the width?16:54
oerheksyou degraded the 'width'16:56
Alloysiousis that somehow configurable in the kernel?16:56
oerheksyou better ask this in #hardware, it is not an ubuntu/linux/kernel issue16:57
Alloysiousthanks, I will check them out16:57
ioriaAlloysious, https://superuser.com/questions/1095073/where-does-pci-e-link-width-negotiation-occur17:01
SimoniousThings seem to be working somewhat better. Thanks for the help.17:03
Alloysiousthanks ioria!17:03
Nitrigaurioria, I've tried installing the libreoffice snap both in classic mode as you suggested, but even then the libreoffice snap does not have access to the /usr directory (access denied). When installing in devmode for even more permissions, I *can* access the /usr/lib tree, but somehow not the /usr/lib/jvm directory where all the JRE's live. On the .deb-version, this directory *is* visible and browsable.17:08
oerheksNitrigaur, that is correct, it should not have access outside your ~/home folder17:09
oerheksby design17:09
oerheksand it uses the openjdk it comes with by default; solution would be to install the deb version?17:10
* oerheks remembers this has been discussed before17:10
Nitrigauroerheks, even not in devmode? In my recollection, that mode should give full access to the filesystem. The snap version does not have a openjdk version included as far as I can see. The .deb version included in 23.10 ( is quite buggy and repeatedly crashes Base, leaving my opened hsqldb corrupted with phantom indexes,17:13
Nitrigauroerheks, otherwise, I would have just use the .deb-package instead and not bothered anyone here on this channel ;-) .17:15
Nitrigauroerheks, nvm, I see now that the .deb LO has just got an update to :-D17:21
winterkosmosDoes anyone know of a good power management utility for Lubuntu? The default keeps crashing, and I heard the xfce one is good, but it doesn't work at all.17:21
Nitrigaurioria, oerheks, thanks again :-)17:22
illuminatedok so i'm trying to do a do-release-upgrade.  I've not been upgrading my system and I'm still on 18.04.  I want to upgrade to 22.04.  However, I have a package that lists upgradable but it won't upgrade... idk why.  here's the pastebin.  https://paste.centos.org/view/da933f7e17:31
illuminateddo-release-upgrade to upgrade to 20.04 is failing with an 'install all updates' type of error.. and I think it has to do with the vscode package.. but idk.17:32
oerhekssee line #66 ,, and the EOL factoid17:34
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:34
oerheks18,04 .. you ignored updates for a long time now17:34
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illuminatedlol yeah i did17:37
illuminatedguilty as charged17:37
illuminatedprobably as far out of date as it is17:39
illuminatedwith as much trouble as it's going to be to upgrade it17:39
illuminatedprobably just better to do a fresh install17:39
Guest76Hello there! I have a silly question to ask: what is happening when recursively shredding a directory in /var? Why does it fill up the entire partition free space and where exactly are the files shred is making to overwrite being created?18:04
Guest76Also /var is not a separate partition, is is in the root partition as a logical volume (/var is is root-lv).18:05
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rfmGuest76, what file system is this.  A copy-on-write fs like zfs and btrfs would be allocating new space instead of overwriting...18:28
frostschutzGuest76, if there are any sparse files, shred also fills them up.19:20
yziquelthe java ca-certificates throws segfaults each time i apt install it on mantic.21:22
yziquelseems broken.21:22
leftyfb!next | yziquel21:22
ubottuyziquel: Noble Numbat is the codename for Ubuntu 24.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.21:22
leftyfboh, Mantic, sorry21:22
yziquelleftyfb ??21:22
yziquelwhat is !next ?21:22
leftyfbyziquel: can you pastebin the output?21:22
yziquelleftyfb no.21:23
yziquelnot now21:23
leftyfbwhy not?21:23
yziquelleftyfb because i'm trying to create 3 hour long processes VM and I'd have to restart all that.21:24
yziquelleftyfb it's in their startup logs.21:24
leftyfbyziquel: also, are you referring to ca-certificates-java? From what I can tell, that breaks the ca-certificates package which would not be ideal21:24
yziquelah ! no !! this one is lunar. and lunar is not maintained anymore. stupid me.21:24
leftyfbthere's problem #121:25
yziquelbut, regardless, a segfault is way too much.21:26
elSmith-Ubuntu is like milk. You don't want to use it past EOL or you'll get sick21:28
oerhekselSmith- this is the official support channel, jokes are not helpfull here, thanks.21:29
semis kubuntu 22.04 supposed to have /etc/sddm.conf.d? Or Just /etc/sddm.conf21:36
oerhekssem, you have to create the /etc/sddm.conf.d directory and conf files from scratch yourself. or as /etc/sddm.conf.21:41
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