
Guest48hi - tried sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php ... produced many errors and website is unreachable via direct link. just letting you know if nobody else has yet21:10
Guest48back up. ty :D21:19
xlmnxpWas launchpad down ~15 minutes ago?21:52
cjwatsonSomebody just before you joined also reported an outage, and it looked down to me as well21:52
cjwatsonhttps://status.canonical.com/ shows something21:52
cjwatsonThat spread of services suggests something like a prodstack compute node outage to me, but just a guess ...21:52
xlmnxpit wave of outages for many services worldwide and Canonical effected too?21:52
xlmnxpwired, anyway it up now21:52

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