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akikwhy is "lxc image list images:" empty on ubuntu 22.04?06:09
akikoh well https://discuss.linuxcontainers.org/t/important-notice-for-lxd-users-image-server/1847906:18
akikso it's because the canonical lxd takeover06:19
blogtendoes anyone have an opinion of the reliability of mdadm for raid5/6 with a write log device?06:22
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Jungler78what is this irc normally used for?11:07
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gnuserHi. I've a litle problem with the shortcuts. When I pulse crtl+alt+ins open terminnology but ever in the first virtual desktop. Can you help me?13:25
gnuserI've use enlightenment13:26
BluesKajHi all13:28
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yziquelI need to install a package without running its scripts. Specifically, I need to install the plocate package, to get the updatedb executable, but it insists on running the updatedb scripts. which creates a sevee problem on my VM. How do I install a package without running its postinst scripts ?16:03
oerheksunpack it, and copy them manually? you might run into other issues, why would it create severe problems?16:05
yziqueloerheks installing plocate starts updatedb. i'm on VM with virtiofs. the updatedb script just takes FOREVER (now that it does not blow up the number of file descriptors on the host). I've been on that on and off for a month. I just need to install updatebd without running it. and then try to run it in a way I can debug. As of today, either I16:13
yziquelinstall updatedb, it runs, and it screws up my system. Either I don't install it and... i can't debug it.16:13
yziquelso i need a way to stop the post-install script from running.16:13
leftyfbyziquel: make an alias for "updatedb" that does nothing16:22
yziquelleftyfb alias ? unclear.16:26
leftyfbexport alias updatedb='/bin/true'16:27
yziquelleftyfb tried it. doesn't work. post-inst script still runs and updatebd is launched.16:34
cmkwhats up16:35
leftyfbyziquel: you might have to set the alias as root16:35
yziquelleftyfb unclear what that means to me. I speak only french and english.16:36
oerheksi guess the 1st time plocate scans your whole system, that can take a while, just once.17:40
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Guest8677hallo alle zusammen17:52
]BaTMaN[hello le salon17:54
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danielwas macht ihr so grade ?17:55
oerheksi bet the name daniel is registered already.17:55
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oerheksread the topic?17:55
oerheksubuntu support17:55
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webchat46Hey all. I need help. I am not very tech savy. Is it possible to run Ubuntu over windows op sys? I was following tutorials and lost my SU commands and not am stuck. I called HP (new laptop) and windows support and they all say Linux is not supported18:46
rboxwhat does "lost my su commands" mean18:48
webchat46superuser commands18:48
rboxyes... still says nothing18:48
oerheksyour 1st account has sudo rights .. forgot password?18:48
oerheksor tell us what tutorials you followed?18:49
webchat46I was downloading Unbuntu and gnome GUI and the online instructions had me doing SU commands like $ sudo apt update18:49
webchat46I have been unable to get back into the cmd screen to install, Im not that savy18:50
ioriawebchat46, now you're sounding a chatbot18:50
webchat46not bothead18:50
kostkon!password | webchat4618:50
ubottuwebchat46: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords18:50
webchat46I have my pwsrd, thats not my issue.18:52
rboxyou still havne't told us what the issue is18:52
oerhekscan you clarify 'lost my SU commands' ?18:53
webchat46I am stuck trying to get back cmd screen to enter commands to finish ubuntu downloads18:53
kostkonwebchat46, become a bit more articulate if that is possible18:53
webchat46NM I will keep search for a dummies guide lol I am not that tech savy18:53
rboxyes, you've mentioend that a few times18:54
akikwebchat46: so you forgot your password or what?18:54
oerheksctrl alt t opens terminal again, but if you closed it, the command used has stopped.18:54
kostkonwell so long18:54
anadonI'm looking to add the packages for ROCm 6  (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rocm-compilersupport) to my 23.10 install ahread of the 24.04 release.  I do not see information to add repository information so those packages will be picked up.  How should I be adding them?19:35
rboxthats because those packages are already part of the regular ubuntu repos19:40
rboxnothing to add19:40
anadonThe 5.3 ones are in 23.10.  I want to install PyTorch which requires 5.7+.19:45
rboxwell ther eis 5.2 and 6.019:45
rboxyou could manually download the .deb files19:45
rboxand hope they dont break eveythitng19:45
anadonI was hoping for not that...19:46
oerheksyou noticed that 24.04 LTS gives v6 ?19:47
rboxwell you could add the repo with the 619:47
rboxbut thats just gonna break everyhting19:47
oerheksyeah, probably19:47
rboxnot probably19:47
rboxit will19:47
oerheksone could test 24.04 already..19:48
anadonHow stable is it even, yet?19:58
rboxwell its already march 9th and april is next month...19:59
rboxi'd be pretty worried if it was still crashy and buggy20:00
anadonBut this is my primary system.  Looks like for the net two months, I'll be pinned to using PyTorch's CPU implementation.20:06
rboxyou could copmile it yosuelf20:06
anadonain't nobody got the time for dat20:06
housepartyCan someone advise on a good strategy to handle packages which are frequently uninstalled by apt. I am not doing anything like dpkg -r or apt remove ... I also run an apt-mark manual script through a cronjob. Nonetheless, certain packages get remove periodically then I have to rerun an install script. In particular, I'm fighting with Discord. It is20:49
housepartynot playing fair.20:49
bprompthouseparty: that's kinda odd, apt removing stuff?20:56
housepartyyeah, I had to avoid the hostility in #linux21:02
housepartyRage fits... Yeah, it's odd... apt-mark manual should fix it but it's not...21:02
bprompthouseparty: well, seems to be an assumption you may be making, for something else, no?   I mean, I haven't had that happenning with Apt21:04
housepartyIt might be Discord doing it... Discord won't launch on Jammy - at least on this host - unless I update it. Discord tells me to download the .deb binary, so I do... Or actually, I cancel it and run a script that does the same thing the binary would do if I were to install it manually21:04
bprompthouseparty: I don't use Discord myself, hmmm so hmm, sounds like a discord issue though, not an Apt one, did you install it using "snap" or as a .deb install?21:06
housepartySo, I don't know if it will work... maybe I can do this: https://bpa.st/QCEQ21:07
ravagethe discord snap works fine 🙂21:07
housepartyIt's the deb... Oh, I can try the Snap... I didn't know there is one. I think Discord says to use the deb so that's probably why I started doing it but you're right thinking that. The snap is the preferred method on Ubuntu.21:07
bprompthouseparty: try removing fully the .deb version first, no need for any remainders21:08
ravageit is usually better than a PPA. and always better than installing single deb files you have to update manually21:08
housepartyI use this script ... it works perfectly except for I have to run it about once a month:21:08
housepartyhttps://bpa.st/CRIQ. I wrote that.21:08
housepartyThe trap cleanup function is cool because it removes unnecessary folders and it keeps the program directory tidy that way.21:09
housepartyMaybe I tried the snap at some point and it broke so I quit using it. But that is my fault ... I tinker a lot and I probably broke it, hehe. Anyway, thank you. I appreciate your help.21:11
housepartyYeah, I confirmed it. And sorry for the noise... Discord once you to use the Deb. And I have no idea why. I am actually curious. I'm going to contact one of their devs as I'm sure they have a reason. My guess is that if you use the deb it will work on all Debian based distros as the snap won't work when or if snap is not installed.21:15
jeremy31For Discord you might be better of using the browser version21:17
housepartyYeah, I agree jeremy31. Thanks for saying that. I have a friend who does that. I think for most popular apps, that's how he rolls. I guess I just run so many tabs that I like the apps. I am glad you said that ... If the snap doesn't do what I want, I think that will be the next step.21:18
housepartyDo you guys get annoyed when the app developers don't list the snap info in the download sections of their websites?21:20
bprompthouseparty: may just be an oversight, or a webpage not lately updated21:52
jeremy31That discord deb seems to update about twice a week, then it updates again when you run the program21:52
baggywhen i imstall ubuntu from store it says WELCOME TO UBUNTU... Preparing Ubuntu.. how lond should i wait22:39
baggyis it down22:40
baggyor it my end22:40
oerheksinstall ubuntu from store?22:42
leftyfb!wsl | baggy22:42
ubottubaggy: Windows 10 and newer have a feature called "Windows Subsystem for Linux", which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide22:42
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baggyhow long does prep take23:02
baggyover an hour?23:02
baggyfist time doing this23:03
ravageno it should not take that long23:06
ravagebut we cant really help much with that here. the whole setup process is managed by windows23:07
baggyill load23:08
bpromptbaggy: go make dinner, and come back :)23:08
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srcany1 familiar w/ sw arrays on linux, more particularly mdadm? I have two nvme drives in my machine, one of which contains my ubuntu install (luks + encryption), can I use the second nvme as a mirrored drive (raid 1) via mdadm?23:28
rboxsrc: https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=linux+convert+non+raid+to+raid+123:29
srcI'm unsure whether it's a problem that I want to a) mirror the very drive that is my root drive and contains my install and b) mirror a drive which is encrypted (and want my mirrored drive to obviously be as well)23:29
ravagethe combination of RAID and encryption is not supported by the installer23:33
ravagelearned that the hard way with my 24.04 setup 🙂23:33
housepartyYou're recommending a type 1 hypervisor for Windows on a Linux channel - in response to WSL? And don't get me wrong, I love WSL ...23:33
ravagewho is "you" ?23:33
bprompt"you" is not the "other" =)23:35
ravagesrc: i ended up manually setting up my system with debootstrap. i now have 24.04 with an encrypted software RAID 1. it seems to be the only way to do that. i got a little further with the server installer. but even that did not really want to cooperate all the way through23:35
bprompthouseparty: the question pertained to installing Linux on a windows10 machine through the MS store, thus the need for the hypervisor23:36
srcravage: ty for the input, damn I hoped it'd be more straight forward than that... :/23:37
bprompt24.04?   you're early by a month =)23:37
housepartyOh, I was unaware of the context.I can see where you were going with it now that you said that.23:37
ravagei always test LTS releases to report bugs23:37
housepartyI like Hyper-V but it is a pain to maintain... the networking can get wonky - and more so for me since I use a lot of VMs23:37
ravagebut the version does not really matter. same with every version starting with 22.0423:37
housepartyI spent around two hours yesterday messing with Hyper-V.23:38
bpromptravage: can you update from a beta to an final version?23:38
ravageyes. you just do your usual package updates23:39
bpromptI mean, most I OSes, you have to toss the testing version and do a full i install of the final23:39
srcravage: alright, I'll simply partition the second nvme, and run a backup script to sync various files; it won't serve as a drop in replacement in case of the first nvme dying, but will be backup nonetheless23:39
srcravage: and the second nvme can be encrypted w/out problem and I dodge a lot of work23:39
ravagesrc: sounds like a good plan23:40
srcI've got an external nvme case for two nvmes anyways23:40
srcI could always plug one out there and insert into my machine if the system nvme broke23:40
housepartyYou can update anything but - and I don't know how long anyone here has been using anyone - changing some things may break other things. Even then, few things, aside from breaking grub are unfixable.23:40
srcravage: big thanks btw, was difficult to find conrecte info on software raid w/ an encrypted system drive23:41
ravageyw, sorry that i dont have better news 🙂23:41
bprompt" how long anyone here has been using anyone"?    well, forever, I use "anyone" at the supermarket for checking out for example :P23:41
housepartyAnd you can fix grub but if the system won't even boot that's a lot of work.23:45
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applecuckooHi! I seem to have broken my networking, since I can no longer connect to WiFi. Running Ubuntu 23.10 with an Intel AX201.23:57
applecuckooI’ve tested the Wifi on a live image, so I’ve definitely bricked something within my installation.23:57

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