
xu-irc18wHello Everyone, I'm in the progress of evaluating how we currently are providing xubuntu to our CoderDojo teams. The current process is: install Xubuntu on a laptop, install all the apps, and make an image with CloneZilla so we can replicate on other laptops.09:49
xu-irc18wQuestions around it are:09:49
xu-irc18w- Is this still the best way to do it?09:49
xu-irc18w- Are there any ways to automate the creation of the iso (e.g. Packer and the likes)09:49
xu-irc18w- Am I overthinking it :) ?09:50
torvxu-irc18w: I see the tool Cubic [1] mentioned alot. (Just a user here and haven't used it myself yet though.)  [1] https://github.com/PJ-Singh-001/Cubic10:11
xu-irc18wI'll check it out, thx torv10:13
torvxu-irc18w: Seems good--I just tried it in a VM, based on Xubuntu 22.04 "core", built a custom `.iso` and booted its live env (disk install not tested).10:54

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