
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Thank you00:29
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> Ah yes mparillo still some work in progress on this. In essence Kubuntu has it's own Space, and within the space 3 Rooms. @tsimonq2 helped me set it up. There is a discussion point for the Kubuntu Council which should help us to shape policy on this.12:15
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> https://invent.kde.org/teams/distribution-kubuntu/2024-25-strategic-plan/-/wikis/KC-Q1-meeting-dd-mm-yyyy 12:15
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> And updated documentation for the website.12:15
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> https://invent.kde.org/teams/distribution-kubuntu/2024-25-strategic-plan/-/issues/1412:15
mmikowskisgmoore: I am so sorry to hear this. Best wishes to you.18:04
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Thank you. I am devastated and heartbroken 💔. I am getting ready for church to go be with God as my son would have wanted.18:11
mmikowskiBless you Scarlett. Dana also sends her prayers.20:22
arraybolt3sgmoore: Praying here as well! So sorry to hear you're going through this.20:23
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Thank you to all of you. All the support will get me through this difficult time.20:24
mmikowskiYou're welcome Scarlett. Again, best wishes.20:28
valoriesgmoore: call me if you need anything or just want to cry or talk20:59
valoriewhatever & whenever20:59
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> I adore you valorie, you care for us all so much, and I love you for that {{{hugs}}} ❣️21:36
valorie@Rick_Timmis SAME!21:37
valoriesorry for my cranky email last night21:37
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Thank you Valerie <3 heading to church now, but will call you in the next day or two. Much love21:38
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> Not Cranky valorie, it was legit frustration, I went to edit that issue and was like Uh? How is that not possible. However, we've an unspoken requirement to maintain the bridge between KDE and Ubuntu, and I am very keen to persist with kde.invent because it's the perfect place to make everything Kubuntu is doing visible in both camps. I relish the day when you and I get to meet, because it'll be the best {{hug}} ever. Thank you.22:59
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> You can't edit it? (re @Rick_Timmis: Not Cranky valorie, it was legit frustration, I went to edit that issue and was like Uh? How is that not possible. However, we've an unspoken requirement to maintain the bridge between KDE and Ubuntu, and I am very keen to persist with kde.invent because it's the perfect place to make everything Kubuntu is doing visible in both camps. I relish the day when you and I get to meet, because it'll be t23:02
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> Ah you had same troubles too, hmm that's a UI issue23:02
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> I can edit fine (re @Rick_Timmis: Ah you had same troubles too, hmm that's a UI issue)23:03
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> Yes, select the drop down 'Issue' at the top, and it has an edit button23:03
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> Which is so out of context because in edit or create mode that drop down has only Issue, or Incident23:04
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> Like Who knew!!!23:04
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> My edit button is not in the menu, but beside it23:04
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> Hmmm.. maybe it's a mobile rendering issue then, as I was doing it on my phone23:05
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Ah, that is likely why23:05
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> In a reasonable size browser window it  is there and obvious23:06
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> It took me ages to find it, and frankly I was getting pretty miffed aboutit23:06
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> But, of course it's all pretty new, once I get the hang of it..23:07
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> It'll be great23:07
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> I really like GitLab great platform23:07
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> I agree23:07

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