[13:08] Hi all [16:18] Just fyi, I'm getting the "Element tray icon not appearing in system tray" issue here too. Using Wayland on 24.04. [16:18] (Kubuntu, obviously) [16:45] arraybolt3: FYI, I get it whether Wayland or X11. [16:46] And not limited to Element. [16:46] Nextcloud Desktop, Telegram... really any Electron application that has a systray icon. [16:49] I think it has to do with appindicator. Was researching when life happened. I was also working on our lack of emojis. [16:51] @sgmoore I was noticing that too. Life comes first, take your time. :) [17:17] Eickmeyer: https://termbin.com/towr Still sure you aren't ready to blame AppArmor? [17:17] Perhaps snapd is at fault but that looks like the issue to me. [17:18] Eickmeyer: I assume all of those apps are installed as Snaps? Or are some of them installed other ways? [17:18] arraybolt3: I never said I wasn't ready to blame Apparmor. I just said I wasn't quite sure. [17:18] I know :P was just pointing out something I found [17:19] In the past, snaps haven't been a problem but all the sudden they are, and yes, in my case they're snaps. [17:19] * arraybolt3 goes and installs some Electron app that has a systray via apt [17:20] * Eickmeyer might be afk a lot in the next few hours so expect sporadic responses [17:24] so yeah the non-Snap makes an icon just fine. [17:24] (installed Element from the apt package) [17:24] * arraybolt3 shuffles off to file a snapd bug [17:24] It's not a problem on Edubuntu or Ubuntu Desktop, so it's gotta be a Plasma thing. [17:25] arraybolt3: Nope, likely not a snapd issue. ^ [17:25] Symptom showed after a plasma update on every install I have. [17:25] well why then does the non-Snap just work and the snap get AppArmor denials? [17:26] No idea. [17:26] But it didn't show after a snapd update, it showed after a plasma update. [17:29] hmm, I suppose the way that Plasma allows services to send notifications or make app tray icons could have changed and that new way is blocked by snapd or something... [17:29] but I don't get it, this should have been only bugfix releases from now on with 5.27 I thought. [17:30] Sometimes bugfixes introduce regressions. That's development 101. [17:30] right but I mean, an architectural change like what I'm thinking doesn't seem very likely to me at least. [17:31] Well, I've gotta go afk, I'm at work right now. [17:31] kk [17:43] this looks relevant: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/dbus-related-apparmor-denials/37422/14 [17:44] Lack of emojis in Neochat? In a different version of Neochat, installing noto-emoji solved the lack of emojis. [17:50] Click launcher, type emoji and it brings up an emoji picker. It is a mess. noto-sans-color-emoji is installed and seeded. There is a conflict somewhere. [18:38] So disabling apparmor entirely seems to fix the issue... [18:38] obviously not a good fix but it isolates things a bit better [18:42] Comment on the apparmor bug, I guess. [18:42] Maybe add snapd to it? idk... [18:44] found a tool called snappy-debug for debugging exactly this kind of mess, going to try it [18:48] Excellent tool [19:03] https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/2056696 [19:03] -ubottu:#kubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2056696 in snapd "All Snaps are denied the ability to use DBus for notifications and apptray indicators" [Undecided, New] [19:04] arraybolt3: Imma add apparmor to that. Could be one, could be both. [19:04] thanks [19:05] The reason I suspect Snap is because according to https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/apparmor-profile-customisation/35780/3, "apparmor profiles for snaps are generated on the fly at snap install time and re-generated during snap updates from the interface definitions of snapd." Also Snap is something that could have theoretically updated out from under you without you noticing on multiple systems, [19:05] thus making it look like Plasma's fault. [19:06] RIght, that's why I've been suspecting Plasma this whole time, but which component? [19:06] either something DBus related or the desktop itself, I checked plasma-desktop's Git history though and didn't see anything even a bit suspicious. [19:07] Not even something related to dbus? [19:07] nope [19:08] Then I wonder if there was a change in dbus? [19:08] I mean, we've gotta explore everything. [19:09] Then of course, there's frameworks. [19:25] hey... can you *downgrade* snapd? [19:25] that might be interesting to try [19:28] Yes, unfortunately I don't have the commands at hand [20:19] So apparently LXQt uses org.kde.statusnotifieritem just like KDE (big shock there). XFCE uses com.canonical.dbusmenu (and I assume so does most if not all non-Qt things), so that'll be a point of comparison. [20:46] ok so the issue does *not* occur in Lubuntu. Which makes me think perhaps it's dodging the interface that isn't working for some reason. [20:59] I've done about as much debugging work on this as I can today - I'm not finding anything that looks suspicious looking through Git history for notification-related code in KDE, so for now I'm going to leave this to the Snap and AppArmor guys to look into and try again later. [21:00] arraybolt3: you're working on Sunday??? [21:00] thanks for your work [21:00] valorie: :P glad to be able to help [21:01] :-) [21:01] it IS helping [21:01] feels good to have a team effort going [21:01] feels good to be part of a good team [21:01] Eickmeyer: you too [21:02] also -- I sent you an email! [21:02] arraybolt3: amen to that [23:31] valorie: I work for a church in Everett, keeps my audio skills sharp. And it's fun.