
MTecknologyIs https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall actually maintained? It seems inaccurate and I'm not able to reproduce what they claim should work.00:36
oerhekssee bottom 'This page was last modified 22 minutes ago'00:37
oerheksso, you might have used the old one00:38
MTecknologyIt /always/ says it was modified X minutes ago, but nothing else on the page changes00:38
MTecknologyThe kvm command they provide doesn't even try to read a data source. I had to use tcpdump to be absolutely sure it wasn't just from unclear documentation.00:55
MTecknologyI guess the "broken" whitespace hops off to a different site with the exact same theme - https://canonical-subiquity.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/howto/autoinstall-quickstart.html00:58
MTecknology... it sure seems like I'm trying to follow instructions that never actually worked. I'm not believing that this is maintained.01:05
oerheksThis page was last modified 29 minutes ago.01:16
oerheksso, it is working01:16
oerheksnot a realtime clock, but not static01:16
oerhekscare to share what is not working?01:17
MTecknologyI can't replicate what they claim should be working. I set it up the same way, but no kvm command I try appears to even try to pull a cloud-init config.01:18
MTecknologyI can use curl to see the python web server returns the correct file, but tcpdump suggests no request is made.01:19
MTecknologycloud-init documentation suggests it should be ds=nocloud instead of ds=nocloud-net, but the apparent result was the same.01:21
oerheksi' d like to ask a server genius to join us, but none are available at saturday night :-(01:25
oerheksi read about single quotes issue https://askubuntu.com/questions/1487703/try-to-setup-autoinstall-in-ubuntu-22-04-lts-booting-through-iso-and-use-https01:26
oerheks 'ds=nocloud;s=https://x.x.x.x/ubuntu/' 01:26
MTecknologyah, interesting. I tried the reverse (double inside single) ->  -append 'autoinstall "ds=nocloud;s=http://_gateway:3003/"'  (also with just a backlash and with both quotes and backslash, and all with nocloud-net and nocloud.01:31
oerhekssorry that i have less experience with autoinstall ..01:32
MTecknologyI've been trying with both, since cloud-init documentation shows without the -net01:32
oerheksreally nobody is available right now.01:32
MTecknologyIs there an equivalent to BOOT_DEBUG?01:32
MTecknologyThe great thing about IRC is that nerds tend to always be connected. If anyone with any clue comes along in a few days, they'll be able to help. I very much get the impression almost nobody is actually using this mess and just resorts to static image deployment01:35
oerheksis it possible to hang in here, maybe tomorrow ..01:35
MTecknologyYeah, I'll just leave it connected. I don't expect anything, but I'm still passively hopeful that maybe someone around here has actually used this thing.01:37
oerheksi try tomorrow again01:38
oerheksinteresting though..01:38
MTecknologyAnyone that might have a clue is /probably/ going to be connected 24/7, so it's just a matter of them reading my follow-up to your questions and seeing if they have anything else they can contribute.01:39
MTecknologyoerheks: Quick question- How do /you/ handle automatic deployment/provisioning of servers and/or endpoints?01:40
oerheksi did the old way, preseed files, deploying dedicated servers.01:43
oerheksnot working with canonical though..01:43
MTecknologyYeah ... that's my personal method. I have a "remastered" debian ISO, with a embedded preseed and customized grub menu. The preseed is pretty basic except for the disk layout and the execution of a "bootstrap" script, which is where my actual device provisioning comes from.01:47
MTecknologyConverting this to ubuntu is proving to be insanely difficult.01:48
MTecknologyoh .. I think the quoting thing is specifically for grub, which isn't being used for this kvm command. The kvm command basically skips that step.01:50
oerheksi have break up, see you tomorrow, maybe?01:55
oerheksthis channel is logged and read by many..01:55
MTecknologyI'll be here01:55
oerheksmeanwhile, relax and have fun!01:55
MTecknologyI don't get to relax until this is done.01:55
oerheksi know, but you need some rest some time01:56
MTecknologyyeah .. I guess I could return to an imaged install and pick this up from a bootstrap.01:58
MTecknologyI was hoping to feel like I made /some/ progress today, but I'm exactly where I started.01:59
minimalcloud-init docs are for cloud-init, ubuntu server's autoinstall (subiquity) whilst based on cloud has its own YAML config that then "wraps" cloud-init config02:04
MTecknologyIt seems like there's some back-and-forth, with cloud-init being how autoinstall is provided, and then autoinstall writing things for a later cloud-init execution02:06
MTecknologyI found some whiteboard sketches documenting how subiquity, cloud-init, autoinstall, and d-i interact with each other, but I can't find that anymore.02:07
minimal"cloud-init being how autoinstall is provided" - cloud-init knows nothing about autoinstall, that's a subquity thing02:07
minimalalso subquity changes cloud-init's behaviour which the cloud-init docs won't reflect02:07
minimalI could help with cloud-init but not with subquity/autoinstall as I basically know nothing about it02:12
MTecknologyI don't know which piece is even broken ...02:13
MTecknologyThe only thing I know for certain is that I can't get ubuntu to appear to try to load any "data source"02:16
minimalthe bit about nocloud/nocloud-net depends on the cloud-init version - recent cloud-init versions just use "nocloud" (tho I assume "nocloud-net" is still supported for now) whereas older releases needed "nocloud-net" to be specified for a http/https url02:16
minimaland yes the quoting around the ds= entry is required for some (all?) bootloaders02:17
MTecknologyThe last thing I tried, using the contents extracted from the 20.04-server iso ::  kvm -no-reboot -m 2048 -drive file=image.img,format=raw,cache=none,if=virtio -kernel linux -initrd initrd.gz -append "autoinstall 'ds=nocloud-net;s='"02:19
MTecknology(happy to push that off to people.d.o if it'd be helpful)02:19
minimalI can only comment on how cloud-init might behave, I don't know if subquity/autoinstall might try and use that URL02:20
MTecknologyIs there any obvious issue if it were given to cloud-init?02:21
minimalI'm assuming you're wanting to use that url's contents to drive the autoinstall02:21
MTecknologyThere's a user-data and meta-data file in that directory02:21
minimalso that's not cloud-init then, autoinstall is not a cloud-init feature, that subquity02:22
MTecknologythis?  https://canonical-subiquity.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/howto/autoinstall-quickstart.html02:22
oerheks0oh, my bad02:23
oerhekssubquity is a cloud-init feature02:24
minimaloerheks: no it is not02:24
minimalit is a Ubuntu server feature02:24
MTecknologyI'm assuming that everything I think I currently understand is probably wrong, so I don't know what I don't know ... I'm worse than a blank slate.02:25
minimaloerheks: to be more precise, cloud-init has some limited ubuntu autoinstall support - specifically as cloud-init validations YAML docs against schemas then cloud-init had to add the "autoinstall" bit to the cloud-config schemas as otherwise ubuntu autoinstall YAML docs would fail validation02:29
oerheksoke. i have limit knowledge of the new subquity installer.02:30
oerheksthanks for stepping in this late02:31
minimalcloud-init is designed to run on a disk image (i.e. re-prepared OS install) such as ubuntu (and other OS/distros) cloud images02:32
minimalUbuntu then decides to use cloud-init for installing Ubuntu by using it via Subiquity02:33
MTecknologyooh, neat! It looks like the only modification required for my own (debian) installer to support kvm is adding "elif [ -e /dev/vda ] ..." to if [ -e /dev/nvme0n1 ]; then disk=/dev/nvme0n1; else disk=/dev/sda; fi;02:33
minimal /dev/vda is a virtio-blk device02:34
minimalwhereas /dev/sda can be a virtio-scsi, or sata, scsi device02:34
MTecknologyI have almost no experience with kvm outside of things like proxmox, so it seemed like a helpful way to validate the commands should actually work the way I expect them to.02:34
minimalwhen you run QEMU on cli you can specify the type of storage device you want02:35
minimalso I have a wrapper script that lets me specify virtio-blk, virtio-scsi, nvme, etc02:35
MTecknologyThat was the only change required and it got through with my bootstrap, which handles installation and execution of "salt-call state.highstate"02:36
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MTecknologyAt least I know it generally works correctly. It makes me trust at least that much of the documentation.02:37
minimalthis defines the autoinstall YAML format: https://canonical-subiquity.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/reference/autoinstall-reference.html02:37
MTecknologyYeah, I actually had that open in a tab, but I can't use that because I can't get the installer to try to load anything in the first place.02:38
minimaland inside that the "user-data" defines what will be passed on to cloud-init02:38
MTecknologythat documentation is a future challenge02:38
minimalcloud-init's NoCloud expects to be provided with user-data02:39
MTecknologymost documentation just uses a single "autoinstall:" key with everything else nested one level02:39
MTecknologyI have a few versions that I tried, but I stopped playing with that when I realized that tcpdump shows no activity02:39
minimalI don't know if/how subiquity handles NoCloud-Net02:40
MTecknologyI also tried passing -cdrom and added it manually, but that didn't help.02:40
minimali've used NoCloud-Net with cloud-init in the past to fetch meta-data and user-data02:41
MTecknologyThis is one of the whitespace issues -> https://canonical-subiquity.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/howto/autoinstall-quickstart.html#write-your-autoinstall-configuration02:41
MTecknologyHow did you kick that off?02:41
minimalI'm not using subiquity02:41
MTecknologyDo you do installations to unknown hardware?02:42
minimalanything I tell you is how "pure" cloud-init works02:42
minimalI use disk images that contain cloud-init to then run upon boot02:42
MTecknologyah, bummer ... that's what I need to avoid and what it seems like everything is now02:43
MTecknologygreat for a vps or container, but not great for metal02:43
minimalas I already said, cloud-init does not do installations02:43
MTecknologyI have zero objections to throwing this giant clusterfuck, but I don't think I actually /can/02:43
minimalUbuntu came up with a way (Subiquity) to use/abuse it for installs02:43
minimalfor bare-metal I boot a simple stripped down OS that "dd"s a disk image onto the storage device and then when the machine reboots it runs cloud-init02:44
minimalI use cloud-init that way on baremetal PCs and Raspberry Pis02:45
MTecknologyThat seems to be how live-build works -> static image with a little bit of extra bootstrapping, which /could/ be cloud-init.02:46
MTecknologyit's great if you know the target hardware, but I have to support bring-your-own02:47
minimalso example I have a disk image for BIOS boot and another for UEFI boot and the appropriate one is dd'ed onto the disk..........on 1st boot then cloud-init grows the size of the root partition to fill the disk, sets keyboard/locate, sets up networking, etc02:47
minimalwell my "simple OS for install" just needs to analyse the hardware (is it BIOS or UEFI? is it SATA or NVME? etc) and then select the appropriate disk image to dd02:48
minimalI can create "generic" images that have all the relevant drivers for booting (i.e both SATA and NVME in initramfs, both Intel and AMD microcode present) and if I use a hybrid GPT layout then it can be either BIOS or UEFI booted02:51
minimalbut normally I prefer to create/use a more specific image for size and other reasons02:52
MTecknologyMy own version of cloud-init is basically the "bootstrap" script that gets salt installed/configured and then runs "highstate," which results in a 100%-completely configured device. I use the *exact* same bootstrap for desktops, servers, and embedded devices. Debian makes portability as simple as "auto=true url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MTecknology/teckhost/master/iso/debian12/preseed.cfg"02:53
minimalwell in cloud-init's user-data you can specify an ansible playbook to be run so I use that02:54
minimalcloud-init has salt support though I've never used it/looked at it02:55
MTecknologySo, my original question is obviously going to get lost to backlog. Can you help me out with a rewritten version of the question that includes your understanding so that I can ask a simple/coherent question next time?02:56
minimalwell I guess you want to know if subiquity supports fetching its config from a https url02:57
MTecknologyIsn't that what it's showing over here?  https://canonical-subiquity.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/howto/autoinstall-quickstart.html02:59
minimalperhaps, I don't know, as I said before I know noting about subiquity03:01
minimalI know how cloud-init works by itself03:01
MTecknology-append "autoinstall 'ds=nocloud-net;s='"  that should be picked up by ubiquity and handed to cloud-init, which then reads the autoinstall: key?03:01
minimalperhaps, I don't know, as I said before I know noting about subiquity03:01
minimalit you booted a disk image which had cloud-init enabled to run at boot and you passed "'ds=nocloud-net;s='" then I'd expect cloud-init to try and fetch the and ttp:// urls and use them to configure the OS03:03
minimalbut when you're booting the ubuntu server ISO you're not booting cloud-init, you're booting some Subiquity/cloud-init hybrid03:05
MTecknologyIt uses cloud-init early in the boot process. There's actually a spot in the installer specifically for manual generation of those files on the ubuntu-server live image; it actually bootstraps itself using cloud-init.03:07
MTecknologyFWIW, I have a few deadlines that absolutely have to be met, so I'm about to start dumping all my time into alternatives. If there's any chance that you'd be willing to take your current knowledge and help me figure out how to get this blasted thing to work correctly, I'd be delighted to pay for that effort.03:08
minimalwe seem to be going around in circles, all I can say is that my understanding is that subquity changes cloud-init's behaviour and therefore, as someone who does not use subiquity, I cannot answer any questions involving subiquity03:08
minimalthere's been at least a couple of Issues recently raised with cloud-init that didn't make sense until people realised that subquity was involved and so was changing how things behaved and those people had to be pointed to go raise Subiquity/Ubuntu issues instead03:11
MTecknologyah ... maybe I should take a break and start making sure those two words are in all of my searches. I'm sure all the documentation is going to look different after what you taught me. :)03:13
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MTecknologylol ... someone recommended leaving cloud-init around for the initial startup, but it looks like that conflicts with other tips for removing netplan from the equation on first boot ... I'm not really sure what netplan is, it seems like a cloud-init plugin.17:34
minimalno, netplan is how Ubuntu configures networking17:35
MTecknologyit looks like a wrapper for configuring other things ...17:36
minimalits an alternative to /etc/network/interfaces (previously used by Debian), network-manager, sysconfig etc17:36
MTecknologyah ... yeah, the tip is for s/netplan/network-manager/. It seems like that breaks cloud-init.17:37
minimalduring boot cloud-init will create distro-specific network configuration (so in the case of Ubuntu that's netplan) based on any network config provided to cloud-init17:37
minimal"Introduced in Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak), Netplan has been the default network configuration tool in Ubuntu since 17.10 (Artful Aardvark). Netplan consumes Networking config Version 2 input and renders network configuration for supported backends such as systemd-networkd and NetworkManager."17:40
MTecknologyI read through that and it's part of what reinforced my notion that it's a cloud-init plugin (configuration wrapper)17:40
minimalnetplan is NOT a cloud-init plugin, it is Ubuntu functionality17:41
minimalcloud-init USES Ubuntu netplan functionality if required17:41
MTecknologyI understand that now that you say it; the documentation does not make it clear at all17:41
minimalwhich documentation? the netplan documentation?17:41
trippeha configuration wrapper (cloud-init) for a configuration wrapper (netplan) :)17:41
minimal"Netplan has been the default network configuration tool in Ubuntu since 17.10"17:42
MTecknologyk ... gotcha, thanks17:42
minimalthat makes it quite clear that netplan is a Ubuntu thing17:42
MTecknologyyep, it does17:42
minimalso I'm confused how the documentation was unclear17:42
MTecknologyit doesn't matter anymore ...17:43
MTecknologythanks for explaining it17:43
minimaland on that page it mentions how cloud-init can render network config to ENI, sysconfig, netplan, networkd, etc depending on the OS/distro17:44
MTecknologytrippeh: That's pretty much what this is ... cloud-init wrapping autoinstall wrapping cloud-init17:45
MTecknologyit's wrappers all around! I feel like I should be forgiven for not realizing one of these things is not just another wrapper17:46
MTecknologyoh yeah ... at it's all kicked off by subiquity, which appears to be kicked off by debian-installer17:50
trippehhave we reached peak level of abstractions yet? :)17:55
MTecknologyWait! There's an xkcd for this ...17:57
trippehI mostly just install using a shell script + debootstrap these days. feels simpler somehow.17:57
MTecknologyIt's a million times simpler, but I don't think that works terribly well if you don't know the target hardware.17:58
MTecknologyThis is the first xkcd that came to mind, but the other was better. https://xkcd.com/927/17:59
MTecknologytrippeh: For fun, this is my personal setup - https://github.com/MTecknology/teckhost   You can grab the iso and check out my personal desktop experience.18:23
MTecknologythere's also this, which makes netplan seem like a wrapper ->  printf "network:\n  version: 2\n  renderer: NetworkManager" >/target/etc/netplan/plan.yaml19:35
patdk-lapif your using networkmanager yes19:37
patdk-lapI have never used netplan that way19:37
patdk-laphave only used networkd19:38
MTecknologyIsn't networkd the systemd abomination?19:39
MTecknologypart of*19:39
patdk-laplikely, but I have never liked networkmanager and have never used it on any of my systems19:39
MTecknologyfamiliarity is worth a lot19:41
minimalits no more a wrapper than "older" network configuration methods were in other distros, e.g. sysconfig files used by Fedora, /etc/network/interfaces used by Debian19:59
minimalthe netplan file is a *configuration* file used by the appropriate distro tools20:00
MTecknologyIs there a grub command that says "retry a normal boot from this point"?20:32
MTecknologycryptsetup was part of initramfs, but it didn't provide a prompt to automatically decrypt the disk, but "cryptsetup open /dev/sda3 sda3_crypt was able to open the disk and then vgchange -a y read the volumes without problem.20:34
JanCdid you try to exit the shell?20:48
minimalwhat are you expecting Grub to "continue"? Grub loads kernel + initramfs and passed control over, after than it's nothing more to do with Grub20:53
MTecknologyJanC: I did not! That seems remarkably obvious now.20:55
MTecknologyHere we go, the issue was that I managed to remove initramfs-tools.20:55
JanCso no new initramfs was built?20:56
JanCor what?20:56
MTecknologyThe missing link was /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/*/cryptroot20:58
MTecknology(and probably other scripts, but that's what I noticed that lead me to make sure it was installed.20:59
JanCthat's part of cryptsetup-initramfs21:01
tomreyn/usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/*/cryptroot are part of package cryptsetup-initramfs. package cryptsetup-initramfs is recommended by package cryptsetup.21:02
tomreynmaybe you've cusotomized your system so that it does not install recommended packages, which can easily create such issues.21:02
MTecknologyJanC: so, yeah ... it was the lack of rebuilding. The scripts were there to be added, but they weren't.21:02
JanCare you sure you had that package installed?  I'm pretty sure you can't (easily) remove initramfs-tools, and that should automatically rebuild initramfs if necessary, but not installing or removing cryptsetup-initramfs is more likely...?21:07
MTecknologytomreyn: "maybe I've customized your system" is an understatement! :D   I'm working on an automated desktop installation (onto "unknown" hardware).  I'm pretty much giving up on an actual automated installation (ds=nocloud-net;s=https://.../ubuntu2024/) and focusing on manually completing the same thing.  (giving up -> getting the installer to download it)21:08
MTecknologyJanC: sec ...21:09
MTecknologyJanC: *sigh* ... Thanks for verifying that I lied to you.  https://0x0.st/HhQu.png   I guess it was the --reinstall that triggered a rebuild and got the scripts added.21:15
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
MTecknologyJanC: minimal: This is obviously incomplete and not "functional," but this is what I have at the moment. https://dpaste.com/49PP4FXMB21:23

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