[00:01] The only command that might’ve caused the damage would be sudo ifconfig enx8038fddb072f [00:04] thats not persistent [00:15] hello? [03:07] hey folks, does the autoinstall feature only works for ubuntu server? [03:12] Cant' see why it would not work and if it does not, write a bash script. [03:12] Or... I'm always bored... You can query me and if I have time, I'll do it [03:15] did you get to install ubuntu on win10? [03:15] why not use WSL? [03:22] so basically, I'm trying to leverage to automatically install an Ubuntu 22.04 desktop using autoinstall, but the install process seems to be ignored [03:23] here is how I am doing it: https://dpaste.com/6B2WEFEFU [03:26] interesting, it seems I'm doing it wrong. [03:34] dam, it only supported for ubuntu-server 20.04 and ubuntu-desktop 23.04 and newer. === Strykar is now known as Strykar_ === Strykar_ is now known as Strykar [05:59] Hello. My device is Lenovo ThinkPad L480. I installed a single boot Ubuntu 20.04.4 from a bootable USB on my system. There was a glitch with Bluetooth connectivity, so I upgraded the firmware, and suddenly the system switched off. [06:00] When I tried to boot the following error comes: (A7) Me FW Downgrade - Request MeSpiLock failed. [06:02] Any help available? [06:19] what is this program for? [06:20] this program is for chatting [06:21] thanks, this is my firts experience using lubuntu i'm just exploring apps included [06:23] misra: You have landed in the Ubuntu support channel :D [06:29] misra: first experience counts :) [06:32] misra: you might be familiar with discord. this is similar, using irc protocols & servers. it's what discord's design is based on, and has been around longer than the web [06:33] which program on ubuntu is configured to join here? [06:57] thank you guys, i appreciate your kind messages [07:05] see ya later [07:05] take care [07:05] bye [07:53] why can't i update the firefox snap while firefox is running? [07:54] technical limitation. just not possible [07:55] it was silly to put it into a snap in the first place === Raven is now known as Raven_ === Raven_ is now known as Rav3n === Rav3n is now known as Rav3n_ === jfsimon1981_b is now known as jfsimon === leon_ is now known as Guest8887 === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom === diogeness_ is now known as diogeness [13:08] Hi all === JanC is now known as Guest6359 [14:56] what's /usr/libexec/fwupd/fwupd? it's using 102mb on my ubuntu server and that seems abnormally high [15:00] fwupd is an open-source daemon for managing the installation of firmware updates on Linux-based systems [16:48] tried kubuntu-wayland a bit, but it seems still much slower than kubuntu-x11 [16:49] so dont use it? [16:51] rbox: why not? [16:51] he just said its slower [16:52] what if they like kubuntu-wayland more and are open to diagnose the cause of the slowness? [18:09] I think wayland will be the future, since X11 is clearly on its last legs [18:09] and seems to be deprecated in more and more distros [18:10] the main difference in performance I've noticed in 3D games via Wine [18:10] but the rest of the GUI also feels slower. (Nothing obvious though, the frame rate counter indicates expected 60 FPS) [18:11] I'll probably try again with KDE 6 [18:36] hey [18:39] s2: Hay Bartender!!! said the horse at the bar [18:41] hello [18:42] i search program to index disk usb and catalog it [18:45] what does catalog mean [18:45] we'll never know [18:50] hehe [18:50] rbox: sounded like "rsync" something === N3X15_ is now known as N3X15 === sinned69159 is now known as sinned6915 [19:10] bartosz: the traditional unix tools for such tasks are find(1), ls(1), and file(1). The choice depends on your preferred output format. For example, supposing the "disk" in question is mounted at /media/usb0 , you might try: cd /media/usb0 && find . |sed 's|./||' |sort The sort(1) command is necessary because find(1), unlike ls(1), traverses directories as written to disk, without sorting. The sed(1) [19:10] command reduces the output. There are faster ways to accomplish that; this is more legible for a novice. The other option, "ls -lR", produces pretty output but not helpful for searches. file(1) can be used in a loop to produce information about each file. Eg save the sorted find(1) output to a file, then do something like this: (while read j; do printf '%s\t' $j; file $j; done) f2 [19:11] he quit ages ago... [19:11] ic56: ahemm, he kinda left a while back =) [19:11] rbox: ah. thanks [19:12] ic56: your connection maybe caught in a DST timewarp, either that or just laggy =) [19:12] I don't watch who's on or not. The answer benefits lurkers anyway. [19:14] thanks, bprompt. === sfenik9 is now known as sfenik [19:19] Hello. Does anyone know if samba4 (latest version) can support the domainf unctional level of windows 2012? [19:19] sounds like a question fro the sama docuemtnation [19:20] tried asking in #samba yesterday, and no one answered. [19:23] xrandr: https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Raising_the_Functional_Levels#Supported_Functional_Levels [19:24] ty [19:39] i just on kubuntu had like 10 notifications that need to reboot for updates to take effect [19:39] Kangarooo: turn off notifications =) === mvesely1 is now known as mvesely === JanC_ is now known as JanC === nshire2 is now known as nshire