[09:04] gg === diogeness_ is now known as diogeness [19:35] been trying to install either lubuntu or xubuntu on a mechanically funky older amd laptop. either way, now ive finally been able to launch xubuntu live with the install icon. but im getting this: https://pastebin.com/0BGmrj0B [19:37] in tty1 i see array out of bounds for something called pplib_atom_clock_voltage_depdency_record [20:50] tortal: i'm not convinced it's a good idea to try to run ubiquity as root. [20:51] for difficult hardware, i'd rather try to use debootstrap or the server installer. [20:52] How does xubuntu override XDG_CONFIG_DIRS to point to by default /etc/xdg-xubuntu so xubuntu is able to customize its own default settings? What file does it use for that? [21:01] tomreyn: that is the command which is executed when you double click on the "install xubuntu"-icon [21:03] tortal: oh, i wasn't aware that runs as root, ok.