
guivercloco news article; 27 April..  I used mm-dd, yy format (again) this issue; should this be altered to match inc. add year (I include year generally) ... just noting thought01:58
guivercfirst in the hub, suggest s/We’re given an/We're given a/  (s/an/a/)  ... also 01:59
guiverc'only a first section was recorded, so a list of Questions'..   wonder if 's/so a/thus a/ with a "here" tacked at end of sentence is helpful (or unnecessary & just makes it harder to read)02:00
guivercperformance tooling:   "support performance engineers" reads awkwardly i fear..  though I think it matches the "make Ubuntu absolutely great for performance engineers." of the original, my reaction anyway...02:04
guivercother news.. end "now twenty years old" & I'm unsure of the 'old' at end... "years young' no beter, "that is now twenty years long" any better?  or no difference..02:08
* guiverc didn't rescan anything yesterday..02:08
guivercvideo:  Ubuntu OnAir:   I'd remove the `\n` after "Graham Morrison:"   More than just Graham are in video, so I'll suggest removing the 'Graham Morrision:' totally02:11
guivercBashing-om, i've finished my read thru, only really one suggested edit (video; remove graham..) rest are just comments/reactions02:15
Bashing-omguiverc: Going down your list :D02:25
Bashing-omguiverc: 1) LoCo: yeah - Author has it as "April 27".02:28
guivercwe're not quoting there, so I don't see an issue changing..02:29
guiverc(I could have used my local format for all dates; most of the world use dd-mm-yy anyway..)02:30
guiverc(I don't see an issue with variations of date format; side effect as I see it of a global community, but also do like the consistency of one format per issue)02:30
Bashing-omguiverc: My thought process is mm-dd-yy // hard to break that process.02:32
Bashing-omguiverc: 2) Hub: 'a' seems the more correct. // thus and here added.02:38
Bashing-omguiverc: Performance tooling - would quotingas "performance engineers" make more readable ? After all that was what prompted the discuusion to add the tooling.02:43
guivercadding single-quotes around 'performance engineers' makes sense to me... 02:45
guiverc(not sure if its correct english, but i think I prefer it to double quotes for some reason02:45
Bashing-omack will make that as02:46
Bashing-om3 ^02:46
Bashing-om4) Other news: I sure like how "now twenty years told" rings - make old to told ?02:50
guiverctwenty years 'told' has a 'what?' reaction from me.. I'm not familiar with that wording sorry.02:52
Bashing-om5) removed Graham.02:52
Bashing-omwill re-think for "told" :D02:53
guivercthe Ubuntu story that now covers twenty years.  (extends twenty years... ) maybe??   02:54
guivercor leaev it like it is.. ie. if I read it tomorrow I may not react as I did earlier/now.. (or may react to changed wording anyway)...02:55
Bashing-omor My thought - the Ubuntu story that is now twenty years in the telling.02:56
guiverci like that :)02:57
guiverc(I picture an old guy telling a story with the kids sitting around at his feet listening, fire nearby for some reason)02:58
Bashing-omguiverc: That ^ picture too is worth our thousand words :) we like when we can invoke a picture :P03:00
Bashing-omguiverc: When ever I read the Genesis story - that is the old "seer" telling the tale to a youngster, who asks about all these stars up in the heavens, out on the savannah around a fire.03:05
Bashing-omsaved and out -17 is now the count.03:08
guivercthanks Bashing-om , looks good04:02
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
Bashing-omUWN: Opening 830 shortly - Pull WIP/Comments/WIKI and will start the push soonest.20:12
Bashing-omUWN: M/L is away - Doing the Forums posting next.20:45
* guiverc sees uwn 830 has hit my inbox :)20:48
* guiverc will return.. attempted to run script but "Permission denied errors".. issue is my $PWD is on a network share; my booboo.. will go have drink & return to start again soon20:56
Bashing-omguiverc: No big hurry :D20:57
Bashing-omUWN: Forums post completed - next up is making up a Mastodon blog.20:58
guiverctweeted 830, posted to telegram (& mewe)21:19
Bashing-omUWN: Mastodon Blogg-ed - proceeding to make up 831.21:22
Bashing-omUWM: 831 off and running :P21:38
guiverc:) Eickmeyer 21:39
Bashing-omEickmeyer: Noted ^ will post into next update.21:41
guivercposted that to my mewe Eickmeyer 21:42

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