=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc === JanC is now known as Guest8325 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [11:07] Hi, is there a way to easy search in launchpad which bugs are related to autoinstall? [11:08] madjax: can you explain whats happening to your noble? [11:13] I get all these kind of errors "Sorry, Ubuntu 24.04 has experienced an internal error" on executablePath /usr/sbin/plymouthd and /usr/libexec/tracker-extract-3. I am using autoinstall to test it. We are using 22.04.4 at the moment with preseed, but planning to go over to the new way to install Ubuntu. It is a very bumpy journey at the moment. [11:14] madjax: are you test -desktop or -server? [11:15] desktop. We have many researchers that wanna use it. [11:15] there's currently a bug around tracker-extract-3 [11:15] and the ubuntu installers are being reworked heavy too [11:16] bug #2055292 [11:16] -ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Bug 2055761 in tracker-miners (Ubuntu) "tracker-extract-3 crashed with SIGSYS in epoll_wait()" [Medium, Fix Committed] [duplicate: 2055292] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2055761 [11:16] ok thanks [11:16] desktop is in pretty unstable stage right now, think we will need some patience [11:17] at the moment we are ok with 22.04.4 desktop, but as soon as 24.04 is released we would wanna have autoinstall working and possible with Landscape in place. [11:17] madjax: is that for real production purposes? [11:19] I understand that 24.04 is being worked on heavily. I am just worried that it doesn't become like when 22.04 was released, so desktop is left behind on the installer. [11:20] real production, I am a Sysadmin at a university [11:20] madjax: you're not alone [11:21] tarzeau: thank you [11:22] madjax: helping testing is always good on spare machine(s) but for production, better wait until 24.04.1 release [11:23] so you advise to stick with 22.04 until 24.04.1? [11:24] for production for sure [11:24] for testing purposes, everyone is free to help [11:27] ok I will talk to my team about it. === JanC is now known as Guest1241