=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [10:03] oojah: yes, there are already multiple bug reports for Thunderbird profile migration. You may contribute your workaround here :-) [10:03] looks really similar to this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunderbird/+bug/2056494 [10:04] bluca doesn't seem to be here right now, I'll answer later [14:01] bluca: currently in production is this branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/autopkgtest/+git/development. We plan to move to this one https://salsa.debian.org/ubuntu-ci-team/autopkgtest/-/commits/ubuntu/5.32+prod?ref_type=heads but we first need to test it a bit more, and there also is some work ongoing with deb822 that we hope to get merged before changing. [14:02] old but current branch is based on 5.28, new one should be on top of master when we'll use it [14:09] thanks - I'd like to get the --env fix that just got merged in salsa master available in the cloud autopkgtest [14:10] do you have a rough ETA for the rebase? or should I attempt a backport to the current development branch? [14:29] the rebase is already mostly done, and we even already tried to roll it out in production, but we rolled back because of a particular issue. It's paride that did that job, so he probably will be better at giving you an ETA, as I don't know the extend of the problem. [14:30] * paride in a call, back soon [16:46] bluca, we expect to do that rebase in the news few days, which will include testing in the staging environment [16:47] bluca, however: how are you going to pass --env there? [16:59] the https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi request url has an env= parameter, we already use it for other things [17:00] in fact we already use it to pass build profiles, that are used during the package build [17:00] paride: that's great, will that include the MR from me you merged the other day? for passing --env to the apt build-dep step? [17:07] bluca, most likely yes. we are very interested in getting the deb822 branch in production, and given that it's based on the tip of master it makes sense to work from there [17:08] bluca, otherwise we'd normally try to stick to releases [17:08] bluca, fwiw an autopkgtest release should also be coming soon [17:08] not sure if with deb822 or not [17:08] ah perfect, then I'll just sit and wait patiently :-) [17:09] if possible please let me know when it's available in the autopkgtest cloud, so that I can go and change stuff to use it - thanks! [17:22] bluca, sure!