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OnkelTemHi folks. When I start executing iproute2 commands, NetworkManager stops seeing my ethernet interface because it assigns a different UUID to the one I bring up with iproute210:26
OnkelTemWhat should I do? Should I disable NM from managing my ethernet?10:26
OnkelTemI just don't get why if I do like: `dhclient enp7s0` NM doesn't "see it" as a valid "Wired connection 1" that it knows10:27
OnkelTemSo in fact I now have two interfaces: https://termbin.com/u83u10:28
OnkelTem(until I manually run the "Wired connection 1" one from NM UI, and then my enp7s0 intrface disappears as you see)10:29
ogra_OnkelTem, why not use the correct tools ? if you use NM you suld also use its cli tools to manipulate routes to not make different technologies clash ... nmcli can very well do everything you'd do with "ip route .."10:48
OnkelTemogra_: I don't think it can do what I need. But I agree that I shouldn't make different things to clash10:49
OnkelTemI'm reading now about so called "Netplan". I don't get is it natural to Ubuntu? Will it play nice with NM?10:49
OnkelTemIs it under or above it or what10:50
ogra_netplan is a frontend to configure networking ... it can use systemd-networkd or netplan as its backends10:50
ogra_it can use systemd-networkd or *NM* as its backends10:51
ogra_so yes, it might be an option to do what you want by using the very frontend (which makes internally sure that the technologies do not clash)10:52
OnkelTemnetplan is a frontend? It didn't look like one when I was reading its tutorial LOL10:52
OnkelTembut ok, I'm not arguing I just don't know10:52
ogra_it is a "generator"10:52
ogra_to either generate NM or networkd configs ...10:53
OnkelTemOk, so NM is more than its UI, isn't it? Because when I talk about NM, I think only about its UI and I definitely don't remember things I need to configure via iproute210:53
OnkelTemyeah, I'm reading it10:54
OnkelTemWhat I need is: creata a bridge, add there my "eth0", then create a pair of veth-s, place one into the bridge and another one - into a namespaced network created via `ip netns`10:55
OnkelTemthen inside that netns I should bring up an OpenVPN connection10:55
OnkelTemI think I can do at least hafl of this job using netplan, and finish the rest via iproute210:56
OnkelTemnamely - make a bridge10:56
OnkelTemusing netplan10:56
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ogra_i dont think you should need or use iproute at all, netplan should surely offer all you need10:56
OnkelTemok, thanks. I continue reading the docs then.10:57
ogra_(it is definitely doing bridging fine on millions of cloud installs out there... I'd be surprised if it would require additional tools)10:57
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nikolamhi.  I tried to create iSCSI initiator (client) on XUbuntu 22.04 , for iSCS target (server) that is already working well in MS windows. it doe snot require authentication at the moment. but sudo iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p IP_address does not give nothing..11:13
OnkelTemogra_: seems like I cannot use network manager as a backend if I'm gonna configure something in netplan11:18
OnkelTemThe examples section https://netplan.readthedocs.io/en/stable/examples/ shows that they always change "renderer" to networkd whenever there's a need configure something11:19
cbreak_OnkelTem: you can use network manager as backend11:21
cbreak_I do that.11:21
OnkelTemcbreak_: so you still have some configuration like below the renderer line?11:22
OnkelTemOk, I ran through Netplan docs and I didn't find there anything about namespaces. Seems like I cannot configure my setup with netplan only, iproute2 is still needed11:23
cbreak_looks aproximately like this: https://gist.github.com/cbreak-black/9ff7cc1fbb61d6ceb799ece3c832ff0811:23
cbreak_since I want to use ipv6 auto configure, but also a static IP11:23
cbreak_no idea about namespaces11:24
OnkelTemwhat is the point/difference then between those two backends - networkd and NM?11:24
cbreak_I think the different renderers support different things. With networkd, I couldn't get it to work11:24
OnkelTemI see11:24
cbreak_you want to hard-code routing entries?11:25
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ogra_OnkelTem, two backends -> simply to support server and desktop likewise ... server does usually not install NM11:26
ogra_(unless your server has a mobile 4G/5G connection you wont really need NM)11:27
OnkelTemcbreak_: No, my routing is dead simple. I just want to create an isolated network namespace where I run OpenVPN from. This way, I should be able run any program via the vpn connection by just prefixing with `ip netns exec MyVpnNS`11:28
OnkelTemE.g. $ ip netns exec MyVpnNS google-chrome-stable11:29
cbreakhmm... I use lxc for that11:30
OnkelTema container, I see11:30
cbreakI have lxc containers that use different VPNs for everything inside11:30
OnkelTema *full* contauner, right?11:30
cbreakwell... it's just an LXC contatiner, not a real VM11:30
OnkelTemnever used lxc, honestly. I think it just makes all that isolation inside11:30
OnkelTemwith netns11:31
cbreakit shares the kernel with the outside11:31
OnkelTemsure, I understand, it's like docker11:31
cbreakbut somehow, wireguard still works despite being kernel space11:31
cbreakbut starting transmission-daemon inside is easy, and starting firefox inside (with x11 and so on) also works with a bit of configuration11:32
OnkelTemhm, maybe I should also consider this. As using netns directly isn't convered/documented well in the internet11:33
nikolamI wonder why iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p IP_adress doe snot give any results, where iSCSi target from the same server is working just fine with initiator running on MS Win 10.11:33
OnkelTemcbreak: what would you recommend to read first?11:33
OnkelTemgoal 1: run browser inside LXC container11:33
OnkelTemalso, I would like not to use another user id for this. (If I reckoned it an option, I could have configured just user-id based routing)11:35
cbreakI think I followed https://blog.simos.info/running-x11-software-in-lxd-containers/11:36
OnkelTemcbreak: thanks!11:36
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OnkelTemOk, my netplan version is 106, and virtual-ethernets appear only on 10711:44
OnkelTemso I need to update netplan somehow11:44
OnkelTemKubuntu 22.04 here11:44
ravagenot a good (net)plan probably. wait a little longer for 24.0411:45
OnkelTemI cannot wait, I need to configure virtual ethernets11:45
ravage22.04 does not provide the version you want11:46
OnkelTemI know, I expect there's a PPA or something11:46
OnkelTemok, seems like netplan cannot do even that now. So I can use only its bridge functionality out of my long setup11:48
OnkelTemAnd it doesn't seem like NetworkManager support namespaces11:51
cbreakseems I have 0.107-5 from 23.1011:56
BluesKajHi all12:41
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Code_BleuJust curious what people are using for patch management of Ubuntu servers?  I'm currently needing an opensource/free solution at the moment.  Preferrabley something more than me just writing Ansible or Puppet to manage it.  Something with Lifecycle management..etc.14:34
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ogra_Code_Bleu, what do you mean by "patch management" ? Ubuntu is a binary distro, "patch management" happens on a per-package level, all you need to do is to make sure to keep your packages up to date to be on the latest patchlevel ...15:00
Code_Bleuogra_: management of updating packages15:07
ogra_ah, right ... well, there is the unattended-updates package pre-installed that lets you configure a lot of actions around this, not sure you actually *need* an external tool for it15:08
ogra_(see: man unattended-upgrades )15:09
Code_Bleuogra_: for example: I have 200 servers, I want to be able to see that 98 of them have the same package on an old version and be able to setup a lifecycle to update those in my development environment first, then staging...then prod.  A proper lifecycle deployment of updating of software packages.15:10
pickHello, I see that one can apt install package=version , is there a way to apt upgrade to a newer but not the newest version?15:12
leftyfbpick: you just answered your own question15:13
pickso apt upgrade  package=version  should work?15:13
pickthanks google was throwing out a cloud of chaff results about apt install15:15
pickI'm not clear on the format tho.... if 'apt list -a --upgradable' returns results like package/xenial 7.0.0 amd64, do I just use  'apt upgrade  package=7.0.0' or do I have to include the xenial somehow ?15:18
pickor the amd64 ?15:18
leftyfbpick: 16.04 is multiple years End of Life15:18
pickoh, its a third party repository, checking if they have jammy15:19
leftyfbthere's no guarantee any of this is going to work with a 3rd party repo15:20
pickthe current installed version is labelled xenial, maybe its just the minimum requirement15:21
pickit works fine.15:21
oerheksgood luck with that, it might be a honeypot now.15:22
pickin any case do I put xenial or amd64 or just  'apt upgrade  package=7.0.0'15:22
pickthe developers release a new version every week or two, but they are all labelled xenial15:25
leftyfbpick: apt-cache policy <package name>15:27
leftyfbget the available versions from there15:27
pickhmm the list looks similar.  but how do I assemble a working URL from the pieces there?15:30
leftyfbsudo apt install package=version15:30
pickoh so I don't have to roll my own URL from .....org/desktop/apt xenial/main amd64 Packages15:31
leftyfbsudo apt install package=version15:32
leftyfbsudo apt install package-name=version15:32
pickso apt install also works as an apt upgrade15:32
leftyfbor downgrade, yes15:32
pickthank you very much ...  now I see that man apt-get is clearer about this than man apt, which is correct but ambiguous to the uninformed.15:37
milktoastI've used dd with hdd and it always worked.. now ssd are physically different.... so, can I dd from and 120GB ssd to a 1TB ssd?  Trying to increase the size of a Laptop and keep the OS, software and data.15:58
milktoastgreat. thanks15:59
oerheksbe aware after that DD action, the UUID changes of your partitions ?16:00
milktoastother than mounting, what else would that effect?16:00
oerheksyour grub mismatches, use blkid to identify the new ones16:01
leftyfbjust mounting, of it's part of some volume or array16:01
oerheks*if the os is on that disk16:02
milktoastgot disconnected ...16:09
milktoasthmm, now I'm thinking.. if I DD 120GB onto a 1TB, will the 120GB be the first partition or ?? ... will I need to make other partitions after the 120GB16:09
milktoastor is there a better way to clone the small SSD to the large SSD16:09
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leftyfbmilktoast: it will go a LOT easier if you just consider your target a blank slate. dd your source to the target, then use partition and filesystem tools to resize to utilize the entire drive16:10
leftyfbmilktoast: dd the entire drive, not partitions16:11
milktoastleftyfb: .. that is what I was thinking. It is blank.16:13
swift110-mobileGood afternoon. Are you guys using mate’16:14
p3limhow can I test the match targets for the autoinstall/curtin storage options? e.g. it says in the docs that it's supposed to use "ID_VENDOR" from udev for the "match" keypair, but I can't seem to get it working16:14
swift110-mobileThe Linux User Space podcast did a great job detailing the history of Mate’ in episode 4:1416:17
leftyfb!chat | swift110-mobile16:19
ubottuswift110-mobile: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:19
=== xrandr_ is now known as xrandr
marttiugm, I have a question. we installed a couple of virtual machines with ubuntu 22.04 around october last year. our installation scripts use `openssl genrsa 4096` to create a private key, but around that time it seems like there was a switch of default format, from PKCS#1 to PKCS#8, which basically means that the type of key was dropped from the envelope.17:06
marttistrangely, after one case of `-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----` on oct 3, there were 4 more installs that got `-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----`, but I suppose our installation method hasn't changed.17:08
jongstashould there be instructions on this site for how to fix the vulnerability? https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2023-517817:34
-ubottu:#ubuntu- A use-after-free vulnerability was found in drivers/nvme/target/tcp.c` in `nvmet_tcp_free_crypto` due to a logical bug in the NVMe/TCP subsystem in the Linux kernel. This issue may allow a malicious user to cause a use-after-free and double-free problem, which may permit remote code execution or lead to local privilege escalation. <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2023-5178>17:34
jongstaor are we supposed to know you just upgrade it to a newer, unaffected, version?17:34
stennowait that sounds really serious17:35
oerheksjongsta, basicly yes. all kernels are patched,or ignored as the available update is not vulnerable.17:37
jongstai haven't had to fix vulns in a while but for some reason i feel like i recall a section in these types of articles that explains how to fix the problem17:38
jongstaand i'm not seeing that with this one at least17:38
jongstaa simple "Remediation: upgrade kernel to unaffected version" would be enough17:38
oerheksthe post is released when the updates are in place, usually17:39
oerheksfor volunteers here, that list is handy to answer questions17:40
yughi there19:29
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:36
toddcplease ask if you have a question19:37
bprompt!ask | toddc19:42
ubottutoddc: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:42
=== chao is now known as stenno
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/20:33
eatyourgloryThis bot is pretty useful20:33
ravageyes. and you can test it in a PM too 🙂20:34
eatyourgloryOh, sorry I didn’t know that20:34
eatyourgloryIf my question isn’t Kubuntu specific but rather ubuntu in general, should I ask here or in #kubuntu ?20:35
ravageall ubuntu questions are ok here20:36
ravage*buntu i mean 🙂20:36
bprompteatyourglory: yes, and yes20:36
bprompteatyourglory:  if you were to install Ubuntu desktop and afterwards KDE desktop and QT, you simply will be running Kubuntu20:37
eatyourglorythen why is there a kubuntu channel in the first place?20:38
bprompteatyourglory: to cover issues with the Kubuntu flavor of Ubuntu :)20:38
eatyourgloryThanks a lot!20:39
bprompteatyourglory: and to be fair, most if not all questions at #kubuntu are about KDE , not ubuntu per se20:40
chonkinI am on Ubuntu 20.04.1   with a KDE Plasma 5.12.8 .    This computer has a Nvidia  RTX 3070 in it (unfotunately).  The symptom I am having is that after every large compilation the  GUI elements become either frozen or extremely laggy.  This lag is so bad it makes the computer unusable, and I have written a bash script to automate rebooting it after every compile.    Today I want ot try to solve this problem once-and-for-all by replacing the21:42
chonkinNvidia driver21:42
baggy Gtk-WARNING **: 15:28:38.939: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap", how may this be done21:42
oerheksminimum driver would be 46021:45
chonkinhere is the current situation on this machine https://dpaste.com/2VY87TNDB21:45
oerheksi would upgrade to 22.04, and use HWE21:46
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack21:46
oerheksalso available for 20.04 AFAIK21:46
chonkinoerheks   my boss put this computer together.  He should have considered an AMD option for the GPU.  But he went with an RTX3070,  kind of sending me down the creek21:47
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chonkinI believe that the problem with the  GUI lags could be solved by trying a different (likely more recent) driver.  What role does the LTS Enablement play here?   The directions show that they want me to simply go back to the same driver that is already on here via `ubuntu-drivers list`21:56
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oerheksnewer mesa, kernel, .. 20.04 is pretty ancient today fot such good hardware21:59
oerhekstry hwe21:59
oerheksor better upgrade to 22.04, and add hwe on that22:00
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chonkinoerheks,   okay I have this.  what is next step?   https://dpaste.com/2JH9SPWM722:15
oerheksupgrade to 22.04? 3rd time22:17
oerheksyou just have kernel 5.15.0-9722:17
oerheks22.04 would do 6.5.0-2522:18
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baggyloose change for sale23:55
baggyany bids23:55
baggyi know how to use xstart23:56
baggyu know prob23:56
arraybolt3baggy: not sure you'll find any buyers here :P What exactly are you trying to do that requires startx?23:56
arraybolt3ok one sec23:56
baggyi meant23:58
arraybolt3why exactly are you using startx in WSL? You can run graphical applications from the Start Menu after installing them.23:58
baggychange to 11??23:58
baggyi think23:58
arraybolt3startx is generally only used to start a full desktop, and even then only in very specific weird situations.23:59
arraybolt3According to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/tutorials/gui-apps WSL2 does not support running a full Linux desktop.23:59

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