
santa_hi everyone12:33
santa_RikMills: in case you are up for uploading while Scarlett is not available: this needs to be uploaded to avoid a new e-c-m FTBFS12:35
santa_I did a test rebuild and all of frameworks, plasma and applications build fine against it12:36
santa_they did the same thing in the outdated debian package12:36
santa_reason: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python3-stdlib-extensions/3.12.2-3ubuntu212:37
santa_this ↑ is meant to be a permanent change afaik12:38
santa_RikMills: oh I forgot the link: https://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/extra-cmake-modules/commit/?h=kubuntu_noble_staging&id=c2dedc6da6f0545adda7e7f52cc3f4c37c730bc312:57
-ubottu:#kubuntu-devel- Commit c2dedc6 in ~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/extra-cmake-modules "Drop python3-distutils build depend kubuntu_noble_staging"12:57
santa_that's what needs to be uploaded12:57
BluesKajHi all13:07
arraybolt3santa_: I'll upload it later today. It's already in Git, yes?15:10
arraybolt3er, well, yes indeed it is, I'm blind15:10
arraybolt3so yeah, will upload that.15:10
santa_arraybolt3: thanks, are you familiar with Kubuntu Automation?15:11
arraybolt3I've looked into it and it looks fairly straightforward. I haven't used it directly yet.15:11
santa_once you have it installed, configured and don't hit anything weird I'm not aware of, yes15:14
santa_some notes:15:14
santa_- installation instructions: https://kubuntu-automation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/INSTALL.html15:14
santa_- please make sure you have DEBEMAIL and DEBFULLNAME set15:15
santa_- to clone the repo in question: 'git-clone-all -s extra-cmake-modules'15:16
santa_- to build the package (inside the extra-cmake-modules dir): 'gbp-archive' (this will create a comit and a tag)15:17
santa_- if everything went fine (inside the extra-cmake-modules dir): uploadsource 15:18
santa_if something goes wrong please ping me here, I will do my besto to stay awake15:19
arraybolt3sounds like a plan, thanks!15:19
arraybolt3santa_: I think I *might* be running into a python incompatibility or something, I installed and configured KA according to the docs, my env vars are set, but gbp-archive does this when inside ~/extra-cmake-modules/git:15:32
arraybolt3Current branch '%s' is not a kubuntu branch15:32
arraybolt3Couldn't find out distribution name for branch 'kubuntu_noble_staging'15:32
arraybolt3The "%s" smells suspiciously like some sort of string interpolation is silently failing. I'm on Noble, should I be using something older?15:33
santa_have you installed it from git?15:34
arraybolt3no, latest stable from the PPA15:34
arraybolt3so I should have the version you uploaded 9 hours ago15:35
santa_what is the name of the current branch?15:36
arraybolt3mmm, the %s looks like a red herring actually reading the code15:38
santa_I can reproduce it, give me some mins to debug and fix15:38
arraybolt3kk, thanks for all your help!15:39
* arraybolt3 goes afk, will be back in ~5 minutes15:40
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> hope to get the newly build kick in later :)15:47
santa_arraybolt3: fixed in git master. I didn't remember it was forbiden to execute gbp-archive in _staging branches; however the error messages are not very meaningful16:17
santa_so plase try the following:16:18
santa_git-clone-all -s extra-cmake-modules -b kubuntu_noble_archive16:18
santa_inside the extra-cmake-modules dir:16:19
santa_git merge origin/kubuntu_noble_staging16:19
arraybolt3awesome, will install from Git and try it.16:20
santa_let me know if that works16:20
arraybolt3should I uninstall the PPA version first, or are there no repercussions of having both installations at once because of the venv?16:20
santa_in this case it won't be a big problem since the default configs are the same16:21
santa_but uninstalling from PPA first would be fine, as long as you keep the deps installed16:21
arraybolt3it looks like it wants to work, but for some reason despite DEBFULLNAME being set to "Aaron Rainbolt", gpg is trying to access a key called "User <arraybolt3@ubuntu.com>", which... doesn't exist, because my name isn't user :P16:33
arraybolt3probably user error on my part, lemme see...16:33
arraybolt3(it's been a while since I used gbp)16:34
arraybolt3aha, botched Git config16:36
arraybolt3and now it's working16:37
arraybolt3santa_: looks like everything's functioning nicely now, the only issue I still have is with "Syncing orig tarball from KDE SFTP...". I get "arraybolt3@tinami.kde.org: Permission denied (publickey)." since my key isn't on that server. How do I go about getting my key there so the SFTP sync works?16:46
arraybolt3this might be a question for the KDE devs.16:46
santa_we have an user there, your ssh public key would have to be added to the authorized keys of that user16:49
santa_I thinke we would have to contact the kde sysadmins16:50
santa_mine was added a very long time ago16:50
arraybolt3kk, I just sent a message in KDE-Sysadmin-Discuss over on Matrix.16:51
santa_whenever you have it:16:53
santa_- configure .ssh/config16:53
santa_- execute sftp tinami.kde.org (to make sure your config is ok, and most important, to import the public key of the server, otherwise KA programs will hang forever waiting for the server host key)16:55
arraybolt3will do16:58
santa_they actually shouldn't hang by the way, but I never had time to fix that behavior16:59
RikMillsshould the tooling not fall back to a normal ftp mirror for a non embargoed tar if you don't have sftp access?17:11
santa_yes, it does17:11
santa_it falls back to the watch file17:12
santa_but it would be handy if he has SFTP access imho17:12
santa_it would be nice to get more people involved with KA & packaging17:12
arraybolt3santa_: build and upload successful, do I just `git push && git push --tags` now?17:17
arraybolt3or are there any other merges I need to do and push as well?17:18
santa_once we can see it here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/extra-cmake-modules, yes17:18
arraybolt3great, will watch that page (I got the "Accepted" email).17:19
RikMillstaking its time17:23
arraybolt3mmm, I see why though17:27
arraybolt3uploadsource did not do what I thought it did17:28
arraybolt3sigh, I just uploaded the package to the PPA instead of the arcive.17:28
arraybolt3so now it's in staging-frameworks, which is... wrong.17:28
arraybolt3I was supposed to `uploadsource -t ubuntu`17:29
santa_it's uploadsource -t ubuintu17:29
santa_yeah, my bad I forgot that17:29
* arraybolt3 goes and runs that, I guess the next PPA upload will have to be 0ubuntu5~ubuntu24.04~ppa117:30
RikMillsmust admit I always do dput directly so there is no doubt17:30
santa_well the point of uploadsource is not having to remember the PPA names mostly17:31
RikMillsscarlett ended up with a bunch of archive uploads with the ~ppa suffix using -t ubuntu I think17:31
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Yes. Been using direct put since haha17:32
arraybolt3heh, I've done that17:32
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> dput....17:32
arraybolt3alright, so now we can actually expect something on the package's archive page sometime hopefully soon17:32
arraybolt3though knowing LP and the state of the archive it may take until the heat death of the 32-bit universe om 203817:33
RikMillsarraybolt3: re the ssh key, you need to open a sysadmin ticket requesting to be added to ftpubuntu account17:33
arraybolt3makes sense17:34
* arraybolt3 goes and figures out how to do that17:34
RikMillsarraybolt3: https://go.kde.org/systickets17:36
RikMillsannoyingly still uses phab!17:37
santa_hi again18:08
santa_I had to reboot18:09
santa_arraybolt3: so you can push the changes to git now :)18:11
santa_git push origin kubuntu_noble_archive18:11
santa_git push origin kubuntu_noble_staging18:12
santa_git push --tags18:12
santa_thanks a lot!18:12
arraybolt3sure thing!18:50
arraybolt3pushing now18:50
arraybolt3santa_: hmm, git push origin kubuntu_noble_staging fails for me with "error: src refspec kubuntu_noble_staging does not match any"18:52
arraybolt3RikMills: I think I'm supposed to merge kubuntu_noble_archive back to kubuntu_noble_staging to avoid dropped changes, right?18:52
santa_arraybolt3: git checkout kubuntu_noble_staging; git merge origin/kubuntu_noble_archive18:54
arraybolt3(pinged Rik because I figured you had gone to sleep, sorry)18:54
santa_then push18:54
santa_not yet18:54
arraybolt3alrighty, done18:54
santa_it's not time yet, but I have been awake for a lot longer than usual18:54
santa_but I could resist so I can have a walk now, have dinner and sleep in civilized time :D18:55
santa_arraybolt3: everything seems perfect now, thanks a lot18:59
arraybolt3glad to help, thanks for helping me learn the tooling18:59
santa_no prob. see you tomorrow, good evening everyone18:59
arraybolt3o/ Have a good rest of your night!19:00
valoriehttps://community.kde.org/Infrastructure/GitLab#Submitting_a_merge_request <- just saw this and thought it might be useful at some point....20:43
arraybolt3If no one minds, there's a theming change I'd like to make to Kubuntu's Plymouth theme. It's one that ships in Kubuntu Focus already, and that would probably be nice to have in Kubuntu itself.22:57
arraybolt3Compare the following two screenshots:22:57
arraybolt3https://i.imgur.com/G2VYQzt.png (KFocus Plymouth theme on LUKS unlock screen)22:58
arraybolt3https://i.imgur.com/0KQdIju.png (Kubuntu Jammy Plymouth theme on LUKS unlock screen, Noble looks very similar)22:58
arraybolt3mmikowski noticed this and spotted that the spacing between the words and the actual password box is *very* tight, and suggested we change it. I'm able to do that, but wanted to see if others thought that was a good idea first before just reaching in and turning knobs.22:59
RikMillsarraybolt3: 2nd link is 40423:24
arraybolt3https://i.imgur.com/ZY3Yi4c.png try that?23:25
RikMillsstill 40423:26
arraybolt3I just opened it!23:27
arraybolt3it loads over here23:27
arraybolt3sigh... what's an alternative image sharing thingy?23:28
arraybolt3RikMills: https://ibb.co/zGvBkVz23:30
arraybolt3try that for image 223:30
arraybolt3I guess Imgur must be flaky. (I was using Spectacle's built-in sharing feature.)23:30
RikMillsThat worked23:31
RikMillsthe ficus one does look a lot better23:31
RikMillsI would go for it23:32
arraybolt3kk, I'll see if I can get it ported over and uploaded.23:33

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