[11:47] would someone bump build priority of https://launchpad.net/~ginggs/+archive/ubuntu/testing/+build/27907800 please? [11:55] jugmac00: Is there a plan to move launchpadstatus off ubuntu.social? See https://ubuntu.social/@admin/111976312056500779 [11:56] ginggs: It seems to have started [11:56] I guess somebody bumped it, as 10000 is a higher score than natural [11:57] thanks cjwatson, and whomever bumped it [13:02] cjwatson, I remember understanding from popey's account migration to mastodon.social that something like this was going to happen. But missed seeing this official notification. [13:06] I am not sure if it is too late to ask if Canonical is interested in taking over the instance. But I will check. [13:07] Thanks [13:08] I have asked Philipp [13:10] cjwatson, I am hearing positive-ish news and have been asked to wait for a while [16:00] cjwatson: thanks for the ping! === bastif_ is now known as bastif