[14:39] I got error of "unknown key" when I used "virtual-ethernets' in netplan [14:47] olutayo: what's the environment/system/versions you're using? [14:48] virtual-ethernets was added in Netplan 0.107, which is currently in Ubuntu Mantic & Noble and Debian testing & unstable [14:55] My environment is ubuntu 22.04 on my laptop [14:57] Thank you slyon, is the any way to upgraded to the latest netplan? [14:58] okay, 22.04 is still on Netplan 0.106. That explains why this feature is not yet available for you. [14:58] Aren't there plans to make it available in 22.04 too? [14:58] 0.107 that is. [14:59] olutayo: we're currently working on a backport of 0.107.1 to Jammy/22.04. so You can expect an update within the next 4 weeks or so. If that's soon enough for you? [15:00] Alternatively, there is the "Netplan Daily" PPA, but it shouldn't be used in production environments: https://code.launchpad.net/~slyon/+archive/ubuntu/netplan-daily [15:01] Thank you, for your work and support [15:01] you're welcome! === slyon changed the topic of #netplan to: Netplan v1.0 | Declarative network configuration for various backends | https://netplan.io | https://github.com/canonical/netplan | https://bugs.launchpad.net/netplan [16:47] Can dummy-devices be used as tap? [18:33] An interface type for tap in not in netplan documentation, to the best of my knowledge. So can dummy-devices be used as tap in netplan's yaml?