
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
nateSo would someone kindly explain to me the slightest reasoning that apache is a hard dependency for php-fpm?  Cause that's just utterly silly bloat loading14:17
sdezielnate: it's not what I see on 22.04 and 24.04. Which version are you using?14:26
nate22 LTS, installing the 8.1-fpm package included apache, curiously though my original attempt to remove it said it was gonna remove the fpm package as well but now it's not.  Only thing I've done notable since that attempt though was an apt update, hrm14:29
nateokay so that fixed, now I guess on to figure out what in the world the php cli package is doing to completely ignore my php.ini settings lol.14:31
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MTecknologyI'm finally back at this and not terribly surprised by seeing a failure after figuring out how to make it select the right disk.  https://0x0.st/HhU3.png   I saw a log argument in there somewhere ... where was it? :P18:06
MTecknology(or was that the config argument I saw?)18:07
dbungertcurtin-install.log in /var/log/installer should have clues18:09
MTecknologyThanks! I just noticed bootstrap.log and was curious. Now I'm noticing that ubuntu still uses the term ftpmaster.18:11
MTecknologyThe only curtin file I see in that directory is subiquity-curtin-{apt,install}.conf. Both seem like defaults files.  There /is/ also a /var/log/curtin/{install.log,curtin-error-logs.tar}. ...... and "E: Unable to locate package linux-generic-20.04".  This is a copy/paste bug that exists because I never double checked some random blog post.18:25
* MTecknology tilts head at the kernel options available ... heh??18:29
MTecknologydbungert: so, like ... is "oem" the choice for "prefer stability on metal"?18:31
dbungertI pretty much just know what others have told me about the kernel flavors, so I will point to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/OEMKernel .18:34
MTecknologytwo transitional versions of that package, leaving a "naked" and "d" version. This is ... a midwestern "interesting" ;P18:35
dbungert> /var/log/curtin/install.log - ah yes, this is the location I would expect on older ISOs18:35
MTecknologyso ... there is no "I prefer stability" option??18:43
MTecknologyhttps://ubuntu.com/kernel/variants .. I can't find a "generic" option18:51
MTecknology(packages.ubuntu.com is returning 500 for all searches)18:53
patdk-lapoem does not sound like a *stable* thing19:10
patdk-lapwhy not use the normal linux-generic one? that is going be very stable19:10
patdk-lapif you installed a .1 release, you would get linux-generic-hwe-* that isn't as stable, since it changes every 6 months19:12
MTecknologypatdk-lap: ""E: Unable to locate package linux-generic-20.04""  ... I see everything /except/ a generic. The list made it sound like maybe there's one with no "-foo-" in the name, so just "linux-20.04," but I can't find it.19:12
patdk-lapwhy did you add 20.04 to it?19:12
MTecknologyeverything else has that and so did the thing I copy/pasted my original autoinstall.cloud-config from19:13
patdk-lapthe normal kernel is named, linux-generic19:13
patdk-lapunless you want to use a customized version of it, like aws/oem/...19:13
MTecknologyooh ...19:14
patdk-lapI dunno what the one you attempted is, as the ones normally with version in it are linux-generic-hwe-20.0419:14
MTecknology"linux-generic" is exactly what I needed; thank-you!19:17
MTecknologyI don't feel too bad about not finding it considering that's literally copy/paste from the original source. :)19:17
patdk-lapmy only thoughts there is it was a *old* source19:17
patdk-lapthings have changed over time19:17
patdk-lapI feel hwe changes on every release :)19:18
MTecknologyyeah, probably. That's basically all ubuntu is ... constant change19:18
MTecknologychange for the sake of change, from my perspective19:18
MTecknologythe documentation used to be incredible, but it clearly isn't keeping up with the frequency of change19:19
MTecknologyAh, no ... this one is on me. I'm pretty sure this is the original source and if I copy/pasted it exactly as-is, I would have the hwe kernel.  https://github.com/canonical/autoinstall-desktop/blob/main/autoinstall.yaml#L4219:24
patdk-lapya, hwe kernels are nice if you need new features, not needed normally for servers19:41
patdk-lapI normally only run the generic kernel, unless I need the hwe kenerl due to a dkms requirement19:42
MTecknologymy target is laptops19:44
patdk-lapif it's new model laptops, might need it for full hardware support, depends19:49
MTecknologyFor the sake of testing my personal setup/backups, I'll leave my personal laptop behind on a work trip and pick up a replacement when I land. The goal is to restore a fully functional desktop from my public git repository.19:51
patdk-lapya, we used some ultrathin laptops we would give people on out-of-country trips, incase of anything, damange, confiscated, ...19:53
MTecknologyThe latest issue I ran into .. https://0x0.st/Hh06.png. /var/log/curtin/install.log appears like it's happy about the result.  This is all that's stood out to me so far (from /var/crash/*.crash).  https://0x0.st/Hh0G.png , https://0x0.st/Hh0D.png, https://0x0.st/Hh0k.png  (sequential screenshots)19:58
MTecknologyI guess I could use pastebinit to export the whole thing19:59
MTecknologyin curtin/install.log, I see it provision disks, install linux-generic, then lots of mount stuff, before appearing to claim the install was a success.20:06
MTecknologydbungert: When does /target/etc/apt/sources.list.curtin-old get created?21:02
MTecknologyI guess I /do/ have "drivers:install:true" ... maybe that's only for hwe or something21:08
MTecknologysetting that to false gets me to run_unattended_upgrades taking some time, which makes me suspect this might be basically working now.21:10
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