
baggy_XSERVTransmkdir: Mode of /tmp/.X11-unix should be set to 177700:00
baggywhat is that suppose to mean00:00
arraybolt3I don't know, I don't know what you're trying to do.00:00
baggyi dint do it yet00:00
arraybolt3Go back just a bit. You're trying to launch an entire DE within WSL. Why?00:00
baggybe cayse it slow00:01
kostkonbaggy, file perms? use chown?00:01
arraybolt3Launching a whole DE in WSL isn't possible.00:01
arraybolt3kostkon: I think they probably shouldn't do that right now.00:01
arraybolt3You could cause damage trying to "fix" something that isn't broken.00:01
kostkonarraybolt3, good call00:01
arraybolt3This doesn't work because it isn't designed to work yet.00:01
baggyi thojught ur suppose to chnage the file name00:01
baggydidnt try00:01
arraybolt3baggy: if your apps are slow, maybe you're missing the GPU drivers needed?00:01
arraybolt3See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/tutorials/gui-apps - it recommends you install drivers to enable virtual GPU so that you can have hardware accelerated graphics for your Linux apps.00:02
baggyi read it could slow it00:02
arraybolt3That should fix any "slowness" you notice, as much as can be fixed anyway.00:02
baggythe tree00:02
baggyi treed it00:02
baggyand i thought it was wrong00:02
arraybolt3You're giving very little details and very vague explanations. Right now without knowing what you're trying to do, it's impossible to tell for sure how to make it work.00:03
arraybolt3Why are you using `tree`?00:03
arraybolt3And how big of a directory are you trying to look at anyway?00:03
baggy_XSERVTransmkdir: Mode of /tmp/.X11-unix should be set to 177700:03
baggyat startx00:04
arraybolt3startx won't work. Abandon startx.00:04
arraybolt3WSL2 explicitly does not support it.00:04
arraybolt3Whatever you're doing can be done without it.00:04
kostkonbaggy, are you following some kind of tutorial on how to enable x11 in wsl00:04
baggy        ├── 127600:05
baggy        ├── 128600:05
baggy        ├── common00:05
baggy        └── current -> 128600:05
arraybolt3If you're just trying to look at all the files in a directory, use `tree` and don't worry about "slowness". If you use it on an absolutely massive directory and the slowness is noticable, install the GPU drivers, then install a hardware-accelerated terminal, launch it from the Start Menu, and use that.00:05
arraybolt399% of the time though, so-called "slowness" is so negligible you won't care.00:06
baggyno change then00:07
arraybolt3Pretty sure at least.00:07
arraybolt3(depending on what you're asking if I'm sure about - I'm definitely sure you shouldn't try to fix that odd _XSERVTransmkdir error, and I'm also sure you don't need startx to be able to use tree.)00:07
baggyi never really tried ubuntu except in the past.. :) https://www.howtogeek.com/409115/how-to-delete-files-and-directories-in-the-linux-terminal/ is the tutorial for basics00:12
baggynow i get some simple commands00:12
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=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
TingoHi, # openssl s_client IP:Port -tls1_2 -trace02:36
TingoHow can i check which SecLevel is used from above command ?02:37
pragmaticenigmaTingo, Unless you explicately set the SecLevel, it is either set by a configuration file, or going to be negotiated at time of connection02:44
semI intend to install ubuntu on a partition of an SSD, and install grub to that disk, and select it from BIOS when I want to boot ubuntu. Does that sound reasonable?02:56
semThe other dual-boot problem that I know to head off is to tell Ubuntu to leave the RTC in local time, not UTC02:56
sembecause that will confuse windows02:56
semif i don't do that02:56
semdo you all know of any good trustworthy references for dual boot best practices in this day and age?02:57
rboxbest practice is to just get rid of windows02:57
semthanks that's very helpful02:58
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot03:00
semI appreciate it! Thanks Bashing-om03:02
Bashing-omsem: No problem - welcome :D03:03
circleI have the impression that one can configure (recent) windows and linux to use UTC time. The documentation for that used to be easy to find with the old google.03:09
circlesem ^^^03:10
circleHi should I expect an already running 22.04 system to automatically recognize and use monitors that are attached later? Is this possible, impossible, or dependent on some aspect of the hardware? Or is there some way to ask the OS to reassess the available video outputs?03:12
Bashing-omcircle: Old? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - http://www.computerhope.com/unix/udate.htm - http://askubuntu.com/questions/169376/clock-time-is-off-on-dual-boot .03:20
semthanks circle03:28
semnew or old google, my google-fu peaked around 2008 and it has all been downhill since then03:29
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=== tursom99 is now known as tursom9
tjagannathGood Morning04:27
tjagannathI need support related to openldap04:28
Bashing-om!ask | tjagannath04:28
ubottutjagannath: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:28
TingoHi.. what kind of support in openLdap ?04:29
tjagannathI am getting error when importing data to openldap04:29
tjagannathldap_add: Other (e.g., implementation specific) error (80) additional info: txn_commit failed04:29
tjagannathused command to ldapadd04:30
tjagannathearlier it was working fine.04:31
tjagannathin the middle of data import it gives me error.04:31
tjagannathI am getting error when importing data to openldap04:32
Tingocheck OpenLdap Logs for more info..04:36
silv3r_m00nhi there, i have installed ubuntu with full disk encryption, lvm/luks, now i want to resize the swap because the default setup created only 2GB which is overflowing on my 8gb ram laptop. is this approach correct, https://askubuntu.com/a/1412311/13569305:44
silv3r_m00nit asks to first resize the root partition to free up space, then resize the swap to grow in the free space05:44
silv3r_m00nsorry got dc05:45
daydrinkingYour whole drive is  2 partitions? But yes. You need to shrink your partition closest to the swap... I personally would do it as 2 separate actions to make sure the shrink worked right. Reboot then add swap space05:55
silv3r_m00ndaydrinking: while installing ubuntu i use guided use whole disk, so yes there is a small boot partition and a bit LVM partition containing root and swap05:57
silv3r_m00nthe post suggests first shrinking the root to make free space, then expand the swap to take new space05:57
daydrinkingsilv3r_m00n: then yeah. You shouldn't have any issues. Can I ask how often you run out of RAM?05:57
silv3r_m00nthis laptop is a 8gb ram, and with lot of chromium tabs, it struggles with ram just with 20 tabs opened05:58
silv3r_m00n7GB/8GB used kind of and 1.5G/2GB swap already used05:58
daydrinkingInteresting. Yeah I'd probably dedicate 8GB for swap. 16GB if you have a large drive06:00
silv3r_m00nthe drive is 256GB mostly empty06:00
silv3r_m00ni can add 16GB swap without concern06:00
daydrinking256 is smll though if you torrent or game or anything like that. But you'll be fine06:01
=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk
silv3r_m00nhi there, i put a 256gb sata ssd in an enclosure and installed ubuntu on it using full drive encryption. now i am able to use ubuntu portably across multiple machine and it feels quite productive. are there any other things that can be done to improve this kind of a setup08:32
ikoniaimprove in what way08:36
ikoniapersonally I don't think booting one install on multiple machines is a good model08:36
akikif it works, it works08:37
akiksilv3r_m00n: ?08:42
tjonελληνικα μονο παιδια .ειμαι νεος08:52
swift110-mobileHey all08:57
=== randomphoenix is now known as scwordsmith
BluesKajHi all13:07
johnfghi folks13:27
johnfgI'm getting an error from the snap-store, about it not being able to update.  Unable to update "Snap Store":  (null): cannot refresh "snap-store": snap "snap-store" has running apps (ubuntu-software), pids: 2014.13:31
ravagetry "kill 2014" in a terminal13:32
johnfgGot it done.  Some weirdness there, but I guess it's resolved.13:37
=== justache is now known as fotastache
semHey all, my graphics are all glitched out, but I still have a mouse that moves around17:03
semGoing to virtual terminals doesn't unglitch the screen or remove the mouse17:03
semIt kind of acts like it's on the lock screen with a slideshow, but all glitched out17:04
semUuh hold on17:05
semWithout tracking: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/969760851101880366/1217156507238404186/d2ccf0dc-0a98-430f-9557-dbc02570cd3c.jpg17:06
semI guess you need those parts of the url after all17:07
semMy question is: will any of the sysreg shortcuts get me back to a virtual console17:07
semI'm un glitched! Alt-Sysreg-f worked to invoke the OOM killer it just took a long time17:11
=== chao is now known as stenno
Sorai'm trying to run some proprietary gpu software in a vnc but get errors cuda_error_not_initialized and it's only able to detect mesa, not the nvidia graphics card17:55
Sorahow do i run this software under the gpu17:55
Soranvidia-smi shows correct driver and cuda version and my gpu17:55
Guest9947Bitcoin .. Captialsim .. ich glaube Powershell ist C++ oder C# .. wie Linux Konsole .. terminal ..18:59
Guest9947eigentlich Neo18:59
stennodiggi hier wird englisch gesprochen19:00
leftyfbGuest9947: this is a support channel19:00
mkou_yes gespoken uch bin der maumeister und ... Neo is pu$$ y19:00
bprompt!de | Guest994719:01
ubottuGuest9947: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!19:01
stennodidn't know this trigger, nice19:01
bprompt!fr | stenno  // =)19:02
ubottustenno  // =): Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper «/join #ubuntu-fr» ou «/join #ubuntu-qc». Merci.19:02
stennotres bien19:02
mkoucan you please help me find the name of that terminal that is loading from the either side of the screen and pops out on a shortcut key19:02
bprompthmmmmm, is a kde app IIRC, I used it, didn't like it too much19:03
mkouits not that one19:04
bpromptmkou: are you referring to Yakuake?19:04
mkouthe name was close to termux19:05
mkoubut its not the one termux19:05
bpromptwell, yakuake does that =P19:05
mkouits not yakuake19:06
mkoubut I will check it, might be good19:06
bpromptyakuake slides IN/OUT of the edges19:07
mkouleft and right side possible?19:07
bpromptmkou:  yeap, is configurable from what I recall19:08
mkouill give it a chance, but I really wish to find the one I used, the name was very close to termux19:09
mkouchecked all "top 10 terminals" guides, no luck yet  :D19:10
bprompthehe, and google's search AI help blows, heheh, doesn't show much19:10
mkounaturally shifted to duck 6-7 years ago19:11
mkouoccasionally do a search on google, when on a fresh install and cant believe my eyes :D19:12
leftyfbmkou: tilda19:12
mkoui think it was tilda19:12
bpromptahemm, tilda is not even close to termux :P19:13
bpromptI mean, name wise19:13
mkouno its not tilda, saw it in the top 10 suggestions19:14
mkouleave it, I will find it eventually and will share it here, you will love it19:15
bpromptmkou: were you running it before? was it installed?19:18
bpromptI mean, you can check logs19:18
mkouwas long time ago19:19
mkoumaybe an year19:19
mkoudid few fresh installs since then19:19
bpromptmkou: then check your local hypnotist then =)19:20
mkoubut do you know what Im thinking19:20
bpromptmkou:  yes, yakuake does that, slide from the edges in and out19:21
mkouill try it19:21
mkoubut listen, if cat is printing a file's content, while grep is searching for a string through files19:22
mkouright, so cat file | grep string19:23
mkoushould be much better than just grep string19:23
leftyfbgrep string file19:23
mkouin terms of loading too much in the server19:23
leftyfbcat | grep spawns 2 processes19:23
leftyfbgrep is only 119:24
leftyfbcat | grep is pointless19:24
mkouI know, grep file string does what cat | grep string does,19:24
leftyfbexcept with twice the number of processes running19:24
mkoubut m19:24
mkoubut if you cat the file and grep from it, you are grepping one file19:25
leftyfbif you grep a file you are grepping one file19:26
mkouif you grep a directory, you are searching thought files and directories19:26
mkouso grep is heavier than cat + grep19:26
mkouI am not arguing , just trying to understand it19:26
leftyfbwhy would you compare cat | grep a file to grepping an entire directory structure recursively?19:27
leftyfbobviously cat file is only 1 file and grep -R will search all files19:27
leftyfbbut if you already know the file name, then just use grep on the file name19:28
leftyfbif you don't know the file name, then cat isn't going to work regardless19:28
leftyfbunless you find | xargs | cat every file and then grep, which would be more resource intensive than just recursive grep19:28
mkougrep <string> from while in any directory vs cat file | grep <string>  from the print19:29
leftyfbgrep <string> file19:29
leftyfbyou seem to want to compare apples and oranges here19:30
mkoumhm ok19:31
leftyfbobviously if you grep every file in a directory structure it's going to take more resources/time than cat file | grep <string>. But you seem to keep ignoring the fact that you know the filename and can just use grep <string> file19:31
mkouyep make sens now19:32
bprompt!ask | fox20:03
ubottufox: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:03
=== fox is now known as foxsnow
Tingo$ openssl s_client -connect IP:Port -tls1_2 -trace21:00
Tingohow can i know that which Level of Communcation was it ? or By Default which Level used?21:01
=== catties is now known as Catty
Tingoor it depends on RSA Key Size e.g 4096 ?21:02
Tingoof Server*21:02
TingoAnyOne ?21:05
akikTingo: try with curl: curl --tlsv1.2 --tls-max 1.2 -v https://www.google.com/ 2>&1 |less21:15
TingoThanks for reply, Curl will show that which SecLevel was used in between communications ?21:17
Tingoactually i am testing few things locally in between my own OpenSSL Server and Client..21:17
Tingo# openssl s_server -key www.key_no_pass -cert www.cert -accept 4433 -tls1_221:18
Tingo$ openssl s_client -connect IP:4433 -tls1_221:18
Tingoi want to traceout that which SecLevel (0-6) was used by default or normally in between Communcation..21:21
Tingo# openssl ciphers -s -v DEFAULT:@SECLEVEL=221:29
Tingo# openssl ciphers -s -v DEFAULT:@SECLEVEL=121:29
bpromptTingo: tried ##openssl yet?21:31
TingoNo one was replying their..21:31
bpromptTingo: there's also #openssl, yes they're different21:32
bpromptTingo: there's also a #libressl channel21:33
Tingoi try to find out myself : $ openssl s_client -connect IP:4433 -tls1_2 -trace21:33
Tingo$ openssl s_client -connect -tls1_2 -debug21:33
Tingohmm its in between 1 -2 (3-6) are too strict Ciphers..21:46
ZaYI install applications on ubun and I want to uninstall them21:51
Tingo$ sudo apt purge Application_Name21:54
Tingowhich kind of application is it ?21:54
ZaYi need to uninstall server and anop21:56
TingoWhich Type of Applications are those ?21:56
ZaYurealircd and anope21:58
ZaYE: Unable to locate package anope-2.0.1522:00
ZaYE: Couldn't find any package by glob 'anope-2.0.15'22:00
Tingohope so you have been compiled urealircd App ?22:02
Tingohmm.. its compiled/build based apps, so find out its Source code folder which was used for compiling it..22:04
Tingo$ cd /Path/to/Source/urealircd/22:05
Tingo$ sudo make uninstall all22:05
Tingo$ cd /Path/to/Source/anope/22:05
Tingo$ make uninstall all22:06
stennoTingo: stop22:06
Tingo$ sudo make uninstall all22:06
Tingoopss .. did i said wronge ?22:06
ZaYmake: *** No rule to make target 'uninstall'. Stop.22:07
Tingodo you know where did you installed unrealircd App ? i meant in which folder is it..?22:11
stennoTingo: for help with ircd, probably ask in #libera directly22:14
ZaYI want to uninstall all applications on ~/home/ubuntu22:14
oerheksIf one build it right, there is an Uninstall22:25
derek-shnoshUbuntu 23.10, Gnome 45.2, Kernel 6.5.0-25-generic... all of the sudden my USB-C connected display is not working. This is what I gleaned from journalctl: https://dpaste.com/BYM48EM4J23:03
oerheksderek-shnosh, does it get solved with pull and plug in again?23:04
derek-shnoshoerheks: no, it does not.23:04
oerhekshappens sometimes with my system too, dvi and hdmi.23:04
derek-shnoshAlso, my two other displays and NIC on my Dell dock are not working, but all USB devices connected to the dock are.23:05
oerheksoke, then i have no clue. found nothing usefull here in logs23:05
oerheksah, dock, important info.23:05
derek-shnoshHold on though.23:06
derek-shnoshOne display is direct connected to my USB-C, cable just goes from USB-C to HDMI (no dongle, full cable).23:06
derek-shnoshThe other two displays are on the dock (diff USB-C port).23:06
pragmaticenigmaderek-shnosh: Have you tried powering down everything, including the dock... then turning things back on again?23:09
derek-shnoshpragmaticenigma: Yes I have. Even left everything disconnected and unplugged for an hour while running errands.23:09
oerhekspragmaticenigma, for me it happens with cold boot too23:10
pragmaticenigmajust making sure the tried and true wasn't so tried and true23:11
derek-shnoshTypically I have to reseat the direct connected USB-C cable on boot, or power cycle the dock, to get the displays working... now they just won't.23:11
pragmaticenigmaderek-shnosh: what about process of elimination? or removing everything and then re-adding one at a time?23:12
derek-shnoshI have, yes. Disconnected Dell dock, disconnected USB-C <> HDMI cable.23:12
derek-shnoshThen reconnect just the single display USB-C <> HDMI.23:13
derek-shnoshSorry, its USB-C <> DP23:13
pragmaticenigmaI'm stumped... hopefully the machine standalone works okay23:16
derek-shnoshpragmaticenigma: it does... but, my productivity pixel real estate is severely diminished.23:20
derek-shnoshmissing out on 2x 2K displays and 1x 4K.23:20
derek-shnoshGoing to boot off live USB and see if it persists.23:22
derek-shnoshWell this is very frustrating.23:43
derek-shnoshpragmaticenigma & oerheks : Culprit was hardware somehow (Lenovo Slim 7 ProX)... With the laptop on, I held the power button down for like 30s to perform a "power drain". Then powered it backup and loaded BIOS defaults and let it boot. Displays are working again.23:56
derek-shnoshWas prompted by this thread: https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/Lenovo-Yoga-Series-Laptops/Lenovo-Slim-7-ProX-14ARH7-not-detecting-my-external-monitor/m-p/523387323:57
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14

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