
RicardusIm having trouble figuring out how to add virtual desktops with the latest LTS of ubuntu studio. I went up to the top bar and right clicked to add the widget for multipe desktops, and it didn't add it to the toolbar when I clicked. So I tried a couple more times. Now it has the number (5) on it and it will only go up, not down. It doesn't seem very intuitive.00:53
EickmeyerRicardus: You'll find that information by opening system settings and search for virtual desktops.02:18
RicardusEickmeyer: my issue is the part with the widgets, and getting that number to one, which is what I think I need there.02:26
RicardusI can add the desktops but then my widget field on top blows up with way too many of the virtual desktop widgets02:27
EickmeyerRicardus: I understand that. In the system settings, you can make them all vertical which would let you make the widget smaller.02:28
Ricardusits adding too many widgets. Because when I right clicked on the widget bad and opened this window, THIS happened.02:36
RicardusEickmeyer: https://imgur.com/a/bjPXmHG02:36
Ricardussee how the widget slector on the right has a 7 in it, it adds 7 widgets to the top bar. How do I get that number back to 1.02:36
EickmeyerRicardus: Remove the top bar, right-click on the desktop, and add "Ubuntu Studio Default Panel". It'll be the default panel. But adding the widget doesn't add more virtual desktops; that's added from system settings.02:43
RicardusEickmeyer: That did it. Thank you.03:39
semHey all! I took the plunge to install Ubuntu Studio again, this time 23.10 on a desktop instead of the laptop. I'm liking it so far!17:16
semOh no.. when do we have to start using matrix?17:17
OvenWerkssem: I don't know.17:48
OvenWerkssem: but yeah that seems to be the direction things are headed.17:48
OvenWerksThere do not seem to be any CLI versions of matrix client. There seems to be some wierd thing where a matrix client I installed but no longer use still sends me email at any new messages. can't figure out how to turn that off.17:51
OvenWerks23.10 has worked fine for me too. Normally I use LTS but this machine has HW that needed a newer kernel than 2204.17:52
semNice, I thought since we're so close to 24.04, 23.10 would be a better experience than 22.04 and so far everything I've tried has worked17:54
semMy main gripe with matrix is how many more features is has compared to irc17:54
semMore complexity, more lag, more failures 17:55
semOnly one client that really works17:55
EickmeyerOvenWerks, sem: Hopefully it'll be bridged, but bridging comes with its own challenges, that's why Matrix will be primary.19:11
EickmeyerOvenWerks: The email part is in the Matrix client you uninstalled, (probably Element) and needs to be turned off from there. I think I know what option you're talking about.19:11
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Here's a terminal/text-based client: https://github.com/tulir/gomuks19:11
Eickmeyersem: The lag is mostly due to matrix.org being overwhelmed, which is one reason why ubuntu has made its own server.19:12
semEickmeyer, thanks for the tips! I'm glad to hear that makes it less laggy19:12
EickmeyerAdditionally, as time has gone on, more clients have been better, but the Ubuntu Matrix Council has been recommending Element.19:13
Eickmeyersem: Yw. :)19:13

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