
arraybolt3...where on earth is the kubuntu-settings Git repo? Is there even one?00:00
arraybolt3I see an ancient Bazaar repo that looks abandoned00:00
RikMillsarraybolt3: it is in the usual place00:02
arraybolt3git-clone-all -s kubuntu-settings isn't finding it00:02
arraybolt3ah, because there is no _staging branch, got it00:02
arraybolt3when even lp's search wasn't finding it I was like "uh... whut"00:03
RikMillsyeah, clone the archive branch and make and push a staging branch from that00:04
arraybolt3will do00:04
RikMillsarraybolt3: also please give it version 24.04.4 in the changelog00:06
RikMillsi.e. not with a ubuntu suffix as seems to have been done recently00:07
RikMillsits not a debian package modified by ubuntu00:08
arraybolt3yep, I saw it and changed the scheme as requested00:30
arraybolt3and it's pushed to Git and to the archive and now I'm just waiting to do the final push to the _archive branch00:30
RikMillsarraybolt3: thanks :)01:16
BluesKajHi all13:13
mmikowskiGreat work Aaron. Eickmeyer did the bulk of this work for 22.04, and I know we tried to get it upstreamed and thought we had. It might have been just the spacing that only didn't make it. Erichs original work also made the theme available so it looked good across all resolutions.15:24
mmikowskiThat was a huge improvement for multiple screen setups, were it makes the prompt look very clean and professional.15:26
mmikowski^^available = scalable15:27
Eickmeyermmikowski: The installer prompt work is separate from the work we did in sddm, which did get upstreamed into the Ubuntu packaging, but never made it as far as upstream sddm since it's not known if it was a Qt bug or in sddm itself.15:28
arraybolt3Eickmeyer: He's talking about the LUKS unlock screen in Plymouth, not SDDM.16:32
arraybolt3The spacing was a bit off, fix wasn't in upstream, now it is.16:32
EickmeyerOh yeah, that. I could've sworn I got it in.16:32
arraybolt3whoa hey, looks like a bunch of stuff just moved through the pipeline (Qt-related)16:33
arraybolt3haha! 2 hours ago, Qt stuff started migrating to release! WOOT!16:34
EickmeyerAbout time!17:33
santa_good everyning everyone19:02
santa_RikMills, arraybolt3 if you have time to do some uploads to correct the applications situation in the archive[1], please give me a ping19:03
santa_[1] https://groomlake.tritemio.org/ka-iron-hand_reports/applications_archive/23.08.5_noble_retry_builds.pdf19:04
santa_I've just realized this afternnon we have risc five available for the PPAs \o/19:08
valorieamazing! the logjams seem to have been cleared and things are starting to Happen!19:09
arraybolt3santa_: should have time soon19:50
arraybolt3wow that graph is awesome19:51
mmikowskiEickmeyer: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-settings/+bug/1969984 <= Like it was yesterday :)19:52
-ubottu:#kubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 1969984 in kubuntu-settings (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Kubuntu Plymouth Theme Shows Badly on Multi-Screen" [High, Confirmed]19:52
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