=== pratham is now known as prathamVaidya [06:20] please can somebody ufw experienced help with https://pastebin.com/nrujTnRf ? === xcynth_ is now known as xcynth [09:07] Is there a recommended way of getting rid of snap/snapd on Kubuntu specifically? [09:07] Other guides talk of gnome software center being a part of the process, but I don't suppose that's a thing with Kubuntu [09:15] hello === fxosnow is now known as foxsnow [09:15] clear [09:37] :3 === kubuntu is now known as kubuntu_ === kubuntu_ is now known as kubuntu === kubuntu is now known as kubuntu_ === kubuntu_ is now known as kubuntu === kubuntu is now known as kubuntu_ [09:45] :3 === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [10:05] hiii [13:11] hi [13:13] Hi all [13:50] I found a script on GitHub: https://github.com/popey/unsnap He is pretty well known in the *buntu community. That said, I simply followed a different guide, just typing commands into the konsole. Really simple so long as you don't try to re-install packages that are hidden snaps. If you want to prevent that, there are a few extra steps to prevent snaps from coming back. [14:21] 5xky [14:21] 5zky === kubuntu-vm is now known as kubuntu-vm_ === kubuntu-vm_ is now known as kubuntu-vm__ === kubuntu-vm__ is now known as kubuntu-vm [14:48] I'm new to Kubuntu, and running xRDP to listen for RDP connections. I modified the .xsession file to include xfce4 as the default display, but now I want to switch back to the Plasma environment in RDP. Can anyone suggest what I can include in the .xsession file to do that? Thanks! [14:50] hi [17:08] 8LO7 [17:09] KCL9 [17:09] WD2F [17:20] Hello. Can you tell me how to switch to KDE Plasma Wayland from X11? [17:20] In the login window, after selecting Wayland and entering the user's password, the confirmation screen turns black and throws it back to the login window. === pick is now known as pickanick [17:23] Hello. Can you tell me how to switch to KDE Plasma Wayland from X11? [17:23] In the login window, after selecting Wayland and entering the user's password, the confirmation screen turns black and throws it back to the login window. [17:46] Hello, I have the following problem. I downloaded the kubunto installer but there is no optical drive on the new computer. Does it matter what software I use to make the USB bootable, or can I run it directly under windows? [18:09] I've used rufus when creating usb installers on windows, it seems to work well, even if it gave some grub version errors [18:15] Install Ventoy [18:15] Ventoy is better than rufus