=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life === d1r3ct0r is now known as calvinmwadime [12:58] Hi all [13:45] Hey there, I use Kubuntu 22.04 LTS and my Firefox Snap is at revision 3836 and updates automatically. My friend uses Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and his Firefox Snap is at revision 3936. When I asked about that, he said that Ubuntu updates better than Kubuntu. Is that true? Or is there some other reason why my Snap wouldn't be at the same number his is? [13:47] I was under the impression that the Firefox Snap is a direct connection between Mozilla and us and is a way to bypass the operating system's way of updating. === rkratky__ is now known as rkratky [16:28] hi [16:35] I'm using KUbuntu 24.04 on my laptop, and the battery/brightness/power profile widget is pretty much broken. [16:35] there are KDE bugs for it, but they're not gonna fix it because they rewrote that thing for plasma6 and they don't seem to support plasma5 anymore (which really sucks für a LTS kubuntu :-/) [16:36] in case anyone who is familiar with Qt and QML wants to look at the problems (they're probably all related), the bugreports are https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=481214 https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=475255 https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=471010 [16:36] -ubottu:#kubuntu- KDE bug 481214 in Powerdevil "Power/battery widget in tray doesn't show power profile/brightness properly" [Normal, Closed: Fixed] [16:36] -ubottu:#kubuntu- KDE bug 475255 in plasmashell "Selecting a power profile through the battery & Brightness applet doesn't work correctly; works using `powerprofilesctl`" [Normal, Reopened] [16:36] -ubottu:#kubuntu- KDE bug 471010 in plasmashell "Battery Monitor shows wrong remaining time" [Normal, Reopened] [16:39] (so far they only closed one of the bugs I've reopened, but I guess the other two are also fixed in plasma6, which obviously doesn't help us) [16:50] Hi, thunderbird 115 deb on Kubuntu 22.04 lts 64amd won't sync caldav oc calendars edited on thunderbird running on Ubuntu 23.10 arm (pi5). What could possibily be causing it? Etar on arm android syncs it! Both are running Thndebird Supernova 115.8.1 64bit deb. Is it a thunderbird thing or a Kubuntu thing? Is it a amd thing? Is it a LTS thing? [17:10] btw, the code for the powermanager applet is here: https://invent.kde.org/plasma/plasma-workspace/-/tree/v5.27.11/applets/batterymonitor?ref_type=tags === ad1m6 is now known as ad1m