
juliank#startmeeting Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team15:00
meetingologyMeeting started at 15:00:38 UTC.  The chair is juliank.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology15:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick15:00
juliank#topic Lightning rounds15:00
juliank#link https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/foundations-team-updates-thursday-2024-03-14/15:00
bdmurrayenr0n: is there somebody specific you want to review the polkit-1 change?15:05
enr0nbdmurray: yes, I requested seb on the MP15:05
bdmurrayI'd like to see a photo of "bug grooming"15:07
vorlonadrien: what specifically does openssl need to support wrt LTO?15:08
upilsbdmurray, would "backlog grooming" be more appropriate?15:09
bdmurrayIDK I just thought it'd be funny to groom a flea  / ant.15:10
vorlondo you have nits15:10
adrienoh, DST, that's why, and I'll be not so available :/15:11
adrienbut let me find that15:11
schopinvorlon: I think adrien meant something related to https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues/1866315:11
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Issue 18663 in openssl/openssl "-Werror=free-nonheap-object warnings with GCC LTO" [Open]15:11
adrienthere are several issues, and at least a recent one with clang and ppc64el15:12
adrienit all revolves around aliasing15:12
adrienmoreover I'm not sure it brings much performance for openssl15:12
schopinAnd it surely murder the build time :)15:12
ginggsbdrung: do you plan to sync libapache2-mod-python ?15:13
julianklet's move on15:13
juliank#topic Release incoming bugs15:13
bdmurrayvorlon: Do you have experience w/ umockdev and the fake devices script in ubuntu-drivers-common?15:13
vorlonschopin: "glibc now treating C.UTF-8 the same way it does C" hmm in what way?  I did have a build failure I was debugging recently that was locale-sensitive15:13
vorlon(though I've forgotten which)15:14
vorlonbdmurray: sorry, I don't15:14
bdrungginggs, yes. thanks for the reminder15:14
juliank#link http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-nn-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs15:14
juliankbug 205471615:14
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 2054716 in systemd (Ubuntu) "package polkitd 124-1 failed to install/upgrade: installed polkitd package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1" [High, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/205471615:14
schopinvorlon: AIUI it won't even look up translations if the locale is C15:14
bdmurraythat's well in hand15:14
vorlonschopin: ah - that actually sounds related to the bug I saw15:15
vorlongood to know15:15
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juliankenr0n: Should we just untag the bug or do you want it in jira?15:15
enr0njuliank: let's just untag it15:16
juliankbug 205656215:16
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 2056562 in shim-signed (Ubuntu) "shim-signed 1.57+15.8-0ubuntu1 upgrade failing due to grub-common/2.12-1ubuntu3 still being present during installation" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/205656215:16
juliankI think we can actually just respin noble's shim-signed with Breaks: grub-common (= 2.12-1ubuntu3) for the few people affected by this15:17
juliankIt's an ... unconventional use of Breaks, but it avoids order entanglement at upgrade15:17
juliankand that's it for incoming bugs nothing to see in other releases15:19
juliank#topic Team proposed-migration report15:19
juliank#link https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs15:19
vorlondoes the page load today? let's see15:20
juliankI find the issue with my proposed-migration is the runners are full so I don't have the results from last weeks items yet15:20
vorlon450 packages needing attention15:20
vorlonlibselinux was mentioned in somebody's status report I think?15:20
schopinadrien but he's AFK right now because DST15:21
vorlonso I'll leave libselinux with adrien15:21
vorlonwaveform: you're still working on python-ldap?15:21
vorlonis hyask not here?15:22
vorlonah Skia15:22
schopinSkia: ^15:22
vorlonSkia: you're ok to follow through on libbsd vs gvmd?15:22
vorlonpython-apt vs apt: juliank15:23
juliankI'm doing all the apt ones15:23
vorlona lot of armhf autopkgtest failures there that need retried with --all-proposed, for sure15:24
Skiavorlon: yes, it's just been a moving target all the week, but I do plan on continuing to follow this15:24
vorlonmkukri: are you still on dnspython vs samba?15:24
juliankI'm kind trying to build the recursive list of dependencies and add them as triggers to avoid even more failures from all-proposed15:24
vorlonI had curl vs nettle assigned last week; this week it looks like curl vs libpsl.  anyway this is all tied into the time_t transition, and I'll follow up15:25
vorlonand on libpsl generally15:26
vorlonjuliank: does 'all the apt ones' include apt blocking xz-utils on armhf?15:26
vorlonlibtirpc: still with liushuyu ?15:27
juliankwell, everything blocking apt 2.7.12->2.17.3ubuntu115:27
upilsthat seems related yes. I am waiting for a restest to confirm15:27
vorlonupils: sorry, which is that in response to?15:27
juliankapt blocking xz-utils is what upils retried earlier15:27
vorlonah yes15:27
juliankAny apt/2.7.12 result needs retrying with apt/2.7.13 trigger15:28
vorlonbear in mind that for any autopkgtest failures on armhf specifically, they should be retested with --all-proposed because 99% are going to require this due to time_t15:28
juliankbecause apt builds test helpers at test time with now t64 that fail to link against the old t32 library from 2.7.1215:28
vorlonand if that still fails you should check that the package has been rebuilt in -proposed for the new library package name, and if not, arrange no-change rebuilds15:28
vorlonlibuv1 is still with mwhudson15:29
vorlonfreetype didn't get assigned last week - bdrung can you take it?15:29
vorlonoptipng - bdmurray ?15:29
vorlonlibgd2 - cpete__ ?15:30
vorlonis cpete an internal gcc macro15:30
vorloncasper vs plymouth: dbungert15:30
bdmurrayTim would like one too15:30
dbungertack for casper vs plymouth15:31
vorlonslang2: Tim15:31
vorlonnfs-utils vs adsys: danilogondolfo15:31
vorlonpyopenssl: ginggs15:31
danilogondolfovorlon, ack15:31
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vorlonsoftware-properties vs dconf: ooh it's not a time_t one.  xypron15:32
vorlonxypron: actually there are 3 separate autopkgtest failures on arm64 in response to dconf: software-properties, update-manager, update-notifier.  So probably a dconf regression, can you look at all of these please?15:33
vorlon(dconf itself is not ours, so it's ok if the investigation results in turning it over to the Desktop Team to fix)15:33
vorlonlibvpx: slyon15:33
vorloninitramfs-tools vs netplan.io on armhf: mateus-morais15:33
vorlonlibgtk3-perl: enr0n15:34
enr0nvorlon: ack15:34
vorlonsoftware-properties vs gtk+3.0: ogayot15:34
bdrungvorlon, I am taking initramfs-tools vs netplan.io - this needs just some handholding15:34
ogayotvorlon: ack15:34
vorlonubuntu-release-upgrader vs gtk+2.0: mateus-morais since bdrung is stealing15:35
mateus-moraisvorlon: ok15:35
bdrung(i want to check that the initramfs-tools tests became stable again)15:35
vorlonmateus-morais: please also take update-manager, update-notifier, and vim blocking gtk+3.0 - these are probably all just autopkgtest retries15:35
vorlonfwupd vs libmbim: pushkarnk15:35
vorlonpushkarnk: fwupd is also blocking libqmi and modemmanager, so please check on these too, probably same root cause15:36
pushkarnkvorlon: ok15:36
vorlonpango1.0 vs harfbuzz: schopin15:36
vorlonschopin: hmmm raqm and pango1.0 both fail on harfbuzz/arm64, please look at both15:36
vorloncryptsetup vs jq: zhsj15:37
vorlonand we'll stop there15:37
vorlonanyone who runs out of things to do this week on proposed-migration, there's plenty more ;)15:37
vorlonjuliank: back to you15:37
juliank#topic AOB15:40
juliankany other business?15:40
juliankany other busyness? :D15:40
vorlonbusy busy15:40
juliankI still need to take half a day this month!15:41
schopin29th afternoon?15:41
juliankProbably like next Wednesday afternoon?15:41
bdrungI am taking my remaining days at the end of the month15:41
juliankRather ad-hoc when it's sunny and nobody wants to meet15:41
enr0nI will be out most of next week. Starting Tuesday afternoon, and will be back the following Monday15:42
bdmurrayI'll be working in a different location most of next week15:43
schopinbdmurray: will your working hours change?15:44
bdmurraySame time zone15:44
meetingologyMeeting ended at 15:47:09 UTC.  Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2024/ubuntu-meeting.2024-03-14-15.00.moin.txt15:47
adrienvorlon: libselinux is waiting on umockdev tests from 3 days ago16:09
adrien(I joined here on my phone a bit later than I had wanted because I had used irc.freenode.net out of habit...)16:10

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