[09:59] cjwatson, do you know where we get the 'Critical bugs: <98' in this channel's header from and what its significance is? [10:06] guruprasad: Presumably from https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bugs?field.importance%3Alist=CRITICAL, and I imagine the significance is just that number ought to be as low as possible :-) === gurupras- is now known as guruprasad [13:22] cjwatson, thanks for the explanation. The current count is 68. Is the mentioned number, 98, a magic number with any significance? If not, I would like to decrease it as we resolve more critical bugs. And also, 'firefighting' something similar to support rotation? [13:30] guruprasad: no particular significance [13:30] guruprasad: "firefighting" is a placeholder for when there's a production incident [14:15] cjwatson, ah okay. I don't remember seeing the firefighting thing updated even when we had production incidents. Maybe it did happen and I missed it. :)