[00:24] dbungert: heh ... I thought this would be easier. Where does the hostname from the identity section get written to? [00:28] MTecknology: that gets funneled through cloud-init and set on first boot. I do think it would be useful to be able to prompt separately for the hostname, but not something with an easy answer today without also showing the rest of Identity. [00:28] I see the defaults I provided in /target/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-installer.cfg, but I don't see the hostname that was provided to the interactive section [00:30] The defaults I provided aren't even valid, and it didn't seem to understand that a password was provided [00:31] dbungert: I'm trying to figure out how to apply the hostname via late-commands, since I won't have cloud-init on the first boot. All that I need for that is to be able to /get/ the hostname ... but I can't find the user-provided value [00:32] MTecknology: I'll simulate that case and get back to you [00:33] MTecknology: what iso are you using? [00:33] This is the minimal version of what I'm trying to accomplish - https://0x0.st/HFeb.txt [00:34] 20.04.6 server [00:41] MTecknology: looks like my above claim is incorrect, the hostname should be written direct to /target/etc/hostname [00:41] oh.. I ended up with an empty file [00:42] It's like it used what I provided via autoinstall as the actual values rather than defaults [00:44] (but it /did/ prompt and allow me to change what was provided) [00:50] MTecknology: yea, twice in a row with the amd64 20.04.6 ISO and identity interactive I can see it set the hostname in the way you want. by chance is there anything else in late-commands that might be affecting this? not sure otherwise [00:51] oh ... yeah [00:51] my awk command would do that [00:52] heh, I was thinking of that as pseudocode ;) [01:07] dbungert: Yup, you're absolutely correct. It magically does the right thing once marked interactive and the awk command is what broke it. [01:11] dbungert: Is there any way to avoid the reboot prompt and/or disk wipe confirmation? That behavior changes once the section is marked interactive. [01:14] (and the reboot prompt [01:14] ) [01:31] oh ... it looks like the domain needs to be passed via cloud-init params too [02:30] dbungert: So ... "preserve_sources_list" appears to be an option that exists, but I don't see it documnted, and it makes me wonder if that's what created sources.list.curtin.old === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [03:07] patdk-lap: Apparently it's not /just/ order. I can't remove core20 from within the installer [03:32] curtin in-target -- snap remove --purge lxd succeeds, but trying to remove core20 afterward fails from within the installer, but running the same snap command (removal order) after a reboot is fine. [05:41] setting the domain is proving to be a lot more frustrating than I expected. I assumed I could just pass it as a boot argument or provide it with the hostname, but nope ... neither. [05:42] dbungert: Lots of examples show cloud-init using an fqdn for the hostname; is this a bug in autoinstall? === esembee_ is now known as esembee === JanC_ is now known as JanC === kenoba8 is now known as kenoba === kostkon_ is now known as kostkon === Poster` is now known as Poster [14:16] MTecknology: bug in autoinstall> more no than yes, early boot network and fetching nocloud data happens without autoinstall being involved. might be worth a release note though. [14:18] dbungert: I meant specifically the fqdn seems like an autoinstall bug. [14:18] oh, the hostname value in identity? [14:19] Yeah, it was complaining about me trying to add a domain to that field, but I see no other place where it could be provided. [14:20] I guess as a search value for dns, but that's not the primary interest. [14:21] AIUI that really should be hostname and not fqdn going to /etc/hosts, so that sounds like a doc bug if examples show otherwise [14:22] oh ... but if the fqdn were handed to cloud-init for the firstboot, it would "do the right thing" [14:22] er.. was that /etc/hosts or /etc/hostname? Shouldn't both be in hosts? [14:22] (no domain first) [14:25] I guess I should go look at cloud-init source and try to figure out what it actually does when an fqdn is provided. Maybe it just breaks that apart into search domain anyway?? [14:25] both hosts and hostname are written to /target/etc by Subiquity and `man hostname` leads me to believe the fqdn version should not be going to /etc/hostname [14:40] There should be a distinction between fqdn and hostname, and it seems like the ubuntu installer doesn't support that [14:40] I /should/ be able to install a system that winds up with "hostname -f" presenting the fqdn, but I don't see any way do do that other than run a hostnamectl command at the end of installation [14:42] I don't think subiquity should be writing that value directly to a file ... [14:43] fwiw, hostnamectl seems to "do the right thing" when I hand it the fqdn; it only writes the hostname portion to /etc/hostname. [15:45] I'm starting to see this behavior more and more often, where *anything* I do involving disk is absurdly slow/laggy and it doesn't recovery until I restart the computer. It's still "usable," but also very painful. It's almost like swap didn't turn back on and I'm exclusively using swap space. [15:46] It's completely fine after a restart and only starts to show up after resuming from sleep. [21:49] *sigh* @ "ValueError RSA key format is not supported" [21:59] Apparently I'm running into this old issue -> https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/40889#issuecomment-297590224 [21:59] -ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Issue 40889 in saltstack/salt "salt-master 2016.11.4 crashes on CentOS 7 with error 'RSA key format is not supported'" [Closed] [22:18] I'm using virtualenv with py3.8 ... I shouldn't be seeing these weird legacy problems. :/