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Guest11Hi how do i get a list of chatrooms to join?07:20
toddc!alias | Guest45307:26
toddcwrong looking07:27
ravagei think its !alis 🙂07:28
Unit193Or, you could actually just talk to the user.  But he's gone.07:28
Guest453with the 'mktemp' program are the temporary dirrects semi permanent or on reboot they are lost?07:43
jakubbyHey amd calls for `linux-modules-extra-$(uname -r)` to use RoCM. Is there anyway to always install the extra-modules for the most current kernel? Like is the case with kernel headers?09:03
jakubbyI don't want things to break just because of some lacking module interdependency09:03
jakubbylinux-modules-extra-generic doesn't exist and quick inspection with tabulator shows that only linux-modules-extra-<version>-generic exists09:04
jakubbyubuntu 22.0409:04
=== Juesto is now known as Juest
ravageif you use the generic kernel which is the default then thats the package you need09:05
ogra_just make sure to install linux-generic ... thats the metapackage that pulls in everything (i.e. the linux-image-generic package ... which in turn depends on linux-modules-extra-$VERSION-generic)09:07
jakubbyI see had no idea it works like that, thanks09:07
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BluesKajHi all12:01
hwpplayer1hi BluesKaj12:03
hwpplayer1whats up ? BluesKaj12:04
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meeloi can't find my wifi device on ubuntu16:41
ioriameelo, lshw -C network16:45
meeloi only have ethernet16:45
ioriameelo, lspci | grep -i net16:46
tkrahHi, I may be wrong here so please delegate me if you think so. I've got a box which from time to time has a load of 100 to 1000+ where the nfs client seems to have a problem. I tried to use perf and found this:18:41
tkrah67.09%  [kernel]                    [k] nfs_mark_test_expired_all_delegations18:41
tkrah11.44%  [kernel]                    [k] nfs_server_reap_expired_delegations18:41
tkrahand there is a process which takes much cpu time:18:41
tkrah1055862 root      20   0       0      0      0 R  60.6   0.0   1:06.50
tkrahBut here I am lost what may cause that - stays like that for minutes and hours. Box itself is responding to ssh and all stuff which does not touch nfs stuff.18:41
tkrahWhere may I find support, ideas to tackle that problem?18:41
plastikmantkrah: that is what happens with stale nfs mounts18:53
plastikmanwhen an NFS mount goes stale it will drag the system to its knees.  make sure that you are using NFSv4.1 and ensure that you dont have any odd network behaviours.18:55
plastikmanNFS is awesome until its not.18:55
tkrahNFS 4.2 is used, network looks good so far - at least nothing obvious which is wrong. How to track if the nfs mount got stale? Anything I can do to prevent that and what to do if it happens to "revive" the system?18:57
plastikmanRevive may be able to lazy unmount and remount.  Are you set to hard or soft in your mount command?18:58
tkrahit is set to hard18:59
plastikmanhttps://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2176575 maybe related.  I know this is not ubuntu BZ but seems related18:59
-ubottu:#ubuntu- bugzilla.redhat.com bug 2176575 in Fedora "intermittent severe NFS client performance drop via nfs_server_reap_expired_delegations looping?" [Unspecified, Closed: Currentrelease]18:59
tkrahyeah sounds similar to my problem19:03
plastikmanYou can also try to set to soft.  see if that makes any difference.  If its related to that NFS issue on the RH BZ then it look slike it was addressed in lunar patches19:04
plastikmanand if its jammy its here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/203922719:06
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2039227 in linux (Ubuntu Jammy) "Jammy update: v5.15.129 upstream stable release" [Medium, Fix Released]19:06
plastikmanBUT i dont know for sure.19:07
tkrahthanks for your suggestions19:09
tkrahI'll try those19:09
moonfmdesireI am trying to connect to a hosting provider with filezilla. I keep getting the error message that I need to use SFTP, not ftp. I thought I changed the setting to sftp on filezilla, but get the same error message. How do I make sure it is sftp?22:20
oerheksEnter the Port number. For SFTP, this is 22.22:23
oerheksor the port your hosting gives..22:24
Tingomoonfmdesire: SFTP Run on SSH Port 22.. if you have enable SSH Access then it will connect..22:24
moonfmdesireTingo, This cannot be done via filezilla client?22:25
TingoNop, You should have Service Enabled on Server Side..22:26
TingoAre you trying to connect remotly to your Web Hosting or VPS ?22:26
=== neon is now known as Guest2602
moonfmdesireTingo, I am trying to upload files from my computer to a hosting provider22:30
Tingoyea, Mostly Hosting Don't Already Enabled SSH Access so have to first Enable it and the Customized Port Which Hosting Provide you for Connecting..22:32
TingoIf you have CPanel Logins then use its FileManager for Uploading/Downloading Files.. ?22:33
moonfmdesireThat's stupid. What is hosting for?22:33
moonfmdesireWe sell you hosting but deny you the ability to upload files.22:33
oerhekssure your hoster gives a help page howto connect, maybe even give you a sshkey22:34
moonfmdesireI should cancel these bastards22:34
TingoWeb-Hosting Service is for Uploading/Downloading your Web Pages.. but with Restriction to use CPanel for it..22:34
moonfmdesireThere is no cpanel22:35
TingoOk.. then check their HowTo for SSH Access..22:35
moonfmdesireSpend hours to do something that should take a minute22:35
oerheksbasicly setting port 22 should do, on the panel.22:35
TingoWhich Hosting is it ? Every Web-Hosting Provider gives Control Panel for doing Tasks..22:36
moonfmdesireTingo, I have 'SFTP account management' with host username password and port22:37
moonfmdesireSo I have to sent these people an email, asking them to please let me upload files?22:38
TingoOk, Then open Filezilla and Use those Credentials for Login..22:38
moonfmdesireTingo, I did and it keeps denying me22:38
TingoDuring adding Login Info .. which Protocol did you selected on Filezilla ? SFTP ? and in HOST box.. verify Host Address..22:40
Tingoand Port..22:41
moonfmdesireTingo, SFTP, to the far left, below file is the option where I select the protocol22:41
=== neon is now known as Guest7941
oerhekswhat hosting provider is this? sure we can find the helppage22:47
bray90820How would I run a smart test to see if my HDD is going bad23:43
bray90820At least I think I wznt a smart test23:43

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