
QuarkCan anyone spot the problem on this user-data file that is not writing the files as configured? https://dpaste.com/9A9UW3ZAZ17:35
QuarkThe "write_files" is being ignored completed, and I can't, for the best of me, figure out why.17:42
esvtry adding "defer: true"17:58
Quarkesv: OK, let me try that.18:00
esvis there a write_files in autoinstall? 18:01
QuarkRight after adding the "defer: true" I though of that. Look it up, and it seems there isn't. How can I accomplish that?18:03
minimalput it in the user-data?18:04
esvwell, autoinstall is passed as user-data to the new instance, can't you pass it in the meta-data 18:04
QuarkWith the same file? Like another key?18:05
esvtry the same. :)18:05
esvworst case, it fails XD18:05
minimal"user-data" is a section of an autoinstall file which contains cloud-init cloud-config to be run on 1st boot of newly installed machine, right?18:05
QuarkOK, trying it once more. Thanks everyone!18:07
QuarkGreat success! Thank you everyone!18:19

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