
bochechahi everyone, it's me again, the Fedora dev who keeps running into weird issues with Ubuntu ^_^12:45
bochechathis time it's with Ubuntu LTS which has a way too old version of meson, I don't suppose that version could ever be updated, right? :-/12:46
bochechaFYI, this is the exact error: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/cangjie/ibus-cangjie/-/jobs/5638032012:47
bochechathe install_symlink function was added in meson 0.61.0n and Ubuntu LTS has 0.61.2, which might have an issue with install_symlink :(12:47
bochechaactual error is this: ERROR: Tried to install symlink to missing file /usr/local/share/applications/org.freedesktop.cangjie.ibus.cangjie-setup.desktop12:51
bochechaI should note that with a more recent version of meson the problem doesn't happen, but I don't know which version fixed this issue :-/12:54
jbichabochecha: we can't just upgrade meson to a newer version in stable Ubuntu releases. A targeted fix might be accepted13:55
bochechayeah, I understand, I'll try to figure out what the fix has been in the more recent versions, but that's going to be hard :'(13:56
jbichabochecha: we're going to release a new Ubuntu LTS soon 😉13:59
bochechawhen will "soon" be? :-/13:59
bochechaand what version of meson will it have?14:00
jbichaought to be end of next month https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/noble-numbat-release-schedule/35649 with meson 1.3.214:01
bochechaoh, nice14:02
bochechaI'm still interested in getting the current LTS working though, as people might not upgrade right away once it's out, but now I have a way to get it to work, thank you :D14:03
jbichabochecha: could you update your Ubuntu images? I'd expect latest to be 23.10 "mantic" (instead of lunar) and devel to be 24.04 LTS "noble" (instead of mantic)14:04
bochechaI'm using whatever gitlab CI has access to :shrug:14:05
bochecha(arf, no emojis in IRC)14:05
bochechaI take them from registry.freedesktop.org/cangjie/pycangjie14:06
bochechaso LTS is jammy :-/14:07
jbichabochecha: could you ask them to update their containers?14:10
bochechaI'll try :shrug:14:11
bochechajbicha, actually, I think I can do it myself... but this is using Buildah/Quay and I don't actually know how they work or how to do that xD16:19
bochechaI'm asking my expert :P16:19
bochechaso, it seems whenever I push a new commit on https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/cangjie/build-essential then the CI is ran and that updates the container images16:52
bochechawhich means I need to eagerly wait for the next LTS release to drop, and push a new commit after :)16:53
bochechathank you jbicha16:53

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