
=== bastif_ is now known as bastif
bastifginggs: could you please sponsor #2056080  (like you did for #2055635)?08:47
bastifit's another fix in the google-android-installers packaging.08:47
=== sem2peie- is now known as sem2peie
=== sem2peie- is now known as sem2peie
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
bochechahu jbicha, how are you today? :)16:16
bochechaabout our discussion from yesterday, a meson core dev just tols me that the bug I encountered with the ancient meson in jammy was fixed in 0.61.5, seems it was even in this change: https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/pull/1017616:18
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Pull 10176 in mesonbuild/meson "install_symlink: Handle $DESTDIR case for links with absolute path" [Merged]16:18
bochechaso mergin that in jammy would be great, although I'm not sure there's much point if you say the next LTS should arrive next month :shrug:16:19
bochechaseems meson has a concerpt of their own LTS releases as well, so in general it would be great if Ubuntu LTS would follow that stream and keep meson up to date along :)16:20
=== tpiekarski1 is now known as tpiekarski
jbichabochecha: is there any documentation for meson LTS? I can't find anything about that17:14
bochechalet me ask :)17:16
jbichaI would assume that Ubuntu would not update meson though, it's too low-level used by too many things and would be a headache to try to test17:17
bochechajbicha, I was given this when I asked for documentation: https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/commit/3a9b285a55b91b53b2acda987192274352ecb5be17:23
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Commit 3a9b285 in mesonbuild/meson "Bump versions to 0.61.5 for LTS release"17:24
jbichaindividual fixes would be case-by-case. Your desired fix might be ok if it's believed to not regress other builds17:24
bochechayeah, no problem anyway if you can't update if it's too late in the cycle ;)17:24
bochechaand there's this as well: https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/milestone/8017:25
jbichathat reminds me of a locked filing cabinet. Presumably it's intentional that it was only for 0.61 which is what Ubuntu 22.04 LTS included17:26
jbichaThe Debian maintainer is also the upstream maintainer & a former Canonical employee so they would know how to reach Ubuntu developers if they wanted17:27
bochechaanyway, I asked for a page docuenting what can or can't go in an LTS branch as that would be nicer :shrug:17:27
bochechayeah, jpakkane right?17:28
bochechaanyway, I gotta go now, sorry :(17:28
bochechahave a good evening :)17:28
arraybolt3juliank: not sure if you're around, but how come doing an sbuild of grub2 doesn't produce grub-efi-amd64-bin packages? I get why the -signed package wouldn't be produced, but I'm not sure why only the BIOS build is made.18:36
arraybolt3ah, I see, I have to generate a grub2-unsigned source package somehow.18:45

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